Apple released a new "spatial computer". How else do you release a VR/AR headset and charge #3,500 for it. You have to call it a special type of computer. Today we explore their announcements for relevance for healthcare.
Today in health, it, we take a look at Apple's announcements. My name is bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for 16 hospitals system and creator this week health, a set of channels dedicated to keeping health it staff, current and engaged. We want to thank our show sponsors who are investing in developing the next generation of health leaders, short test and artists. I check them out at this week. We are continuing our work with Alex's lemonade. Stand raising money for childhood cancer and cures for childhood cancer. We're up over a $34,000 towards our $50,000. Goal loved for you to participate. Go ahead and click on our, , on right underneath our banner on our website. There's a logo for Alex's lemonade. Stand, go ahead and click on that.
And give today. We thank you in advance, and we really appreciate all that you guys have done this year. Okay, so, oh, we have a webinar this Thursday at one o'clock it's the future of care spaces. Love to have you there hit our website top right hand corner. You can sign up there. All right. So apple had their, their big kickoff for their worldwide developer conference. The, the big thing, as you all know by now is Apple's new.
, Let's call it augmented reality headset. Vision pro. , it'll probably be called a virtual reality headset, but it's more of an augmented reality. That's where they've really, , looked at, but they're actually coining a new. Space. And that is spatial computing. Okay. So it's they, they position, , clearly a $3,500 a crack.
This thing is a computer. And they, they sell it as a computer. They licenses as a computer. That's what it is to them. It has operating system, it has screens, it has cameras. It has all those things and it, and so they do not want to be hindered by the other space that has emerged the VR headsets.
bucks to:Apple. Is a healthcare company. They are going to move into a, becoming a healthcare company. For sure. There's no doubt in my mind that they're going to head in this direction. There was no announcements today that I think a CIO needs to pay attention to. Let me say that again. There's no announcements today that I think a healthcare CIO DCE to pay attention to.
The apple watch has a couple of things in there about mental health. Had a, , cash there's there's one other thing, but it's, it's forgettable quite frankly. There's just there, there was nothing healthcare related. Now I think what you might see at some point is a conference dedicated to just healthcare for apple, where they, they tout all their healthcare movement, but a yesterday's announcement, all the OSS stuff, all the new computing stuff.
, bottom line is geared towards the consumer. And that's the thing I think, as a CIO, I want to communicate. And it's the thing I've known and we've known for a long time.
There was a time when apple used to go out to commercial space. They relinquished that space. They essentially said we are not going after businesses. And they're not going after healthcare computing per se. There's not a device in here. That's going after healthcare computing per se. Now we love the devices so much. We pull them into healthcare, but they're not going after healthcare per se. They're not looking to sell, you know, 50,000 devices into hospitals and health systems tomorrow.
That's not what they're doing now. We're pulling them in, but that's not their intention. They are a consumer company, everything about them as a consumer company. So even this new apple VR AR headset, it will get pulled into healthcare, but it is a consumer device. First and foremost, they have to build a market.
And the markets generally are built around entertainment and gaming. That is where you, you build the market and they will sell a bunch of these devices. To developers for sure who are going to want to get into this space, they will sell a bunch of these devices to, , to gamers and they will sell a bunch of these to people that are really into entertainment.
They, , I'm not going to go into the details of it. It looks like ski goggles. You get the whole picture of what they look like. The battery is separate. I think it was an interesting design decision, but at the end of the day, what you're going to be able to do is strap these goggles on. , unlimited number of computers in front of you. I think one of the things they've done really well, because I do have the, , Oculus, I have the Metta have a bunch of these things. I'm an early adopter. I will probably get this as well, just because I'm an early adopter of a lot of these technologies.
, If you look at a document through the most recent Mehta and I have the most recent, , VR headset that they have. If you look at a document it's fuzzy, it's hard to read. And with this thing with her touting is. True 4k screens for each eye. , that level of clarity. On each one of the screens. So that will be interesting to take a look at and to see.
, the other thing they're touting is you can control it. It has a new, , user interface. They did not go with controllers. They went with, you can control it with your eyes, your hands and your voice. And this goes back to, you know, the, the, , device there used to be the Palm. , pilot and it had a little stylist in.
Steve jobs famously said. That we don't need a stylist. We already have one it's called your finger and they have continued that. As these other headset headsets came out and they required something else in order to control the what's going on on the screen. Apple has said, Nope, we already have those things. They're called hands.
We have something called a voice and we have our eyes and we're going to track all those things. And that's how we're going to do it. This. I mean for this price point, this is not even remotely designed to be a. , mass consumer. Device at this point. I think they will go in both directions. I think they will develop high end. They will develop low end as they move forward.
With all that being said, And they have some new boxes. They have some new OAS stuff and whatever their consumer company, first and foremost, that's what they are with all that being said. Here's how I'd be looking at this as a healthcare CIO. One. This has the opportunity to transform. AR and VR just in general has the opportunity to transform.
How we do education, how we do onboarding. In healthcare in every area. It really is an immersive experience. This is the difference between, , saying open your book and read about the concentration camps and saying today, we're going to put on our headsets and we're going to visit the concentration camps.
The experience is totally different. And it's the same thing for healthcare today. You know, open your book and look at this, how you put an IV in versus, Hey, we're going to go into virtual reality and you're going to put IVs in to. You know, a hundred patients today and you're going to practice. So it has a chance to really transform education and onboarding and PR likely a handful of other things. But this is the first device I am sitting here with the box, from my original iPhone.
And if you remember the specs on this thing, it was virtually worthless. Like it had no app store. I have to remind people that this had no app store. They were going to run. Every app was going to come through the safari browser. If you remember back then, , it had very little Ram, would it have eight?
Eight gig of Ram. It had a very slow processor. , it was not a great device. It was a great device for its time. Mind you, it was better than anything else on the market. And that's what you're seeing with this headset. It's better than anything else on the market. But what it will be. I mean, think about the iPhone you're carrying today. 10 years later.
It's an amazing device with a CA and this thing didn't have a camera either. , amazing device with a camera, with all the things that it can do. And all the things that have been enabled as a result of the iPhone. It's really amazing. I think this has the potential to do that as well. I think you will see computing continued to shrink. I see the foreign factors will continue to shrink.
The designs will continue to change. If I were to project out what this looks like in 10 years, it looks like a pair of glasses. It looks like a pair of glasses with a battery pack attached to it. , with multiple cameras built into it. It might be a little heavier looking glass set of glasses than what you have today, but they will own that market.
Because they will have, they will have played with the technology that is required and they will have moved it forward. In such a monumental way that they will be, you know, just eons ahead of everybody else. So that's what I think this is going to be 10 years from now. What is it today? It is a really expensive computing device that.
I can't imagine you're going to buy that many of them in healthcare. That's that's my 2 cents on this. What else did they release? Watch it. Less apple OOS, some high-speed computers. , let's see, was there anything else of note. , to me now. , not really. , it's interesting. It's worth watching. I watch it every year.
I watch it every year for a handful of reasons. One is nobody tells a story better than apple. Apple tells great stories. Now I think the people they bring up on stage are. Th there it's scripted. You can tell it's scripted and that kind of stuff, but they tell great stories. They have great marketing, they tell great stories. They build the case for it.
I, they talked to us like we're, , engineers. Not like we're idiots. So they talked to us about the, you know, the really cool aluminum alloys that they're using in the really cool. , and to chip and they talk to us like we're an engineer. Like we understand when they say, oh, we've connected these two chips and it's going to do this and this, but then they, they, they tell the story in a way that we can digest it.
You know, it's, it's a Steve jobs, this whole thing of, , you know, a thousand songs in your pocket. It's like, he tells you all the really cool things that the device can do and how they've really pushed the boundaries of engineering. And then he goes, and what does it mean to you? A thousand songs in your pocket?
And you go, oh, that's cool. That's what I need it for. I don't think there's a compelling thing for this yet for healthcare, but they tell great stories. That's number one reason. I watched these. , the second is they can define categories and they have to find categories and you can see them move those categories forward. And it's really interesting. I think what's really interesting is the growth of their services business.
And how they have, , essentially gotten into finance. With their credit card, their deal, their partnership. With Goldman Sachs around the credit card. And they're probably one of the largest credit card companies in the world now. , through with Goldman Sachs and with the work that they do together there.
, there's rumors that they're going to get into the insurance game. I think it's going to be the same thing. I think they're going to find a willing partner. And they are going to, , have a whole set of tools. Around the watch and around the, , iPhone. That if you are, if you have their insurance, they will offer you discounts. If you keep track of your mental health, if you keep track of your, , your, , exercise and workouts.
e's already rumors of that in:It really is. , good communication with their community. Right. So as a CIO for a health system, this is one of the things that we could walk away from. How do we communicate well with our community? How do we communicate with them on what we are bringing to the table? Do we have an annual kind of event?
Where we say, Hey, here's what you're going to be experiencing this year. Here's how we're going to be bringing things forward. , you know, The. The way they talked to their community, which is a disorganized group of people that have essentially self-organized around the apple brand and the apple product.
We actually have an organized group. Meaning our it users within our community. That we could communicate and have a launch event and those kinds of things. We could also do it for our, at large community, our larger community of users and people that are interested in what the health system springing to bear in our community. If we were to think like apple, if we were to communicate like apple, create stories,
And get that information out there and really launch that. I think that would be a compelling health system. I think you see Mayo doing that a little bit. I think they could do it. A thousand times better than what they're doing it. I really think they could, they could really lean into, , the consumer, what they should expect from their local health system, what they can expect from their local health system. Some of these ads show that, but I think I still think they're missing the boat.
I think the ads need to be more practical, a thousand songs in your pocket. Tell me as the consumer. What does this mean?
What does this mean to me? Right. When you say we offer the best. Cancer treatment in your area? Why, what advancements have you done? How has the technology enable that? What's my experience gonna be like, why is my rehab going to be quicker or better? Or my. My, , care are going to be better or faster. Make me the center of the story. I am the consumer.
I'm the one making the decision to go to your health system. Make the story about me. A thousand songs in your pocket. Make the story about me? How, how does this benefit me? Why should I choose your health some versus any other? So I think there's a lot of takeaways from this. I watch it every year. I think it's worth, , worth watching just to hear them tell the stories.
And how they really articulate a vision to the larger community. I think we can communicate that same kind of vision. For our internal community of users. And we can communicate something to our external community of users. This is what we're bringing to bear. All right. That's all for today. If you know someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note.
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