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Today we look back at a TownHall episode … Sue Schade, Principal at StarBridge Advisors interviews Pamela Arora, President and CEO at AAMI on the evolution of the relationship Between IT and HTM in Healthcare.


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Today in health, it I'm on vacation. So I'm going to be highlighting some of the great content we have on town hall. And so this is going to be an episode from a town hall host. And their guest more on that in a minute. My name is bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week health. A set of channels dedicated to keeping health it staff current and engaged. We would think our show sponsors who are investing in developing the next generation of health leaders, accordion dynamics, Quill health tau site nuance.

Canon medical and current health. Check them out at this week. All right, I'm on vacation this week. So I'm taking this time to highlight the great interviews that our hosts have done on the town hall show.

Talk a little bit about how you see the IT and HCM relationship, how it's evolved over the past 10 years and some of the other implications for AAMI beyond what you've already commented on, which certainly cyber security and device integration are key in that.

Back when I joined Children's Health, I took on the HTM biomed department and that was incredibly useful to both the technology team and the HTM team.

And it really helped accelerate a lot of the integration as well as the cyber oversight. I will offer that you don't have to address it structurally in an organization. I'd say about now, last I did a pulse check on it, about a year or two ago it was like 40% of organizations were starting to have IT reports with a survey of a subset of the CIOs across the nation, but it's moving in that direction. I will offer regardless of how it's structured though you really need to meet frequently and this whole aspect of having a united front, for those that feel that they have too much on their plate from an IT standpoint, it will eventually catch up with you.

We really can't wait to be able to build those bridges. The other thing that people don't always think of is sometimes our clinicians, there's some areas where you have islands of expertise, clinical expertise in organizations where they're setting all the strategy.

They're talking with the vendor parties and it's not just technology and the HTM biomed folks, it's also getting the clinicians to the table and finding those islands because frankly if you have scenes that aren't being attended to, it's a cyber risk and then it's going to divert your attention from all those important strategic initiatives.

So I emphasize, if you think your plate's too big, as far as things to do, it will get overflowing. If you don't give attention to these areas.

Well said,

in my experience, The, in particular, an academic medical center, there are many leading clinicians who,

are owning and making decisions in the technology space. And,

while the CIO has a relationship with them or tries to have a relationship with them to partner and influence those decisions,

and integrate them to best they can, the,

leaders in the HTML.

also have an important relationship to play there. So, I appreciate your comments on that as well as the point that it doesn't have to be structural integration, that it's really the collaboration and the partnership.

However you can make that work. Le let's go on and,

talk a little bit about your,

so let's see. Before we started recording, you said that you've been on a new job for a month now, right before. Yeah.

so you're not drinking from the fire hose, as you may have to, if you were brand new because of your involvement with Amy historically, but talk about your vision and goals for Amy for over the next year.


one Amy needs to continue to capitalize on its strength as a. Neutral convener and educator.

and in doing so more attention needs to be given to AI machine learning, cyber security issues.

and those are gonna continue, for the foreseeable future. The Amy AI standards development committee just released a new consensus report on AI risk management.

That's the first step we're talking. That's just a very small initial stuff. Important one. But this is going to be a very prolonged effort, so I encourage folks to get involved. But, the other thing that I'm doing is the first three months I am going on a listening tour. So I've been meeting with,

certainly the Amy staff while we both were on.

have been on the board SU it's a little bit different when you're just focused on strategy as a board member versus the operational issues that allow Amy to realize its mission.

and with that,

listening to. I've also been talking to key stakeholders. So I I'd offer to you that I'd love to see your thoughts around, Amy and what we need to be doing.

Because while I have a perspective, based on my board engagement, I am finding there's nuance to whether something is successful or not. And also in some cases there's just basic operations. Things that could let's say take a strategy's lunch. So we got to be in a position to,

address those. I'll also be taking time this June at the Amy exchange in San Antonio to get to know our greater community.

I'd love for folks to stop by and say hello. And I'd love to hear their thoughts as well, because it is shaping the direction we're about to refresh our strategy over the next year. And,

I believe there's some more. Still need to do with the current plans, but,

I'd like to extend those and really refine them for the next,

two to three years.

Fantastic. So keep checking back for more of these great interviews. I wouldn't be returning from my vacation on August 8th. We did prerecord some news day episodes. So every Monday you're going to have a nude news day episode, and then we'll be dropping these interviews until I returned on August 8th.

So that's all for today. If you know someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They can subscribe on our website this week health. Dot com or wherever you listen to podcasts, apple, Google, overcast, Spotify, Stitcher, you get the picture. We are everywhere. We want to thank our channel sponsors who are invested in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.

Gordian dynamics, Quill health tau site nuance, Canon medical, and 📍 current health. Check them out at this week. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.

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