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In their words.

As vaccinating as many people as possible is a core component of ending the pandemic, we respectfully present our experience and lessons learned in the format of a COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Drive-Through Playbook. By sharing the details of our experience, including what went well, what we changed and what we would have changed, we hope that others can use any part of this playbook to inform future events.

Key statistics from the event:

  • Two, 6-hour days
  • 10,000 vaccines administered
  • 834 cars per hour
  • 22.4 minutes per car, including the 15-minute observation period
  • Zero unused doses
  • 0.9% patient no-show rate
  • All appointments filled within 72 hours
  • Our goal is to help organizations everywhere have an understanding of the tools and resources they need to deliver the COVID-19 vaccine to their communities as quickly as possible so we can put this virus behind us.

Our goal is to help organizations everywhere have an understanding of the tools and resources they need to deliver the COVID-19 vaccine to their communities as quickly as possible so we can put this virus behind us.


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 Today in Health it, the story is a mass vaccination playbook. My name is Bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week in Health IT a channel dedicated to keeping Health IT staff current and engaged today, no sponsor. Just wanted to make you aware of a service we offer.

We do three full-length shows on this week in health IT every week. These are interviews, news shows, and even a solution showcase from time to time. You may not have the time to listen every day, but we developed clip notes to keep you informed. This is an email that goes out 24 hours after the show airs on the channel with a summary.

Bullet points at two to four short video clips. Subscribe on our website this week, Just click on the subscribe button, or even better yet, have your team subscribe and get the discussion started. On the right foot. Here's our story for today. Sometimes it's a story and sometimes it's just a resource that will help you to do your job better.

I've spoken with several CIOs that have done or are planning mass vaccination events, and University of Colorado Health has published a playbook at, its really, really awesome. And if I were ACIO, I would say, man, this is gonna save us countless hours of work. Let me start with what they said. On the opening page here, uh, in collaboration and partnership with the Colorado Rockies and Coors Field, the Denver Police Department, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the city and county of Denver and Verizon, uc Health was able to successfully vaccinate nearly 10,000 Coloradans in one weekend.

As vaccinating as many people as possible is a core component of ending the pandemic. We respectfully present our experience and lessons learned in the format of AC Ovid 19 mass vaccination Drive-through playbook by sharing the details of our experience, including. What went well and what we changed and what would have changed.

We hope that others can use any part of this playbook to inform future events. We have identified a process that maximizes the safety, convenience, and efficiency of administering a large number of vaccines to a large and diverse number of people in a relatively short period of time. Here's some key statistics from the event.

Two six hour days, 10,000 vaccines administered. 834 cars per hour to 22.4 minutes per car, including the 15 minute observation period. Zero unused doses, 0.9%. Patient, no-show rate. That's impressive. These are some really cool stats. All appointments filled within 72 hours. Our goal is to help organizations everywhere have an understanding of the tools and resources they need to deliver the C Ovid 19 vaccine to their communities as quickly as possible, so we can put this virus behind us.

Onward, and it's signed by Dr. Richard Zane, chief Innovation Officer for uc Health, and Chris Gesner, who's the president and CEO of uc, health Metro Denver. So what is this 59 page playbook about what's in it? Well, let's start with the appendix. I know you don't usually start with the appendix, but I'm so impressed with the appendix that I decided that's where I'm gonna start.

Let me give you an idea of this thing. So here's just some of the things. I'm gonna scroll down to the bottom of this document, the appendix. Has just is chockfull of information that is gonna help you to put this together and make it so much easier. So the first thing they have is uc Health Event sitemaps.

So why is this helpful? Well, because it shows you exactly how they mapped it out, how the cars would flow in, how they would line up. To be vaccinated, how they would egress. It has a signage map, how, where the signage would be placed. Uh, not only does it have the signage map and where they'll be placed, it also has the signs that they use sample event signage in multiple languages.

They use uc health, they use their colors. The, the signs are very easy to understand. They have a clinical workflow. Map for the patient. They have clinical workflow for the line attendant, for registration, for administration, for medical response. They have a safety and mitigation plan that I assume is part of what the state requires and it is pretty comprehensive.

They've clinical supplies that are gonna be required. So if you're wondering what clinical supplies are gonna be required to put together a mass vaccination event that's in here as well. Staff checklists. The logistics chief, what their opening checklist is, what their closing checklist is. Supply lead.

So you partner with the am AM:

Uh, all right, so that's, uh, we have just done the appendix and I think it's there. There's so much value just in the appendix alone. So let's go to the table contents of the main document and page through this stuff a little bit. And by the way, my goal for this is to wet your appetite so much that you go out and download this playbook.

It is. A great resource. That's my so what, by the way, to cut to the chase of the end of the show where I do my so what? Well, why does this matter? It matters because it's a great resource. You should all have it. Even if you're not doing a mass vaccination event, I highly recommend getting this. It is a great example of a playbook that you should have, uh, littered throughout your IT organization.

Alright? They start with organizational structure and partner involvement. Partner involvement is so key. But let's start with, uh, organization structure. They have your internal planning and coordination team should include, and it's who you think project management, event planning, um, uh, EMS, emergency services, medical director, nursing operations, logistics, marketing communications, it, finance facilities, pharmacy, patient line call, which is call center, safety, security, and law enforcement supply chain.

This is, this is a system-wide . Type event. So it, it might sound like everybody and their brother is on the group that's doing the planning and coordination and they are, and they should be, but it goes beyond that. Right. So coordinating with state and government agencies has the, uh, the public health department in your state, city, and county government, local police department, local sports partners.

Uh, your organization, obviously the, the group we just talked about, I, you're gonna need it, infrastructure, it, registration, you name it, the public safety and communication. Obviously radio station or whatever it takes to get that am band to share the information. So again, that's your, that's your organization structure and partner involvement.

They then go into pre-event planning and this is just chockfull of really good stuff. Pre-event site walkthrough. I would imagine if you are doing this in your local community, there's going to be a parking lot where they've thought through a significant number of cars coming in and a significant number of cars going out and they were gonna, going to have some space.

They obviously chose a partner of course, field. Which is used to getting a mass number of cars in. And this event would be nothing compared to a Rocky baseball game or football game or whatever else is held at course field these days. So they have mapping the drive-through event designated onsite premise points of contact.

Obviously important for safety reasons, signage, rentals, and information technology. Well, let's take a look at information technology 'cause that would be important to you, our listeners, to this show. IT support. We've found that this networking process to be the most efficient at helping mitigate any issues that come up with creating a sustainable network at large outdoor parking lot events, having electronic registration, I.

Scheduling and vaccination platform to ensure proper documentation of the event, consider a phone-based registration and scheduling process with translation services available for those who do not have a technical means or skillset. All right, that's bullet 0.1. Your bullet 0.2. Your IT lead should coordinate with your partners, host IT teams as soon as possible to begin planning your network infrastructure, power capabilities, and help advise operations of technical.

Possibilities. We had to set this up for a lot of testing facilities, so none of this should be really rocket science for us, but it is challenging when you go to the, when you go to a course field, which probably has a network that you can tap into, or a Walmart, which also probably has a network that you can tap into.

Sometimes it gets a little hard and you have to use terrestrial. You have to use different things to try to connect up, identify network capabilities at the venue and your ability to utilize that. There you go. Complete an IT technical end-to-end dry run at least five to seven days prior to the event.

This is really thorough and well thought out. Perform a technical equipment needs assessment from a network infrastructure to device placement in collaboration with the host and operational leaders on the day of the event. Allow time for the network to be up prior to the device placement and activation.

It placements should be completed at least 30 minutes before staff access. And I'm cutting a lot of these short by the way. Just you're gonna download this document. That's my goal is to get you to say, I want to see this document, uh, working with your facilities team. Consider power needs. Consider having secure, temperature controlled.

They go on and talk about electronic tracking, technical devices, support and supply list as well, so you get the picture. This is a really thorough document. Lemme tell you what else is in it. If you aren't convinced already, so they have contingency planning in here. They have supplies, obviously incredibly important.

If you're gonna vaccinate 10,000 people, what, how are you going to be, uh, managing the supplies and how are you gonna get them from the storage to the vaccination site themselves? Patient communication. You have patient scheduling, pre-event communication, second dose reminders, obviously important.

Patient surveys. Uh, let's find out how they experience the event. Staff, provider and agency. Recruitment. Staffing. You have clinical, uh, clinical support volunteers, police medical reserve, core M-R-C-E-M-S as well. Uh, vaccine storage and handling, so it has its own section, so vaccine transportation, vaccine storage, on site vaccine administration.

You have media and communications, designated media, 10 key hawking points am radio station instructions, and obviously they have the script in the appendix, alternative flow considerations, and they even have financials. What's the so what on this? This is a great resource. You're gonna want to download this today.

Let me give you the URL www. Dot uc Dash vaccination dash planning. That's it. And I'm not gonna repeat it 'cause that was actually pretty hard to say. That's all for today. If you know someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They can subscribe on our website this week, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Apple, Google Overcast. Spotify, Stitcher, you get the picture. We're everywhere. We want to thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders, VMware Hillrom, Starbridge Advisors, McAfee and Aruba Networks. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.

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