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Nothing will take you further than leadership. Today we discuss.


 Today in health, it, we continue our discussion on leadership. We're going to do three episodes and we're going to share how I've built my team of leaders. And man, I have a great group of leaders right now who just do amazing things and they, you just get more done. You can move more things and make things happen in the world with with great leaders. My name is bill Russell.

I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator this week health set of channels and events dedicated to transform healthcare. One connection at a time. Today's episode is brought to you by Google Chrome, O S. Imagine a healthcare system where technology works seamlessly in the background, keeping your data secure your teams connected and your patients at the center of care.

Visit this week. O S to learn more. All right. Hey, if you can make that golf tournament, love to have you there Sunday before hymns. And if you're a healthcare leader, Just showing up, helps us to raise money. If you are a partner and want to be a part of that, go ahead and send me a note. All right.

One last thing, share this podcast with a friend or colleague, you said as a foundation for daily or weekly discussions on topics that are relevant to you in the industry, they can subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. Here we go yesterday. We started actually not yesterday. I apologize. Technical snafu.

I actually not even a technical snafu, just a personal snafu. I didn't hit publish. I. I put the draft out there. I just didn't publish it. So you're going to get two episodes today. If you're wondering where yesterday's episode was, it was on my computer. Is where it was. So I apologize for that, but anyway you'll have all three of the episodes and. You'll get to today.

So hopefully you'll enjoy that. You remember, we talked about four quadrants and leadership of self leadership of others in a one-on-one capacity leadership of team. And leader of leaders. This is from material that we were putting together. Certified healthcare technology manager, which we're going to launch in April. And we did a course on leadership. I did a course on leadership, make a, do the course on culture.

And we combined for a course on teams and building great teams. Each one of them has nine episodes in an episode. So they're not episodes. They're lessons, and then there's going to be a certification right at more on that to come. Stay tuned. Yesterday, we talked about leadership of self. And that is. People need to demonstrate these characteristics.

And I talk about. The need for gates, which do not exist, but you want someone who demonstrates a leadership of self. Before they demonstrate a the qualities of leaders of others in a one-on-one capacity, which is very different by the way. Then leading yourself or leading a team one-on-one leadership is I it's one of the things that really differentiates a great team leader. Anyway leadership team and then leader of leaders.

And that's where the magic happens. Leadership of self, we talked about integrity. People will demonstrate integrity, discipline self-awareness growth mindset. Utility. I threw in there yesterday. It's not even on my chart. Accountability and resilience. You want to find people who demonstrate those things.

And again, those are my words. You might come up with a different set of words that define what somebody in leadership itself might have. Today, we're going to talk about a leader of others one-on-one and probably get to the leaders of teams. Because the two are related, but let's talk about one-on-one. The one-on-one leadership is. Is interesting to me because there was a time and it wasn't that long ago, it was the Jack Welch era and he will be known for this, but it was the lead. Lead your teams with a ruthless discipline towards effectiveness of ruthless, discipline towards productivity, and the individual be damned. Essentially was the concept.

It's like your bottom performers get moved out and everyone else is making sure they're not the bottom performer or they're the top performer. And if you just keep weeding them out, eventually you're going to have a great team. I think you might, that might be true actually. Pretty sure it is true, but you're going to have an awful culture. And I knew people who worked at GE during the time.

It was a bad culture. It was a dog-eat-dog culture. And you had to watch her back. At all times, you never knew what was going to happen. To you professionally. If you let your guard down God forbid you went out on maternity leave or got sick. In some capacity you were toast.

There was a bad culture and we learned that Hey, people don't operate in that culture very well for very long periods of time. And a lot of the Jack Welsh disciples went on to make a lot of money and do things to that effect. But that culture did not translate real well into other organizations. I think this is one of the things though this. We have a backlash to that. Time period where we said no, now people do matter. And how you lead people matters and the environment you create for people matter.

So there's a leadership of self, then there's a leadership of others. No one-on-one capacity. It's a couple of words I have in here that I'm looking for are the first one being empathy. So if I'm interviewing somebody, I'm looking for empathy, somebody that can relate to. And value the feelings of others. So they're able to demonstrate that, to identify that and identify the areas where somebody needs empathy and to demonstrate empathy for someone you want leaders before they lead a team.

You want them to demonstrate that they have the ability. To relate to other people at a more than a base level. These aren't robots. They might be someday, but they're not robots. They are people that we need to be able to relate to. So empathy being the first one, the second one in a leadership of others one-on-one capacities collaboration. They invite people in, they value the involvement of other people. And this is one of the misnomers of leaders is that they are lone wolves that they're off on their own great leaders are able to get the most out of a group of people out of a team.

And collaboration is one of those. Skills that you're looking for somebody. Hoo. Doesn't build a Fort by themselves, but is able to find a whole bunch of people who also have that passion or those things, or that desire and skills to make that happen. And then allowing people to to contribute their skills, their passion, their energy. To something.

So empathy, collaboration. Active listening. If somebody is good at leading others one-on-one capacity, they are active listeners. This is a dying skill. We talk about it more today than we ever have, and we practice it less today than we ever have. We have our phones on the table. We have our phones in our hand and we go no.

I'm listening. It's Active listening, ensures that people feel heard and it's important for people to feel heard. The people who demonstrate these skills, by the way they they end up in Deering themselves to their team and their team. Value them and they produce more for them. It's just true.

Empathy, collaboration, active listening, emotional intelligence. They navigate relationships effectively. Everything is not always hunky Dory. If that is still a phrase that we use There are going to be challenges. There's going to be interpersonal challenges, but we want to be able to lean into conflict in a creative. And constructive way, and it requires emotional intelligence in order to do that. A lot's been written on that.

And you could find more about that. And then the final one I have here is conflict resolution. I the ability to identify and address and resolve constructively conflict so you can understand. So if I find somebody. Who was a good leader of self. They have integrity, discipline self-awareness growth, mindset, accountability, humility, resilience. They have those things.

And then they demonstrate empathy, collaboration, active listening, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution. They are ready to lead a team. And what I find is when there's an absence of these things and by the way, nobody's perfect. So there's going to be, there's going to be gaps here. But you want somebody who is growing somebody who is developing. But if they have those skills, You understand how they're just naturally going to be a good leader of teams.

They're going to have those skills. That's going to be the foundation foundational element. And those are the first two quadrants. Third quadrant. Leader of team. So what am I looking for in my leaders of team when I put them over a team and I tell you I'm a turnaround specialist. Over the years, I it's been refreshing over the last. Wow.

It's eight years now. We're coming up on eight where you're entering our eighth year. At this week, health to build a team from scratch has been really refreshing to have a Greenfield kind of scenario, because most of the times I was running into the. The disaster the burning building, if you will. And I took over something that was in chapter 11. I took over. I remember going in, I was walking into the branch as the leadership team was walking out.

The entire leadership team was walking out of the branch and they're like, okay. It's they're all gone. All the leaders of former leaders are gone. Here's your mess to take care of. And It's. When you're in that turnaround situation, a lot of times you inherit a team. And that there. You're made up of sub-team.

So at St. Joe's 750 people, how many teams is that? How many managers, how many leaders. Do you have, and when you look, when you start evaluating them and they're already in that role, it's a lot harder than if you are hiring them upfront and just understand the value of hiring a new leader is exceptional.

Make sure you hire good leaders. Leaders of teams. Here's some of the things I'm looking for. In my team leaders, I'm looking for adaptability. They adjust, they're able to make changes. They adjust to. Changes in the market to strategies changes in strategy, especially if they worked for me. Because I'm constantly bringing new things, new ideas, and those kinds of things are they adapt to, are they able to adjust? Effectively to changes period changes in the market, changes in their team, changes in direction. Adaptability is so important.

If you're gonna lead a team. Resilience. We talked about resilience and leadership of self. And now if you are, if you find somebody who's resilient themselves, if they're able to find motivation and setbacks, they're going to be able to do the same thing for their team to encourage motivation. And setbacks, you will have projects that go poorly.

You will have You'll have risks. You'll have reductions in forces. You will have you'll have all sorts of challenges. Are they able to now take that? What they've learned in terms of resilience for themselves and apply that to the team? Is it important? Skill. And it's interesting when you encounter these challenges, especially a health system, the entire health system is going through a challenge.

You'll see some teams are really able to bounce very quickly. That's a mark of a great leader. It's usually that manager that's able to shepherd. It's it it lead that group of team and to take their concerns and their feelings and whatever. And again, leadership of others in a one-on-one capacity. I hear them make them heard, but then encourage them. And motivate them through the setback, whatever that happens to be. I'm also looking for my leaders or teams to be inspirational, to be able to provide inspiration.

Now they don't have to be the upfront on the stage in front of 10,000 people. But with Tony Robbins, yo go, we're going to do this. But they do motivate people and they empower people. And they can motivate people. I've had people tell me all the time that people are inspirational because. Of how disciplined they are for themselves, how they lead themselves well and how they lead others.

How did they listen to me? They care about my family and those kinds of things. We've had those leaders in our lives. And they inspire them. Through who they are and how they interact with them. They don't have to always be that. The Newt Rockne leader who is a upfront. Leading in fact, sometimes that masks the the fact that they're not really great inspirational leaders anyway, inspiration, they motivate and empower people. They are decisive.

They make informed decisions. It's amazing to me. Leaders struggle to make decisions. I, and I get it. I understand. There's so many decisions to be made today. There's almost a decision overload. And it can it can really I don't know. It can be overwhelming. And so when you find leaders that can make those decisions, who can make those informed decisions, not just to get them off their plate, but make good and informed decisions. Those are going to be. Good leaders.

And I'm telling you, your teams are looking for decisiveness. Right decision, wrong decision, but informed decision. This is why we are moving forward in this direction. Communication. You want a leader of your teams to be a good communicator that goes without saying, I think everyone understands that they have to be good, not only in the spoken word, but also the written word. Any form of communication, they have to be the key here is they have to be looking to be understood. The. The mark of a good. Of the mark of any good communication is it is understood on the other side. So if I am. Communicating this well to you, your understanding that there are four quadrants leadership of self leadership of others in a one-on-one capacity leadership of team. Leadership of leaders. If you have a good communicator there, they're worried about they're thinking about, is this clear? Are they understanding it on the other side?

So good communicator. And then problem solving skills. We had conflict resolution. We had. Some of these other things and other leadership. Ship quadrants, but problem solving skills. They're able to tackle those challenges creatively. I find a lot of people do get promoted for being the chief problem solver. They're able to solve problems and there's so many of them, I understand that you could become overwhelmed if you're not solving enough problems today. Those start to stack up and there will be four problems. Tomorrow.

So there's the first three quadrants leadership, self others, and teams. The leadership of others. One-on-one capacity, empathy, collaboration, active listening. Emotional intelligence, conflict resolution. And again, you can add to that list. Leadership team adaptability. Resilience inspiration, decisiveness, communication, and problem solving skills. What I do. I now do this in my head.

I should create like a. Chart that you do this with, but if I'm looking to hire somebody. I actually moved through those things. I fi I asked some questions to determine, are they leading themselves well, can they lead others? One-on-one well, can they lead a team? And I just do the scoring in my head. Around these things, but you can think about it right now for yourself.

Is there, are there gaps in your leadership of self and other gaps for you in your leadership? One-on-one. Is there gaps for you? And you're. And how you lead a team and what are those gaps and how will you fill those gaps? How will you develop as a leader? That's the so wide on this? The, so what on this is evaluate your own leadership and then evaluate your team as you move forward, especially if you're leader of leaders.

If you have teams underneath you. You can start to evaluate those team leaders. And also be looking for the next generation of leaders. Who's going to step in and step up. That is quadrants two and three. And tomorrow we talk about the magic of quadrant four leader of leaders. That's all for today.

Don't forget. Share this podcast with a friend or colleague, have a conversation around what kind of leader. Are you and what kind of leader are they? Be an interesting conversation to have. We want to thank our partner, Google chromo, S who's investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health it leaders.

So you can check 📍 them out at this week. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.


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