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Does every job in Health IT require a four-year degree. Have you checked how many of them do? Is this creating an artificial barrier to filling roles with qualified candidates? Is this an outdated model? Would we be able to be more creative around DEI if we didn't put up this artificial barrier?

Just some of the concepts that CIOs are discussing. Love to hear your thoughts.


Today in health, it we're going to talk about addressing it. Staff shortages. With a concept that's been around for a long time, and that is trades. My name is bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week health. A set of channels dedicated to keeping health it staff current and engaged.

We want to thank our show sponsors who are investing in developing the next generation of health leaders. Gordian dynamics, Quill health towel, site nuance, Canon medical, and current health. Check them out at this week. All right. So over the last couple of weeks, I've gone to the Scottsdale Institute.

And talked to some CEOs there and I've subsequently had some other conversations with CEOs. , the first one that I had was with, , , Matt call who's the CIO. For the Cleveland clinic.

And he. Started talking to me about this concept of tradesmen and trades people. , and redefining some of the jobs within health. It. As jobs that don't require a four-year degree. And treating them like trades . In which case you will bring people in, and provide the training to do those roles effectively.

And it was an interesting conversation. A few other CEOs came over and chimed into the conversation. We ended up with a really good back and forth about five of us were talking about the concept. There's obviously some pluses to this and some minuses to this, to be honest with you, as we started talking about it. But at the end of the day, we all agreed that there are jobs within health. It that should not require.

, college degrees in order to get started. And some of the pros for this are it opens up jobs to a whole host of people that can't afford to go to college. And it really provides them a living wage. It gives us some opportunity to address dEI, we can actually go out and hire.

, from some high schools and some areas where people can't afford to go to a four-year program. And we can give them the skills that they need. And some of these jobs, quite frankly, started 50, 60, 70 even thousand dollars a year. And at the end of the day, if you do them exceptionally well, most of them start at 50 and 60, but if you do them exceptionally well,

there's a growth path. To get to a very good salary. , as we were talking about this, I just thought of my father, to be honest with you, worked at 3m. His entire career came up through, , the Navy, got his, , electronics training there then went into 3m and got the training he needed there. And worked that job.

For his entire career. And, you know, three kids go to college as a result of him having that job with 3m. The benefits that it provided. He never, never aspired to and never really moved forward with management. Although that was one of the conversations we had. If people have that desire, you can actually create a program where you bring them in as a trades person and as they are doing.

An effective job within your organization, you could actually stand up a program where they would, , get a degree or that you would have management type training that you could prepare them for the next level up. And so, , I wanted to throw this concept out here on the today show. Just to get some feedback. If you have some feedback on this, go ahead and shoot me a note. Fill it this week.

I have subsequently had some conversations with other CEOs. And ask them about this. One of the conversations with, with, , Dr. Lee Milligan, and he said that they had such a hiring challenge that they went through their, their job classifications and identified five jobs.

That they were going to take out the, , required college degree to be hired into those roles. And they have since worked with HR, redefined those roles, and I've since set up the, the training programs that are required to bring those people in. And he raves about the, , opportunity to hire people that normally wouldn't be hired and really top-notch talent and, , , candidates.

For those roles. I, you know,

One of the biggest challenges quite frankly, is getting past this legacy thought process that every job requires. A college degree, that's one aspect. But the, the, the biggest barrier we all agreed was really HR and makes HRS job a little harder. When you think about it, HR was really designed. From a candidate sourcing standpoint.

To streamline a process where they got a hundred candidates and they got a hundred candidates and they had to narrow it down. So the easiest way for the narrative down was they just looked at the candidate pool and said, okay, do they have this? Do they not have this? And one of those things was a degree. If they didn't have a degree, we just cut them off the list and that helped them to narrow down the list while we're in the opposite kind of situation right now, where there aren't enough people to fill the positions that we have. And this is one of those. Concepts. I think that really has some legs, but again, I would love to hear your thoughts and your ideas on this. Just throw it out there for discussion bill at this week. Love to hear what you think about , this concept of opening up some of the jobs in health, it as trades jobs, and then training people for those roles.

All right. That's all for today. If you know someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They can subscribe on our website this week or wherever you listen to podcasts, apple, Google, overcast, Spotify, Stitcher. You get the picture. We are everywhere. We want to thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders, Gordian dynamics, Quill health tau site nuance, Canon medical, and 📍 current health. Check them out at this week. Thanks for listening that's all for now

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