Demographics describe facts about a person in this moment and vary over time. Psychographics describe why a person makes the decisions they do and persist over time.
You're psychographic profile determines how you make decisions with regard to health. Who's input you value, how much time you spend on health and the priority you place on certain activities.
I'm reviewing this report from Trilliant Health that is free to download and it is loaded with great content to consider. In the Psychographic section it talks about this important profile will shape how people respond to your programs, your applications and even your clinicians.
Question for the day, have you included psychographics as part of your digital strategy?
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Today in health IT psychographics what they are and why they matter for healthcare. My name is Bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week in Health IT a channel dedicated to keeping health IT staff current and engaged. We developed clip notes just for you, sign up for CliffNotes and stay current and while you're at it get your people or team to sign up as well.
This is an email that goes out 24 hours after each show airs on this weekend. Health it. With a summary, key moments in bullet point format, and two to four short video clips. Great way to determine if you wanna watch the show, great way to just consume a lot of content very quickly. Just hit this week,, and click on the subscribe button.
eport. It's a trillion Health:And demographics, describe facts about a person in this moment, and they vary over time. They live in New York City. They have a family. They, they're from a family of four, family of five. You get the picture that can change. They're a medical professional that may change, earns about this much per year.
That might change. Those are demographics about a person. Psychographics. Describe why a person makes the decisions they do and they persist over time. So this person is more of a researcher. They're a fact finder. They're, they're a person who looks for value. They're a person who likes premium brands.
They're, they're always the life of the party, those kinds of things. These are psychographics, and they really have an interesting impact on how people experience healthcare. I'm highly recommending this Trillian Health. I'm only gonna go over three of the slides. There's 150 slides in it. Again, just loaded with great information.
Go to the Trillian Health T-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T, uh, Trillian Health, uh, website. You can download it. It's free. Just give 'em your email address and they will give you the report. Alright, so, uh, the next slide they start talking about the fact that people are really classified into one to five psychographic profiles.
Alright, so lemme give you those profiles. Direction takers believe their physician is the most credible resource. They look to their physician and other healthcare professionals for direction and guidance, but may not always follow the advice if it doesn't easily fit into their routine. Alright, so those are direction takers.
Balance seekers are generally proactive in their health and are wellness oriented. They're open to many ideas, sources of information and treatment options. However, physicians and other healthcare professionals are viewed as useful resources, but not as the only resources for leading a healthy life.
Priority Jugglers. I love these titles, by the way. Direction takers, balance seekers priority. Jugglers are very busy. With many responsibilities and may not take the time to invest in their own wellbeing. Although they are more reactive with their own health issues. They're very proactive when it comes to their family's health.
I. All right, so those are priority jugglers, willful endures, interesting title, live in the here and now, and believe there are more important things to focus on than improving their health for the future. They are not necessarily unhealthy, but they do what they like when they like, and typically do not change their habits.
Those are willful, endorsers, and self achievers are the most proactive when it comes to their wellness investing. What is necessary towards their health and appearance. They may have health issues, but they stay on top of them with regular medical checkups. Health screenings and research, those are self achievers and they break it down.
Direction. Takers are 14.3%, balance seekers, 12.8% priority jugglers 20.4%. Will full indoors are our 26.7% and self achievers are 25. 0.8%. So let me tell you why this is important. They take two conditions and they talk about the psychographic profile distributions and how it varies by disease type and a consumer's psychographic profile influences compliance with care pathways.
I. Okay. For example, diet improvement strategies that include content from branded experts will be more effective for direction takers. Alright, so here are the two disease types. You have proportion of individuals with type two diabetes by psychographic profile. 17% are willful endorsers, 25% self achievers, 8% balance seekers, 15% priority jugglers.
35% direction takers. Okay? So it can be because of how they adhere toward the care pathways and the guidance that they receive. That's the makeup. So you take that and as a comparison, you have proportion of obese individuals by psychographic profile, 28% willful endures. 15% self achievers, 20% balance seekers, 21% priority jugglers, 16% direction takers.
Here's my so what on this? This is an important concept. How to create healthy communities requires an understanding of psychographic profiles and the makeup within your community. This is national. This is looking at all 50 states. You would wanna look at this in a much smaller demographic, could be by city, could be by the markets that you serve, could be by
The overall states that you are in, but one way or another, you should look at these things. We, way back in the day, were going to integrate nudges into our patient portal, into our patient engagement solution, and the nudges were going to be based on clinical information and those kind of things. But the more research we did, we realized that this idea of psychographic profile was much more important and the team went out.
And really sought experts in this field who understood how to change behavior based on the psychographic profile type. And it absolutely changes what information you put in front of somebody, what nudges you, give people in order for them to make the right decisions with regard to their health. This is an important concept if you are an application developer in healthcare, if you're a health tech startup, if you are population health, building health in your communities, psychographic profiles very important.
Understand them in your community before you get any major project going with regard to overall health and wellness of the community. Alright, that's all for today. If you know of someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They can subscribe on our website this week, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Apple, Google Overcast, Spotify, Stitcher. You get the picture. We are everywhere. I just wanna give one more shout out. Trillian Health, great study. If you get a chance to download it, go ahead to their website and download it. We wanna thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.
VMware Hillrom, Starbridge Advisors, McAfee. And Aruba Networks. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.