This Week Health

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December 10, 2021: Welcome to one of our End of Year Shows. Bill gives an update on what’s coming up for This Week in Health IT in 2022 plus a chronological look at the healthcare news that shaped 2021. The biggest stories were the pandemic, cybersecurity, diversity, equity and inclusion, the change in government and the vaccine rollout. He also looks at telehealth, patient centric interoperability, 21st Century Cures, the HIMSS, HLTH and CHIME conferences, price transparency, information blocking, care moving to the home, the labor shortage and remote work culture. Hope you enjoy! 

Key Points:

00:00:00 - Intro

00:10:00 - The pandemic is the story that shaped all stories

00:14:15 - Healthcare systems took a significant financial hit in the months that they couldn’t do elective surgeries

00:19:50 - We made a significant number of mistakes in terms of marketing the vaccine

00:38:20 - Rural healthcare is set for a lot of progress in 2022

for This Week In Health IT in:,:

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Bill Russell: [:fun. I'm going to go through:ar winds actually happened in:isten to podcasts. Those are [:s influence show is going to [:

The goal with this week health conference is to create a conference that goes on all year long. And we're going to have this show, the Keynote, we're going to have solutions showcase. That's going to give you a feel for which products are up and coming, and which products are making a splash.

going to see all the product [:

They'll be around things like ransomware, cloud, cybersecurity. They could be around you know, some aspect of data and analytics, AI, you name it. But those campaigns generally are short burst episodes. 10 to 15 minute episodes followed by a webinar. So that's going to go in conference.

conference. Let me tell you [:time we are inviting guests [:

So we have some CIOs who have agreed to participate in that. We have some data scientists, clinical informaticist, CMIOs and our hope there is that they will tap into their networks and talk about some of the topics that we are dealing with at a level that you are interacting with them on a daily basis.

atter. And it's also a place [:

And then finally, we're going to close it out. We have this week health academy. This is our IT university. This is where people go, who want to get up to speed on what's going on in healthcare and in healthcare IT. These are people who are new to healthcare. These are people that are looking for a platform to help mentor.

e talked about this a little [:

Let me tell you what we're doing with regard to interoperability, or we've heard Craig Richardville talk about cloud computing over here and how they're doing it at SCL. Let me tell you how we're thinking about cloud computing within our health system. So I think it's a good platform. We consider IT university.

mmunicate that this is about [:

If you want to subscribe, go to this and it's actually right there on the front page, but you could also go to our shows page this weekcom/shows. It'll have a description of each one of the channels.

t we are going to be doing in:ow since the beginning. Anne [:ing together as well as some [:d them to take a look back at:t will shape the year that is:he chronological look at the [:

This is one of our end of the year episodes. And then we also have a look at the Newsday conversations that we've had with this year's guests hosts. As you know, the Newsday different from today. Today is me just talking about the news. The Newsday shows me and other people having a conversation around the news.

And I've thrown in a few of [:

So we're going to cover those in a compilation. And then finally you're going to meet the team. So I'm going to have my team, this weekinhealthit team come on the show and share their favorite moments from the interviews that we've conducted this year. This is going to be fun to get their perspective.

them have been in healthcare [:nd of the year to prepare for:stories is the transition in [:n eye on that. Where was the [:r, we covered stories around [:

You know, how long of a wait they could expect. We had blocks of people that could get the vaccine and blocks of people that couldn't get the vaccine. So I remember in January, I was saying it'll probably be until April until I could get the vaccine. I think I got it earlier than that. In fact, here's my vaccine card.

it wasn't even an option for [:

And we just had logistics challenges. A lot of those kinds of things. Let me run through some of the headlines we had here. The second story of the year that we covered was rolling out the vaccine and how much of a huge challenge it was going to be. Some of the tools did not exist from a scheduling standpoint.

up covering was Havens end. [:O of Haven as on a part-time [:

So there's a lot of challenges. Whenever you try to build those kinds of partnerships, it is very difficult to to pull off because you have conflicting cultures and potential outcomes and those kinds of things that are the expectations of the actual partnership. So that that came to an end. Healthcare made some of those normal comments that we make. You know, this, this shows how hard healthcare is.

aying healthcare isn't hard. [:talk about the year that was:[:one is more than half of the [:o do. But the reality was it [:of incidents that happened in:that happen during the end of:

So those were significant stories at the JP Morgan conference. The vaccine credential initiative became something that, we're still in January vaccine credential initiative became something to keep an eye on. I decided not to focus in on, you know, vaccine mandates and showing proof of vaccine and all that other stuff.

ly it proves patient-centric [:s focused on is I, I believe [:

So for instance, this year I bought a whoop and I'm wearing the whoop. And I really like it. I'm getting a lot of really interesting information on my sleep and my recovery and those kinds of things, but it would be interesting if I had my information that I could provide to them and they could start to develop services in addition to the health that they're providing me right now.

And that's [:

We were going to see a continuity of thought around 21st century cures and interoperability which was welcome. Right? So this is one thing we can't have. We can't go from administration to administration and have a different view of interoperability and have it be, you know, we're going to be interoperable now and we're not going to be in four years.

ust be a consistent progress [:

Let's see bunch of things on vaccine distribution. We, we highlighted some of the really cool stories. Atrium Health and University of Colorado health system did mass vaccination events and University Colorado Health system created a playbook. It was a great playbook. We highlighted it on the show.

The mass [:

So the Atrium event, they were able to drive onto the track, go into pit row, get their vaccine, drive the rest of the track and then out. And that's the kind of stuff I thought was really well thought out from a you know, vaccine standpoint from an efficiency standpoint and from getting people on the right track.

gnificant number of mistakes [:

And I noted early on that that is a horrible approach. Has always been a horrible approach. It's a horrible approach to parenting as well. And what happens when you do it as a parent, is your kids dig in and they make sure that they don't do something. And we've seen a lot of people dig in and they're not going to get the vaccine.

[:om health systems and it was [:

I thought it was really well done. It was done more from an education standpoint. And I think that is the tack.

The education standpoint, the incentive standpoint that I thought early on in the year that would work well, of course, you know, time tells a different story, but that's that's what I was recommending early on in the year.

And we saw [:twice bit, I mean, they got [:And then:rtual and a physical number. [:

The only people who got into the event were those who tested negative for COVID. And because it was the state of Massachusetts, there were state laws in effect around wearing masks.

ind if we take off the mask? [:

So a lot of people that lowered the masks had conversations and then went on. But as you walked around and moved from place to place, you put your mask on out of respect to other people and to abide by the state regulations that were going on. A number of people at that event was roughly 4,000 people on site.

happening in early next year [:we learned later on of this [:At this time, by February of:funding doesn't go away. The [:. We're snapping back to the [:

So if a physician says, Hey, our next visit will be via telehealth as a follow-up visit or whatever. That is one of the biggest indicators of if they will do a telehealth visit. And so if your physicians aren't saying, Hey, let's do telehealth. That is going to drive it. Let's see, also in February.

Truveta [:ee if they take any of them. [:

And then the Biden administration came in and it appeared like they were not going to enforce anything. Which is the same thing as saying, you know, don't worry about this law. It doesn't really matter. And then a little later after things sort of settled down, they reaffirmed the goals of price transparency.

f stories around this one is [:

And we highlighted one or two of those apps on the show And I think that's going to be pretty interesting. We also highlighted the fact that the rule was a little convoluted. It wasn't real clear on where you should put the information in what format was somewhat defined, but not well enough defined.

[:e've been in healthcare since:

You did have some changes in priorities throughout the year. The pandemic had a way of doing that. You know, you're running down the road in one direction something happened and you had to pivot, took your focus off of let's say building clinics. And so their clinic plans are moving slower while they were focused on other things.

we talked about CVS as well. [:

IBM Watson is going to be one of those cases that gets talked about forever in healthcare. They came in loud and proud into healthcare, and they chose a extremely hard pressed set of problems to try to solve. I mean, they went after oncology, they went after diagnoses and they essentially said, look you know, Watson is going to go out and read all the medical journals.

t's going to be smarter than [:and their expansion. Amazon [:

And this continues to be one of those things to keep an eye on. So they launched into all 50 states, where are they going to go to next? Well, they're going to go to start signing other employers onto their programs. They expand to 50 states for their own employees. Then they sign the company that owns Peloton.

ng to go, but directionally, [:ds and we started to see how [:

And again, I like it and I like it because Glen has a way of seeing the the experience and the economics and the partnerships that are required to address the problem. And when he looks at the triangle of those things what he looked at and said, look, employers are getting more and more frustrated.

going up for the employees. [:ting to create some value in [:be for sale if Judy has any [:ow, I wonder what I'll do for:

Let's see information blocking became a big conversation that you know, what is the actual rule?

ut into the role that he was [:was a, I think a great move [:

Maybe a little different tack and approach. Mickey is very collaborative. He is very he wants to hear from you. He wants to ensure that everyone understands what is the intention. And he also comes from Massachusetts where they are doing the HIE and interoperability extremely well.

around information blocking [:

And so again, the news stories started to correct themselves as they went on. We talked about patient centered interoperability. Since I've already talked about that, I will go on from there.

going to integrate them into [:

So a lot of the telehealth not a lot, most of telehealth was done via. Okay, so that's number one. Number two, the so they weren't done with the fancy technology. Number two, Zoom was the number one mode of doing doing telehealth visits for video visits. So that's number two. And the reason for that was it just worked.

They have a very good [:ntegrate and rethink through [:hrough how we're going to do [:

All right. So cybersecurity again is top of mind is something we need to talk about. Scripps goes down. Here's the thing. We don't know a ton about this there. I mean, it's not that they weren't forthcoming it's that you know, maybe they weren't able to talk about some of these things, but here are the details we do have, the EHR was down for probably close to about 30 days.

ost of the event to Scripps, [:e stories that we covered. A [:about our partners and their [:

Then we did a recap, the CHIME summer forum. We took a look at the response from Chris van Gorder who's the CEO of Scripps and just some awful lot happening from that perspective. All right. So then we go, where are we at? We're almost in July.

al hires a CMO. So there's a [:

And the reason it's an important movement is because Dollar General tends to serve the underserved areas. And Walmart also made this case as well, that they are in a lot of underserved areas and they are a good conduit to to a population that doesn't necessarily have access to great healthcare.

gard to rural health care as [:ne of the things we saw is a [:

We saw the move to the home. Obviously we had an announcement from Mayo and Kaiser in support of medically home towards the middle to end of this year. We had a bunch of telehealth stories that talked about different ways that they were delivering care and care venues. We also did stories about the pushback on the medical licensure around telehealth.

re's compacts between states [:t. Let's see, we look at the [:

We did that a couple of times this year to see what was going on and see how we were progressing. It seems like we've sort of stagnated around the 60%. Each state's a little different I think based on the demographics and the culture of those states. State I'm in Florida is at 60% California where we visited with 62%.

you know, seventies I think [:ic will be with us going into:

A lot of really good interviews. We talked to Mike McNamara with Impact Health. They conducted all the testing. They have a group they essentially have nurses, they have a pool of nurses that they could call from. They pull them in, they establish the process for testing and they could stand that up.

for the HLTH event. And they [:ve a change in the nature of [:

How are we gonna address the labor shortage and how are we going to hire the best people? That brings us about up to date. I sort of flew through the second half of the year, but that gives you an idea of just some of the great conversations that we had this year. Some of the stories that we covered.

e. Tony Thornton was on from [:

The incomparable Sue Schade has been on several times. Mari Savickis was on. Dr. Q. Dr. Quinones has been on a couple of times as well. We had the Sirius people who had come on just phenomenal conversations. Karl West, and I dissected the Sky Lakes ransomware event. That was really good.

Eli [:est, incredibly smart. Becky [:e of the Southern California [:guess we'll say John Halamca [:

He's actually the president of the Mayo clinic platform. Cletis Earl came on as well. Now at Penn state health. Love having him on the show. Two guests, I always want to call out Rob DeMichiei former CFO for UPFC is always great. He really educates me on the financial outlook. I tell him what I see at the JP Morgan conference.

ackground in finance, and so [:nd founder of T ausight came [:

So Tausight's coming onto the scenes. Some new product coming out, very interesting. Paula Edwards and Angelique Russell, back to back episodes. Great data episodes. If you're looking for great data episodes Dr. Paula Edwards is phenomenal around governance, analytics, human centered design. And then we had Angelique Russell who's really practical on the clinical data models.

om a consulting perspective. [:

Michelle Stansbury with chief digital at Houston Methodist also came on. Another great conversation. And I also have to thank Charles Boicey who came on from Clearsense. CTO from Clearsense and we continued our series of CIO to CTO conversations. I remember sitting down with a CTO in my office.

y favorite things to do. And [:systems where We're actually [:

And so those are just some of the people. It's not a comprehensive list of everyone who's been on the show, but those are some of the people I want to thank. We had another great year. This year, quarter of a million downloads. I'd like to tell people we've had close to half a million downloads since the start of the pandemic.

to thank you the listeners, [:

And we always appreciate your feedback. Send it to I read them all.

be to that today. Just go to [:ration of health IT leaders. [:


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