This Week Health

Jill Klein

Sr. Leader IoT

Sirius Computer Solutions

Jill Klein

Jill Klein is the Senior Leader IoT and Healthcare at Sirius Computer Solutions, Inc. An accomplished industry leader with a passion for bringing emerging technology and partners together to solve line-of-business problems leveraging the Internet of Things and edge analytics. 

Currently serving as the IOT leader for Sirius Computer Solutions with over 20 years of experience with P&L management, organizational development, product development, vendor recruitment, and change management. Ultimately focused on developing and providing solutions that solve business outcomes for our partners and customers.



We see thermal imaging in manufacturing, facilities, restaurants, travel. So Amazon, Toyota, Walmart, Starbucks, Carnival Cruise Lines, all of them are looking at this. It's across most industries.
Everyone has to have some sort of thermal imaging as they bring people back to work. That’s the demand today. Tomorrow is PPE monitoring, contact tracing, integrating with their access controls, social distance monitoring. You'll see organizations transform. It's a very exciting time in this space.
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