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The Healthcare CIO Look Back / Look Forward series with Gina Ragans, Chief Information Officer (CIO) at HCA North Florida Division IT&S


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 Welcome to this Week in Health IT events where we amplify great ideas with interviews from the floor. My name is Bill Russell Healthcare, CIO, coach and creator of this week in Health. It a set of podcasts and videos dedicated to developing the next generation of health leaders. We wanna thank our founding channel sponsors who make this content possible, health Lyrics and VMware if you wanna be a part of our mission to develop health leaders.

Go to this week, for more information. This episode is sponsored by Health Lyrics. When I became ACIO, I was really overwhelmed at first, and one of the first things I did was to sign ACIO Coach . To walk with me through the journey. This was someone who had wisdom that can only gained through years of experience.

d them to take a look back at:

Uh, you're gonna hear, um, what they're excited to have accomplished last year and what they're looking forward to accomplish next year. I asked each of them the same eight questions, and I think you're gonna be fascinated to hear the similarities and the differences based on where they're at, geography and other things.

Each of these interviews is about 10 minutes long, so you can listen to 'em really quick, and some of you listen at one and a half times speed, so it's gonna go like that. Uh, we're gonna publish one a day, uh, with a few Newsday episodes sprinkled in through the end of November. So check back every day for the next episode, and don't forget to look back to see if you missed any.

Our next conversation is with Gina Reagans. Uh, Gina is the Chief Information Officer for HCA in the North Florida division. Gives you an idea of how big they are. Uh, we had a, a really good conversation. I hope you enjoy. So, Gina Reagans joining us at, uh, chime 19, uh, fall forum. I guess I don't need to announce that since there's a, a big thing behind me.

look forward. So look back at:

First one is, um, just in the last year, how has the role of the CIO changed? Maybe not over the last five years, just, just the last year. Have things changed at all? I would say for me, um, you know, the big buzz word right now is digital. Yeah. And how do you infuse technology and data into healthcare and make it smarter?

How do we improve the care of our patients through technology and through data? And so for me that that is really something I. Um, that we're focused on how do we do that through innovation? How do we do that through data analytics, um, artificial intelligence, different tools like that. So I would say that's, that's the focus has, has shifted a little bit over the last year really looking at.

you're looking forward to, to:

Um, how do we create efficiencies? How do we leverage mobile technology, uh, to improve the way we deliver care? Um, that's a big focus for us. How do we, um, eliminate or minimize alarms, uh, is a big, uh, focus for us. Um, so I would say those, those are probably the big highlights. So you're, you're, you're not

Gonna be bored next year is what you're saying? Uh, no. My, my list of portfolio is, is very large. Yeah. It, it sounds like you have a lot of things going on. Um, so let, let's focus those down. What's, what's one thing that you think's gonna move the needle from a patient experience standpoint? I. One of the things that we're actually focusing on is how do we bring technology actually into the patient room.

So we're looking at, um, integrating clinical data, communication handoffs actually, um, on a, um, television in the room, or either on a mobile device. Um, and that will create context both for the patients, the family, . Um, as well as the caregiver to really talk about what is going on with the patient. Um, so that's something that we're actually looking at.

Uh, we also are looking at, uh, Alexa type devices. Um, and what, and what, and how would we leverage that in healthcare? What would patients and families want to, um, utilize an Alexa type device for? Uh, so that's something that we actually are looking for, looking at, um, doing as a pilot. Um, and, and it really is learning.

Yeah. You know, what, what would they be looking for? How would they want to use it? So yeah, voice and ambient listening is a common topic at this point. Um, what's one initiative that you think is gonna materially improve the clinician experience within your system? Well, we're hearing a lot about how do we integrate technology, um, through wearables, mobile devices, you know,

Know, how do we, how do we integrate care into the home setting? You know, what if that data is relevant, what would we wanna bring into the electronic health record? Um, so I think that's something that could provide, uh, efficiency both for our nursing nurses as well as our physicians, um, and create that connection.

p two. So as you look back on:

Just the various innovations and, um, that we've been able to, uh, partner with the business on and the look at how we can change the way care is delivered. Um, you know, they're a very creative group of, uh, professionals and, and they wanna make a difference, so. Know, I would say that that's what I'm most proud of, is what we've been able to accomplish.

And yeah, it's, um, it's amazing. All these interviews I'm doing it, it makes you proud to be a part of this community of health. It, 'cause there's a lot of really smart, creative, uh, just people with, with who've gotten into this with a passion of making life better for the clinicians and for the community that they live in.

had more time to focus on in:

I would say spending the facilities, understanding the why, really, uh, making the connections. Um, I think we miss that opportunity to really, um, be elbow to elbow with the clinicians, both . Nurses, the physicians, really understanding where their pain points, um, you know, rather than the day-to-Day operational, a PC's broken or a, a phone's not working or, or something like that.

that's a big opportunity for:

What's the, what's the best way that you've found to, to hear what their concerns are and what's working for them and what . Not working for them. In my organization, we actually have a plethora of different venues for that. Um, we have, uh, clinical governance, we have, um, employee engagement surveys that we are doing, um, two to three times a year.

Uh, we do rounding, uh, daily rounding. Um, so I mean there's a bunch of different mechanisms that we use for that. I think the challenge is . You assimilate all of those together and create actionable, uh, results or, or, you know, plans or tactics. Okay. Um, so I mean, I think that's, we have good forums. It's just being able to convert that into actionable information.

Um. Is there a specific area you'd like to see more innovation? If there's like one area that you'd like to see the industry really move forward, what's, what's the area you'd like to see more innovation? Well, I actually had an opportunity to attend a focus group here at Chime. Um, and it talked a lot about artificial intelligence, natural language processing and, and how do we really mine data.

Um, I also attended one that talked about genomics and how genomics will really change the way we . Deliver care going forward. Yeah. Um, so I really would like to get more information about that. Um, and then the other is, you know, how do you connect all the dots? So for me, my, my dad is, um, I'm, I'm his caregiver and all of the different clinicians and physicians and specialists.

Um, and how do you make sure that they all have. The right information to be able to treat him appropriately and aren't creating redundant tests and, um, so, so integration, connecting the dots. Yep. Um, and then, you know, genomics and how will that really change how we deliver care. And then the last is, you know, really the artificial intelligence, predictive analytics.

do you expect to be hiring in:e focus on. Uh, in going into:

Uh, the healthcare is, is awash with data and we need to, we're trying to find ways to make it, uh, more valuable to, to the caregivers. Well, we really have kind of gone from data poor to data rich. Now what do we do with it? Yeah. How do we make it actionable to change the way we deliver healthcare? So . It's an exciting time.

a day for most of November of:

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This show is a production of this week in health It from work great content. You can check out our website at this week, or our YouTube channel. Special thanks to our sponsors, VMware and health lyrics for choosing to invest in developing the next generation of health leaders. Thanks for listening.

That's all for now.


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