This is not an argument of if we like remote work or even if it is effective. Today we explore if it is good for your career.
today in Health it, wall Street Journal has an article. Remote work gets even more remote as jobs go abroad. Hmm. And I asked the question, is remote work good for your career? My name is Bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week Health, A set of channels dedicated to keeping health IT staff current and engaged.
lt situ. A family can face in:We're already up over 29,000 because we serve in a generous community. Right now we are at hymns. This is Thursday of hymns week. We still have a little bit of time left. If you're hearing this in the morning, , track us down. We're doing Captain's Cures for Childhood Cancer, and if you have your picture taken with Captain, who is my.
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If you're not at hs. You could just hit our website. Top banner. You're gonna see a logo with Alex's lemonade stamp. Go ahead and click on that and give. All right story. , let's see. Wall Street Journal. What day Wednesday, April 12th. , this is actual paper. Can you believe in the digital world? I have the actual paper.
I also have the digital version, but, , this happened to be sitting on my counter. , for whatever reason, it was sitting on my counter. I think a friend actually brought it over. I don't, I don't get the paper delivered to my house. But, , here's, here's a, here's an article about remote. I wanted to read this cause I think this is a cautionary tale for us, and then I wanna come back and talk about how I think about remote work.
Alright. , remote work gets even more remote as jobs go abroad. The idea, the idea came to Johnny Taylor Jr. Early last year, after one of his employees made a case that her technology position could be done anywhere. She wanted to leave Virginia where she held a job at the Society for Human Resource Management, a professional association based in Alexandr.
She asked to work remotely in North Carolina. Then a light bulb went off, said Mr. Taylor, the association's chief executive. Instead of having the employee work in another state, he outsourced her job to India where his organization is saving around 40% in labor costs. He said. Welcome to the next wave of remote work during the pandemic, and I'm sure that causes you to recoil.
You're like, you can't believe that that happens, but it happens, , especially in a downed economy. So let me keep going. Welcome to the next wave of remote work. During the pandemic, millions of people in the US worked from home and many decamped. To cities such as Boise, Austin, and Phoenix. Companies learned that employees could be productive from afar because remote working tech like Zoom and Dropbox made it effective.
These moves were usually at the behest. Of workers who wanted to change, , their environment sought more living space, and some were cheaper. Companies agreed to these arrangements largely to retain employees in the competitive labor market. Now, companies are responding to lingering labor shortages and rising wages by sending jobs overseas.
According to the labor consultants, in August, 7.3% of US senior managers surveyed at by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta said they were moving more jobs abroad as a result of remote. Deal. D E E l a human resource company that helps clients hire abroad, said hiring through its platform more than doubled last year.
t are remote has surged since:See, these are the things you miss about having a physical paper. There we go. Now you gotta find where it is. Here it is down at the bottom. , just to remind you where we were developers, human resource professionals and payroll administrators could move overseas in the next decade. According to Nicholas Bloom and economists at Stanford University.
Offshoring is big.:All right, so this is not a, Hey, is remote work good or bad, or that kind of stuff. I love remote work, but in order to do remote work, I started my own. And all my employees work remote. It was designed to work remote. And I hear this from, , developing developer organizations all the time. You know, our, our employees are remote and I appreciate that, and I understand that your developers can work from anywhere and we've, you know, created.
Things where they can put things into a repository. They can update their, their code base and all that kind of stuff. We have GitHub, we have all these tools that allow us to do it. , we have teams, we have, , slack, we have, you know, all these things, , give us the ability to work remote. This isn't an argument that we can't work remote, we can work remote.
And I've made the argument that some people are more effective remote. , than others. And some people are less effective if they're remote. , and they probably would do better in an office at the end of the day. Again, not my argument. This is a conversation for the employee and I'm just gonna flat out tell you it is better for you to go into the office.
If you are, especially if you're at the beginning of your career, it's better for you to go into your office. But even if you are, , farther along in your career, if there are other people going in the office, especially the executives, it is a benefit to you to be in the office. Now, you're not gonna want to hear this.
You're gonna wanna turn this off right away, and you're gonna say, that's crap. I like working outta my house. I'm not arguing that you like working outta your house. We all like working out of our house. It's nice. , you know when you have free time, you don't go to the water cooler or you don't hang out in your cube or your office.
You, , you know, you go to your living room, you go to your back patio, you talk to your kids. It's nice. We like it. I'm just saying, , you know, in moderat. Don't make this your primary way of working. If there are people in the office, there is a benefit to going in into the office. People will know your name.
They will, there will be chance meetings where they assign you additional work and that's not a bad thing. That's how you progress in your career. They look at you and say, Hey, you could probably do this. And they assign you something that gives you, , more experience and makes you more valuable to the.
, there are several stories of this happening during the pandemic. , I had one, , friend who's a coach and he coached, , one of his clients to continue to go into the office, even though everybody was working remote except for the executives. And that person has progressed very rapidly in their career because they were present.
They were there and they got assigned a bunch of really cool projects because you know what? They were there, they were present, and you may not like it. You might even call it discrimination, which I don't think it. I think it's, I, I think it's just, , it's the next level of investment in your career if you want to progress in your career, if you want opportunities.
Being present is half the battle. Being, having people be aware of you, having them know your skills, , having them relate to you and have a relationship with you. These are important things and it's, it's not, again, I, I don't think it's. , I, I, this isn't a blanket statement. Perhaps you are in a company that is completely remote and, and that's fine, but if your company like Healthcare has a lot of executives going into the office, I think it behooves you to actually go into the office.
The other thing is, it's not a far leap for leaders to look at something and say, look, if this work can be done remote, Why are we doing it remote with this person at this salary? Why don't we do it? And, and maybe it's not overseas, maybe it's not India. Maybe it's, why don't we do it in Lubbock, Texas?
Texas Tech is there. They have a lot of really smart people who wanna live in, in Lubbock, Texas. And so perhaps we hire people there cuz the cost of living's a lot lower than it is wherever they've hired the people. This is not a stretch. It's not, especially in a down economy, especially as health systems are looking to cut costs.
This is not a stretch. I think the relationships matter. Presence matters. And again, , this is just my opinion. I'm basing it on this story that I picked up here in red. And, , you can take it however you want to take it. , but , that's my, just my coaching and that's all for today. If you know of someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note.
If nothing else, let's start the conversation. You know, maybe, maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, but just something to think about as these things start to play out. , hey, if people want to subscribe to the podcast, they can do it on our website. They can do it on, , anywhere you listen to podcast. We wanna thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.
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