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I could probably do a ChatGPT episode every day with the amount of buzz out there. Google launched a competitor in Google Bard. Any implications for healthcare?



β€Š πŸ“ Today, lots of news in the generative AI space. Google unveils their competitor to chat g p t and chat. G P T could be hired by Google itself.

β€ŠMy name is bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and create, or this week health, a set of channels dedicated to keeping health it staff current. And engaged. We want to thank our show sponsors. We're investing in developing the next generation of health leaders, short test and artist site two great companies. Check them out at this week.

ations a family could face in:

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β€ŠAll right, let the games begin. There's a lot going on in the generative AI space. Microsoft spending billions. Google responding with Bard. More on that in a minute. I wanna start with why even look at it, why does it even matter? And the reason it matters is because it's the right technology at the right.

Now we can argue where it's going to be utilized in healthcare, but it is going to be utilized in healthcare. It's gonna be utilized in a lot of places in healthcare. And it's not just a another form of ai. It is a transformative form of ai. It is a learning form of ai. It gets smarter. As it goes, it doesn't just learn a specific thing and then, respond in that way.

It's, it's a way of feeding information through the algorithm. And the algorithm actually gets smarter as it goes. So the more code it looks at, the better it gets at coding. The more code it looks at coding it looks at within healthcare, the better it gets at coding, the more. conversations it listens to in healthcare, the better it gets at those conversations and responding appropriately to those conversations.

And I think the pace at which this is moving is beyond the Gardner hype cycle. Yes, it is absolutely gonna peak here in like two minutes, maybe three minutes. There is so much hype around this right now. but there's also so many practical applic. With it today, non-life threatening, non-life, altering kind of applications that we can apply this to today.

And I've given you some of them on the show previously, I talked about Will weeder using it to write an rfp. Yeah. I mean, tell me information about peace health, where I work. And it wrote a better paragraph than he could get from. . Okay. So that's the kind of stuff that saved him. 15 minutes, 20 minutes. But imagine applying that across a workflow that has a lot of that type of work, and now all of a sudden you are generating a ton of hours back for your health system.

That was one example. A doctor who actually used, utilized it for a referral and he had it write the referral. Put citations in there for the referral. He used that document and that document got approved as a referral. Now, I'm not saying that is going to work every time, but I'm saying that it's only going to get smarter from here and it's already pretty doggone smart.

Okay, so, uh, clearly I could talk about chat G P T and now Google Bard every day of the week. It is that hot on the hype. But the reason I'm talking about it is because it is moving at a very fast pace. It has a lot of potential for healthcare, and it's addressing the very problem that we are looking to address, which is we have to figure out how to do more with less.

And this is one of those tools that can be applied in a lot of different areas, including it to do more with less. And so that's why I'm talking about it. Let me give you the news as it's coming. I, I think the, alright, let's start with the, the obvious Chat. GBT versus Google Bard. So Google Bard was just, hinted at, oh no, it was released in a blog.

I guess we'll see the actual release later this week, I believe. And you know, so now you have chat G P T versus Google Bard and Microsoft's invested 10 billion in OpenAI, which is chat, C P T and Google. This is Google's response. . So now we're, we're trying to figure out, okay, which one's better Chat. G B T is technically still in the learning phase.

consumes data up until about:

And so, you know, so you have, you have, how much information has it consumed? How relevant is the information? How current is the information that's consuming? You have. As sort of a battleground, Google plans to integrate AI features and bared in its existing products, predominantly Google search and, and some of the other things that they utilize.

Microsoft is also hinted at, they're gonna use it in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and other things to that effect. I think you could see us writing, uh, macros utilizing, uh, Microsoft Excel and chat g p T built. Okay, so we're looking at, at things where we used to have to get a programmer, we used to have to really spend a lot of time learning code and now you're gonna be be able to interact with the machine and say, look, I need a script that is going to take everything from column A, split it up based on the comma, and just take the right half of that.

You know, all those things where you do length of this, find this character length, this minus. And you end up with just the right half. Any of you who've programmed before and, and Google understand that here, you're just gonna be able to say it. I just want the right half of this, everything following in the comma for everything in column one.

Okay? Think of how much time I've just saved. Now I can write that code now in my sleep, but most people can't. And so that gives a new level of productivity to a new group of. , that's what's available here. All right. It goes on, uh, Google will start onboarding individual developers, creators, and enterprises so they can try generative language.

API initially powered by Lambda, with a range of models to follow something which might play a role for us as well while we look at create, uh, create virtual influence. influencers powered by ai. So who, who posted this? business Intelligence analytics. All right, so again, we, this is an interesting thing cuz we used to say, don't come up with a technology looking for a solution.

Look for a, you know, solution and build the technology around it. This is literally such powerful technology that you have people in a lot of different industries going, I think it can do this. Let's try it out here. I for one, and I've told this story too, I dropped some code in there that I was writing, and it corrected my code.

I put it back in and it worked fine. . All right. That saved me 15, 20 minutes, and I'm gonna keep saying that. 15, 20 minutes, 10, 15 minutes, 20, 30 minutes. All right. I'm not saying it's replacing people just yet, but I am saying it's replacing hours in my day, hours that can be used more strategically, hours that can be used to further the mission of our organization. Google's gonna hold their event February 8th, which is tomorrow, which is. I mean, it's the Today Show. I'm recording it the day before. chat gbt. Here's a fun fact chat. G B T took two months to accumulate a hundred million users, which is the fastest rate of adoption of any new technology. All right, so now we have Bard and Chat, G p t.

Which one's gonna win? And people are already weighing in and they're weighing in on healthcare as well. Cuz remember, Google has a ton of healthcare data and they already have a platform that utilizes that He. Data and in, in a chat form. So let's see. Maybe it is more, it, it is a better platform for healthcare.

I don't know the answer to that question yet. I haven't interacted with it. I have interacted with the chat G p T and I'm impressed. All right, we go on from here. let's see. Which one do I like? This one, this one cracks me up. This is, uh, ah, let's see. PC magazine. Wow. I haven't read PC magazine in years.

Here we go. Chat. G P T passes Google coding Interview for level three engineer with $183,000 salary. And this gets to what I was saying before, it can look at code, it can, this is one of the things it does really well. It is consumed what good code looks like. It can then look at code and say, that's not good code.

Here's how I would rewrite that. . Okay, so here's the story. Google Fed coding interview questions to chat G B T and based off the AI answers determined, it would be hired at a level three engineering position. According to an internal document, as reported by cnbc, the experiment was done as part of Google's recent testing multiple AI chatbots, which it's considering adding to the site chat c p. its ability to surface a concise, high fidelity answer to answer the questions Could save users time. Typically spent surfing links on Google to find the same information and maybe chat CBT could rewrite this article. Anyway, amazingly chat Chief PT gets hired at L three when interviewed for a coding position, says the document and while level three is considered an entry level.

On the engineering team at Google average total compensation for the job is about $183,000. Google software engineer interview process relies mainly on technical questions, which chat g p t passed. Although the interview does include a few behavioral examples, tell me about a time. Facebook and Amazon and others also rely on these questions, particularly for leadership roles, which may be a barrier for hiring chat g p. yeah, and it goes on from there. I just find that to be an interesting story. There's probably more on the Google Bard. We're gonna let that one simmer for a little bit, get some information, get some news to be released on it before I go to town on it. But, here's my so what on this? And I go back to what I said earlier.

This is a transformative technology. There are a few transformative technologies that I am keeping my eye eye on. One is computer. , companies like Arti site that are utilizing cameras to do the functions to see right, to, to see things, and then to report back on the things that it sees. It, it can do, uh, nurse sitting.

It can do, uh, fall detection. It can do. inventory in closet. So computer vision, the, the application of computer vision in healthcare, I think is a transformative technology. This, the chat, c p T, the AI aspect of this, the, the artificial general intelligence. I believe generative intelligence, I believe is going to be transformative in a lot of cases.

Now, somebody might say, Hey, we're, we're dealing with lives here. You don't wanna, you know, screw around. I'm not talking about that at this. I think we will get there, but we're not talking about that at this point. What we're talking about is the millions, and I mean millions of mundane tasks that go on in healthcare every day that don't have to be done by a human.

And if we really sat down and thought about it and looked at it, we could find a ton of ways that computer vision could replace things in a ton of ways. That things like Microsoft, our Google, Bard and uh, chat g p t, could start to do tasks that we have relied on others to. For many years. And if nothing else, this is gonna put some very powerful tools in the hands of the frontline workers who are gonna be really creative and really productive.

I think of the years I've spent writing, responding to RFPs, writing RFPs, and we created really, powerful template engines and those kinds of things utilizing Microsoft Access and other code and whatnot to say if they ask this question, what's the response? So forth and, I think this would be a thousand times better than what we were doing back then, and it would've made us, again, a thousand times more productive.

That's not to say that the human's not going to look at it and review it and make sure that the answer is correct. Because we know there's enough stories out there already. We know that it makes mistakes that if you train it with the wrong things, it will give you the wrong answers. So anyway, that's, that's why I think it is one of two very, transformative technologies.

If I were a CIO today, I would be looking at these things. I would be playing with them. I would be introducing the technology to my organization because I wanna be out in front. I wanna be seen as a leader within my health system, and I want. Be the person they come to, to say, Hey, I saw this technology.

I'm thinking about it for radiology. How does it apply to radiology? How does it apply to oncology? How does it apply to hospital administration? And I want to be the one to be able to answer those questions. That's why I stand ahead of, of certain technologies and rank them and look at them. And you know what?

The Gardner hype cycle is perfect because it tells me which ones are ramping up. And I can look at those and say, you know what? That is gonna be transformative, and that one is not gonna be transformative. It's just going to be, incremental innovation, if you will.β€Š

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