This Week Health

Dan Dodson


Fortified Health Security

Energetic collaborative leader with an established record of formulating, designing and executing strategies that position business entities for strength, stability and forward movement. Able to visualize and, in turn, lead with clarity and purpose a defined course of action ensuring desired measurable outcomes. Possessed with a high degree of comfort in orchestrating “new” goal-directed initiatives grounded in comprehensive forethought and analysis. A measured performer when under the stress of managing multiple project/task demands. A persuasive personality, yet unchallenging style, which facilitates communication and cohesiveness within all levels of the organization. Experience in strategic planning, organizational behavior, sales metrics, and product evolution within the health and insurance industries --- all enhanced by a MBA in Health Organization Management.

Core competency: The innate ability to help those with whom I am associated reach their full potential and, in turn, successfully execute targeted business objectives.



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