This Week Health

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Why Today in Health IT and what you can expect.


  Today in Health it, the story is Today in Health it. This is our first episode of this new show. We're going to cover where it came from, why we're doing it, and what you can expect if you subscribe and listen. My name is Bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of Today in Health.

It. In order to tell this story, we have to step back and talk about our journey to date. As I mentioned, I was the CIO for a 16 hospital system with 25,000 staff and six and a half billion in revenue. What used to be considered a fairly large IDN, but would now be considered probably a medium sized IDN, after all the m and a activity.

While I was the CIO, I found it hard to keep people current on the advancements and issues surrounding technology and healthcare. When I left, following the merger of our system into the larger system, I toyed around with this idea of doing a podcast to support CIOs and health systems who might struggle with that challenge.

odeo into podcasting. Back in:

That wasn't healthcare specific, but the cloud trend did eventually find its way into healthcare. We started this week in health it three years ago, and since then we've produced close to 350 episodes of the podcast with a goal to develop the next generation of health leaders by amplifying the best thinking.

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In year two, we broke those two shows apart and created Newsday and Influence. The reason for that is because we wanted to cover more of the news, and we also wanted to hear more of what the influencers were doing in the industry. That brings us to today in health. It. The pace of change in the amount of news around health, it is staggering.

It's, it's really harder now than it was when I was ACIO to find, consume, and disseminate the information that is relevant to healthcare around technology and digital innovation. I. We wanna make it easier for you by putting our team to work for your team. We find the most relevant stories in digital health analytics, interoperability, regulatory technology, innovation, operations, finance, and emerging technologies.

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That's it. Just one story. You can batch 'em. You can listen to them one by one. It's really entirely up to you. We used to commute and people could listen to it in their commute. Some people will listen to it when they work out. Some people will batch 'em and listen to 'em all on the weekend, however you listen to 'em.

Go ahead and do that. I believe that people who listen to our shows are or will become some of the smartest people in the industry because that has been my experience. I'm getting smarter every day because I talk to these wonderful people who are willing to share their experience and expertise with me, and I.

Share it with you. This is the next step in that journey to give you a leg up every day on what's going on at the intersection of the world of technology and healthcare. I believe in our work, and I'd love for you to subscribe to this show. We're gonna work every day to make you more informed and prepared to address the challenges of healthcare.

I wish I had this when I was ACIO, is I I would've made it. Acquired listening for my staff and encouraged my entire IT team to listen and discuss the emerging news. I think it would've been amazingly powerful to have 700 P 50 people listening to a five to seven minute update on what was going on in the world of healthcare and health.

It. You know, we did amazing work as a team, but what we could have done would've been even more incredible if we were all plugged into what was going on in the industry, in examining what our peers were doing. We're excited about this work. We want you to subscribe, so subscribe today. Have your team subscribe.

cribe and see what happens in:

Thanks for listening. That's all for now.

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