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Do you have a digital front door to a tiny room of your healthcare system. Today we discuss four good bets for where the money will be going in 2023.


Today in health it, where will the smart healthcare dollars go in 2023? My name is bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week health instead of channels, dedicated to keeping health it staff current and engaged webinars today. Thursday one o'clock Eastern time priorities. We're going to be talking to three CEO's.

And we are going to explore the macro. , economic environment that they are living in. , and the trends that are impacting them in terms of setting priorities. And we're also going to talk about what those priorities are for 2023. , to sign up, hit our homepage at this week, health. Dot com. Alright, ,

A couple of other things. , this, this year we've partnered with Alex's lemonade stand. You're going to hear more about that as the year goes on. , and we are going to be doing drives throughout the year and, , raising money. We have a goal of raising $50,000 for Alex's lemonade stand, which.

Supports children with cancer and cancer research and you name it. It's a really inspirational story. I just interviewed. Alex's mom today. And we're going to be airing parts of that throughout the year. , for you, , it's our fifth anniversary and we thought we'd give back and it made a lot of sense. So that's what we're doing.

, if you're wondering why to mention sponsors, because we are still sorting that out, , who the today's sponsors are, but if your company is interested in sponsoring. , today in health, it. , feel free to reach out. You can just hit our partners page this week. Sponsors, I think is the name of the page. It should be partners, but it's sponsors all right today. , I love this story and someone shared it with me. And so I'm going to share it with you. This is where will smart healthcare dollars go in 2023. Owen Tripp wrote this.

And, , Let's see, where am I going to start here? I'll start up here. I like the four things he points out, but I'll start, , at the beginning. I mean program in Ohio and Illinois promises to erase medical debt. I'm with the health policy professor, who sounds, who says it sounds good, but we need to get the cost of medicine under control. Ultimately.

Sooner would be better, you know, it's, it's one thing to keep funding it. I, and I love that opening paragraph. It's one thing to keep funding it. It's another thing to get the cost under control. , the cost of healthcare matters to us, all patients, clinicians, employers, providers, healthcare, investment decisions, which affect costs, not just ultimately, but in the much near term matters as well. Going into 2023 belt-tightening could be bad and good for healthcare. And quite frankly, I don't think the cost of healthcare is going down even though.

We have belt-tightening going on across the board. , and so anyway, I'm commenting as I'm reading. So I apologize for that. I usually comment at the end. , there's less money, but more thoughtfulness about where it goes. All kinds of companies are now finding ways to enable connected, comprehensive care expert guidance and 24 7 access. So there you go.

, so where will smart healthcare dollars go in 2023? He says four places. I love this. , this is really well thought out. I appreciate what, what Owen put together here. , number one digital front doors that actually lead somewhere. I love that concept. Digital front doors. That actually leads somewhere.

, you know, it's, , he goes on to say too many digital front doors lead to tiny healthcare houses. There's a thrill of immediate service once you're in, but then that familiar frustration, no real connection to, or understanding of a patient's benefits, let alone their health history, unique needs or preferences. Convenience without connectivity is a short-term play. It's when the front door leads to a foyer featuring inbuilt benefits.

That things get interesting and valuable. And I think this leads to the, , the last one that he has in here. But, , I will give you a little teaser here. We have to start integrating more and more aspects of the system. And from a technology perspective, , essentially revealing those through the digital front door. So people have more access to more things and it needs to be designed in a way that benefits them.

Not only it will benefit us in the longterm that the healthcare providers in the longterm, but it needs to benefit them as well. They need to think about it. We are on health journeys. We're not on healthcare journey. Some of us are in healthcare journeys. , obviously if you're battling a chronic disease or, or, , something that's with you.

, ongoing. , you're gonna, you're gonna have healthcare needs at all times. Most of us, most Americans do not have healthcare needs. Full-time but we have health journeys that are going on all the time. , and so I would like to see those digital front doors integrate the entire experience health and healthcare.

And not only offer the convenience that's looking forward, , but also offer value to helping us in our journey. All right. So that's number one. Again, I love that that terminology, , digital front doors that actually lead somewhere. Number two, virtual first healthcare. And he starts very provocatively.

Telemedicine is as dead as the payphone, even on demand. Doctors have been outstripped by an offering that goes beyond convenience. Virtual first care is the new and improved thing. Outfitting a patient with a known informed doctor alongside a care team, staffed by experts representing the full spectrum of services.

Virtual is no longer an add-on or an afterthought. It's a vital part of the care experience for everyone old and young, rural, and urban, sick, and healthy. And so. A wise draw $4. So virtual first healthcare, I agree with that by the way. , a hundred percent. It's not, it's not that thing that's sort of gets bolted onto something else.

It's thought through from beginning to end. How do I, how do I get in touch with somebody? , two. As advance the situation that I'm currently in be that health or healthcare. I keep going back to that theme. , culture competence. This one's not as self-explanatory. So I'll read it. High quality health access is finally meeting a combination of distribution expertise and trust.

Okay. High quality health access is finally meeting a combination of distribution. Expertise and trust. The key is treating people in context in their community with culturally and socially coord can coordinate care. Thanks to medical professionals who understand underserved populations. And including, and he goes on to list some of the underserved.

, populations, inventive healthcare companies are creating care spaces, plans, benefits, and experiences for all types of people in communities where they go, the dollars and employers will follow. All right. So culturally relevant care in context. Awesome. And then finally integration as the innovation.

There's a lot of talk about how innovation is finally reaching healthcare as we head into 2023, but look at the three trends above. And one thing is clear in genius. Individual solutions are not the way forward. Integration is the innovation that counts now connecting patient care to benefits, knowledge, combining the ability to respond to acute and chronic needs taking care of administrative and clinical concerns, delivering both virtually and in person.

On what's needed by patients. That's worth a lot. Truth is the dollars. We'll see, invested in healthcare in 2023, we'll go everywhere. And the healthcare companies that win now won't necessarily be incumbents. Though they could be, the winners will be those who do two things, figure out how to meet the patient.

When and where they want. And need to be met. At home, online, wherever and connect them to the best possible personalized care experience. Period. I'm not sure I could say it any better than myself. What's the, so what on this? The, so what on this is, , these are very good observations, digital front doors, and actually lead somewhere virtual first healthcare instead of bolted on, ,

The telemedicine telemedicine is as dead. As the I'm sorry. Yeah, telemedicine is as dead as the payphone. , culturally relevant in context care. , is becoming much more important. And personalized care if you will. And then integration integration as the innovation. , great concepts loved the opportunity to share them with you.

And, , that's all for today. I don't really have much to add that when people write really insightful things. I just want to share it with you. So that's all for today. If, you know, if someone that might benefit from our channel, do me a favor. Let them know, write them a note, send them an email right now. Tell them they can subscribe on this week.

Or wherever they listen to podcasts, we're going to be putting these out on this channel. You're going to have a show every day. It's going to be about. 10 minutes unless I get long-winded and there'll be about 12 minutes. Sometimes they're seven minutes. , but, , hopefully it'll be something that you can talk about. You can disagree with me on, you can hit social media and tell me what, what I got. Right. What I got wrong.

, we want to thank our sponsors who make this possible check out our website this week. Dot com. We have a, , 1820. We have 20 of our sponsors listed there. Some are still coming in. , we're still getting contracts signed. We, , we bring on sponsors on January 1st, so we're still sorting through that.

, but great group of sponsors love for you to take a look at those. We do vet them very carefully. We actually interview. , our sponsors in interview their clients, , to make sure that there's someone that we want to represent to you in the 📍 industry. So, Hey, check it out this week Thanks for listening. That's all for now.

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