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What you need to know

  • The 2021 Work Trend Index is here.
  • It predicts that 41% of workers are considering leaving their current employers.
  • It estimates 64% of new employees with less than one year under their belts are struggling in their positions.

Imagine, 41% of the people on your next teams call may be looking for work elsewhere. That could be a little disruptive. 

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CliffNotes is a service we designed just for the busy health IT professional. It is a way to stay current and stay engaged. We know that you don't have time to listen to every episode on this weekend health it, so we created clip notes so you can email. 24 hours after each episode airs and it has a summary bullet points, and it has one to four short video clips.

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tory, Microsoft put out their:

So the title of the article is Microsoft Predicts Over 40% of People may Quit Their Jobs this year. That's the big headline, obviously, to get clicks, and they have a few callouts. Let's see what you need to know. It predicts that 41% of workers are considering leaving their current employers. It estimates 64% of new employees.

Less than one year under their belts are struggling in their positions. Here are the work trends that they found. They have seven major findings, flexible, remote, and hybrid work arrangements aren't going anywhere. Post pandemic. Okay. I think we know that by now, but they sort of cement that. Leaders are out of touch with their underlings and need a reality check.

This is an interesting finding. Essentially what they're they're seeing is that if people have decision making ability, if they're a business leader, that they are pretty . Happy in their jobs. They're thriving, but those who do not are just surviving in their jobs. So if, if nothing else, it's worth looking at that just to have an awareness of what's going on.

Number three, high productivity is an illusion and the workforce behind it is very tired. Some interesting studies around the amount of emails we're generating, the amount of meetings we're doing, people are having trouble disconnecting. Number four, gen Z is being neglected and needs a helping hand. Part of that is they're new to the workforce, haven't really established habits.

The second aspect of that is that we've isolated them. So this work environment that we have has a lot of really cool benefits. I. But it also has some downsides, and we may not have acknowledged some of the downsides yet. Number five, networks are shrinking as a result of the pandemic, cutting people off from each other.

So we need more collaboration is one of the findings. Number six, authenticity is valuable. And number seven, talent can be found everywhere. Thanks to remote work and it goes on to say a couple more provocative things. I'm actually gonna go over here to the report itself 'cause I can't help myself. Lots of numbers in this report.

66% of leaders say their company is considering redesigning office space for hybrid work. 73% of employees want flexible remote work options to stay. 67% of employees want more in-person work or collaboration post pandemic. So a lot of numbers to support this. They did a lot of surveys to collect the information.

I thought. It's always fascinating when they give you these numbers. 148% More meetings this year. 40.6 billion. More emails this year. 45% more chat, 66% more documents in their Office 365 platform. So people are working and they're working extremely hard. I'm going to go down here to the bottom and talk about, I.

What they recommend with regard to their findings, and they have the way forward, and one of the things they have is create a plan to empower people for extreme flexibility. Every organization will need a plan that encompasses policy, physical space, and technology. It starts with answering critical questions.

How are people doing and what do they need? Who will be able to work remotely and who might have to come in? How often codify the answers to these questions? To formulate a plan to empower people for extreme flexibility, then provide guidance to employees as you experiment and learn. Okay, number two, invest in space and technology to bridge the physical and digital worlds.

The office space no longer stops at the office. Leaders must consider how to equip all workers with the tools they need to contribute, whether they're working from home, the manufacturing floor, in the office, or on the go. Okay, so we have to consider that do they have the right environment at home? Do they have the right kind of chair, the right kind of furniture, the right kind of technology?

Number three, combat digital exhaustion from the top as we look to create a better future of work addressing digital exhaustion. Must be a priority for leaders everywhere. It won't be easy, but consider how to reduce employees workloads. Embrace a balance of synchronous and asynchronous collaboration, and create a culture where breaks are encouraged and respected.

And number four, prioritize rebuilding social capital and culture. Broadening our networks and building social capital takes effort in any work environment, but it's even more difficult in a digital world. Teams must reframe network building from a passive effort to a proactive one, and finally rethink employees experience.

To compete for the best and most diverse talent. The talent landscape has shifted and employee expectations have changed. The best leaders will empathize with the unique needs of each group in their organization and see remote work as a lever to attract the best and most diverse talent. There's a lot in this report.

rosoft Work Trends Report for:

So we have to get this right in order to be able to have everyone thrive personally, professionally, and as an organization. That's all for today. If you know someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They can subscribe on our website this week, Or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Apple, Google, overcast, Spotify, Stitcher, you get the picture. We're everywhere. We wanna thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders. VMware Hillrom, Starbridge Advisors, McAfee and Aruba Networks. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.

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