Competition for talent
Skillset mismatch
Maintaining hybrid environments
Combatting cybercriminals
Technology shortages
Driving change
There you have it. Now listen for my take.
nges. It leaders will face in:
My name is bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week health, a set of channels dedicated to keeping health it staff, current and engaged. We want to thank our show sponsors who are investing in developing the next generation of health leaders, Gordian dynamics, Quill health tau site nuance, Canon medical, and current health.
Check them out at this week. Today, I'm going to cover a story that I'm going to discuss with Sue shade on Monday's Newsday show.
Listen to my take today here, Sue and I discuss it on Monday. All right.
This is a story from This is a great source of information for me. I go here quite often. This story is actually from January 11th. I was covering a lot of the JP Morgan conference during that timeframe. So I'm getting back to some of the stories that I wanted to cover and really didn't get a chance to.
, I have an event next week where I am hosting a 13 CEO's and I got the opportunity to sit down with them and ask them a question prior to the event. , what are the greatest challenges that you are facing? And this resonates with this list, . So let me give you the seven things, give you a few comments on each one.
Competition for talent. The competition for talent is heating up. The nature of work has changed. , I talked to a CIO that has gone a hundred percent virtual and their healthcare it organization, which means there are people can work from anywhere, which means they can poach talent from you. If you're listening to this in the U S they can poach your talent because.
Quite frankly, they have a 48 state hiring strategy. So competition for talent is going to heat up. A skillset mismatch. Let me give you a little idea of what this is about. Most business leaders see a gap in the skills between their current employees capabilities and the key areas necessary for success. In the next three to five years, technology's changing. It has been changing. It continues to change.
It's incumbent on the CIO is to upskill their staff and to continue to invest in their staff. This has become harder. We can't do in person events. We can't send people to conferences. ,
we need to be looking at a more sustainable solution for upscaling our staff for training our staff for the long-term needs of our organization.
Okay. The next one, maintaining hybrid environments. As we said earlier, a lot of organizations they're sitting in between.
They're not going fully virtual. As the one CIO I talked about is with their 48 state hiring strategy. , they are going into this hybrid environment. Well, that creates a lot of challenges and we don't know where those challenges are going to look like just yet. I mean, we've been operating in this environment, but I think we're going to see new things come up all the time and we're going to have to be adaptive.
To the needs of our staff and we're going to have to be adaptive to the needs of our organization. , the next one, I think is obvious combating cyber criminals, and it doesn't diminish its impact. It's, , one of the top priorities for CEOs and one of the biggest challenges, ransomware is just the tip of the iceberg. I think we're going to see all sorts of new.
ny roadblocks. We may face in:Due to shortages. We are always on the lookout for alternative solutions, minimizing our chip. Consumption and monitoring availability. This is from a C I O. Prisaad Rama Krishna. , burnout. Burnout is another thing we've been driving people pretty hard. , moving to a virtual work environment, working out of your home might seem like a wonderful thing.
, but some people will struggle to make the distinction between being home and being at work. And so that will continue to be a challenge. We need to keep our finger on the pulse of the staff and how they're adjusting to this. And. Quite frankly, offer programs, offer training for managers
to identify the signs of burnout and to step in as quickly as they possibly can. And then the final challenge of the seven challenges is driving change. It's interesting to me, a lot of people think the CIO job is about technology and it has not been about technology for, I don't know, the better part of about 10 years.
, it really is about being a leader of change within the organization. You are, , understanding where growth is coming from and you are providing the technology around that. You are understanding the needs of the users within your community. , the practitioners, the clinicians. And you are driving change,
hopefully for the better around workflow and access to data and driving some of the challenges with them, utilizing the technology. , out of the system. , you're driving change in how your consumers interact. With the health system. And so driving change. Is one of the biggest challenges that we're going to face forever.
It's a primary role of the CIO and it's not easy, right? If it was easy, they wouldn't pay us this much. And everybody would be doing it. So there you have it. My, so what on this, I think I included in each one of these,
These are very real challenges. The CEO's has to face. , my encouragement is to utilize foresight. Get ahead of these things. Think about these things, get the right people in place. Your hiring strategy is so critical. The team with the best players always wins. That is from John wooden. Successful basketball coach at UCLA.
And I believe that that is true from the outset. If you have a great team, you're going to be able to keep up with all of these things. The leader, who's trying to keep up with all seven of these things themselves. , is bound to die from burnout themselves. So, , look at your hiring. Look at your team, evaluate your team.
, train your team, get them ready for what's coming next. That's all for today. If you know someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They can subscribe on our website this week or wherever you listen to podcasts, apple, Google, overcast, Spotify, Stitcher. You get the picture. We are everywhere.
We want to thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders. Gordian dynamics, Quill health tau site nuance, Canon medical, and current 📍 health. Check them out at this week. Thanks for listening that's all for now