My Friend David Baker, CIO of Pacific Dental joins me from the HIMSS floor to discuss the hits and hypes of HIMSS 2018.
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Good morning. Welcome to this week in Health It, where we discuss the news information and emerging thought with leaders from across the healthcare industry. It is actually Thursday, March 8th, but we're gonna put this episode up on, uh, Friday, uh, March 9th. Uh, this week we're gonna talk all things him, so we're gonna talk about Blue Button 2.0.
Uh, just a reaction to all. All the, the, the many announcements, uh, we're actually recording live from the, uh, showroom floor. And, uh, uh, it's, it's, it's gonna be a fun time talking about those things. So this podcast is brought to you by Health Lyrics, a leader in digital transformation in healthcare. This is episode number nine.
Uh, my name is Bill Russell. We're covering healthcare, c i and writer consultant with the, uh, previously mentioned health lyrics. Today I'm joined by a great friend of mine and one of the, uh, tallest most consumer focused c i. Us in the industry. David Baker. David, welcome to the show. You great to be here.
Thanks for having me. Yeah, it's gonna be fun. You sent me a bio. Did you? I did. Wow. I should pull that up in email and, and read it 'cause people aren't gonna believe all the amazing things that you've done. So let's, let's see what you said. Uh, wow. This is a good one. As, uh, SVPs Chief Information Officer David Baker, lead specific dental services information technology team in digitally empowering patients and further enabling clinicians through.
gy solutions. David was named:You actually had your own startup at one point back in, uh, great Britain. Yeah. Am I saying that right? That's right. Brexit. Brexit didn't change the name at all. Well, I prefer England, England. Okay. It is, yeah. There is, there is more than just, so you're, you're even one of those entrepreneurs who started your own thing and sold it off.
So, uh, and uh, clearly, you know, David used to work for me. He has gone on to bigger and better things now as the C I o really focused in on, uh, the consumer, consumer experience. And, uh, really looking forward to, uh, having a conversation with you about what you've learned at hims. And we'll also get into, uh, some of the stuff around, uh, around the consumer experience.
I think it. So, um, actually give us a little background on Pacific Dental, but the, the company, why it's relevant for healthcare. I mean, people don't think of dental health as health, but it really is, and you guys aren't a small practice. It's like a billion plus organization. Yeah. So it's, uh, it's pretty big.
So gives for sure, I mean, uh, super, uh, it's a great company. Uh, met with the leadership there, obviously after a transition out of, uh, the, the Hyundai to St. Joe's, the blast there. I'd like to. Of that as my growing up years. Well, we'll, we'll, we'll skip some of the, some of the things I did to you while you were there to destroy you.
But yes, we did a lot of great things. No, it was really, really fun. A great journey. I think it was just, uh, by the time the province voted, have a little bit too, uh, too big for, for my, my scrappy, uh, roots, let's say. So, uh, yeah, bumped into the folks over PS and, uh, just a explosive growth company. Uh, very organic in the way that they fully our partners essentially.
Um, Have close approaching to close to 700, uh, dental offices and second largest dental services organization in the US 700 across the country. Yeah, so 17 states, 17, uh, you know, aggressively opening additional offices. There's no, there's a huge demand from the, the partners that we go and help to practice the art of dental.
Is it all dental or are you partnering with healthcare or doing some healthcare stuff? So I think this is where things get really interesting. Start to touch on some of this because dental's been like the redheaded stepchild, unfortunately. Right. It's just like everything's cut off. It's, it's like, it's like, yeah, you're healthy except your teeth are bad, but that's not health that, that I get.
Exactly. So all, all systemic health is kind of one of the, the key passions for me, at least the technologists and, and the company as well. And I think the business is evolving. We are seeing instances of folks popping up, us included, where we're, um, having a primary care physician set up with the . Us in the same office, which is a pretty cool concept to think about it.
You go down as well, Johnny and the kids get the, uh, annual health checkups, right? Or hopefully a bit more in the annual health checkup. Now you do, you can do the whole round. Yeah. Get your, get the shots and then go and get your, the, the teeth clean and the checkup as well while you're there. It's, it's very convenient.
And more importantly, you start to correlate this, this data between, uh, medical and dental, which is that that's the victim. So are you guys on an E H R or is e H R A thing in dental? Absolutely. It's, it's very interesting. From medical, there's an abundance in V H R, right? I mean, there's, there's, you see from, from him, it's just in updated with, with different folks in, in that space and at, and at different levels.
In dental, everything is designed. 80% of the market is, is private practice. 20% is is the d s o. That's where we operate here. Um, there's a lot of non applications, private practice folks, you know, spinning up companies in their bedroom and then, you know, grown over the years. And for us, there's definitely a shortfall.
There's a. In the d s O space because it's just, it's a, it's a smaller pot. So what I've found is, you know, the unfortunate situation that most of the folks that are in our space in practice management are, you know, definitely lacking some more of the emerging thinking, let's say. So soon we'll see some of these players focusing in, 'cause it would be great to have a medical record, right?
A personal medical record that has everything. Imagine, yeah. Imagine not only the consumer side, but the dental side and the, the medical side. I'm sure more to come on that. And I'm sure if you are here, it means you're talking to some of these players. We'll wait for the announcements a little later.
Alright. There's really exciting stuff going on. Like I said, this's gonna be a big year in, it's gonna be fun. Well, I'm looking forward to talking hims. Uh, we're gonna talk, you know, big themes. We'll talk, you know, what'd you learn from the floor? We'll talk, uh, we'll, we'll, we'll hit on, you know, what, what was your favorite handout of the booth or, or those kind of things.
We'll see, we'll see what we come up with. I, you know, I'll kick us off here. I. I feel like the, there's, uh, there's uh, four main themes that are, uh, being driven home here. I think there's three over hype themes, and then I think there's one that's sort of in the background everywhere. I'm seeing it everywhere, but it's not being hyped.
fore we moved to the cloud in:Yeah. Because we knew that you could get to scale, well, you could do things in the cloud that you couldn't do if you tried to hold onto your, your data systems. You get get that data into Azure or a W Ss or to Google. Now you have access to these machine layer and AI layer. So you could do some things that he drove that home in his keynote.
I, some of the other things are customer experience, so we'll talk a bunch about that. I think that is being driven home, knowing your patient's journey and, and really, uh, Uh, doing a good job, uh, around that. The other area, which has gotten a, a ton of press and some really exciting announcements is interoperability, right?
So, uh, uh, CIMA Verma from uh, C m s and Jared Kushner from the Trump Administration came in and, uh, they did their announcement on, uh, uh, blue Button 2.0, which I think is really exciting. So you had blue button, which took, uh, the medical records for all the, uh, uh, people within the va. A, they could actually press a button, download their entire medical record, go somewhere else, and then, uh, give them their medical record electronically.
Well, now that's available for c m s 59 million patients. I think, I think I had that number right. About 59 million patients. Now you're gonna be able to press a button, download it, then upload it to another. So, so cloud customer experience, interoperability, really three themes are probably the, the four, the three I think that are way over hyped this, this year.
And I'm curious your thoughts, ai, right. Um, we're all excited. About it. We know it's there, we know it's gonna be great. But I mean, every booth you go into is like, you know, they say AI and you're like, uh, uh, machine learning, ai, uh, are the two. And then blockchain, and again, all three of those things are gonna have a major role within healthcare.
But, uh, it's sort of like population health. Three years ago we were, we were hearing it everywhere we went, but people like didn't have a good definition or how they were gonna use it or where it was gonna, where it was gonna play. And, and now, uh, I think those three. Are still trying to find their space.
And it, this feels kind of overblown. And the one that's behind the background, and I wanna talk to you a little bit about this one, is voice. So machine human interaction seems to be changing. You know, we, we, we saw this with medics and, uh, Google Glass. They were doing dictation through there. Um, I, I dunno about you.
I stopped at the VMware booth and VMware had, uh, the, these guys were sitting there with an Alexa and they go, Hey Alexa, uh, You know, spin up four more instances of our, of our whatever. It fired up. Four more instances of, of the servers. And that's not a hugely practical application. But don't you think there's gonna be a lot of application for voice?
Huge. I mean, yeah. For us, we're experimenting with that. I think back in the day, it's interesting looking at some of these stuff we were in front of. I think in, in good time, there is now a mature level. I mean, we did the largest west coast, uh, roaming instance of right back in. So it was, uh, hot. And that's now like basic.
I mean, if you don't have that today, where yeah, where your doctor walks up and does some sort of biometric screening and logs onto the system, you're, you're behind. I think what you've got now is this really cool, you know, middle layer through the progression of, uh, APIs, right? Some of the SDS that just folks are throwing out.
It's like, here's the engine, here's all the gu of what your, uh, what you want to drive. From the technology experience standpoint, we just plug push. Your UI, essentially. And before it was just that point to point integration. So I think this has been the pivotal point in enabling voice, especially things like Alexa.
Yeah. So you have, so the, the APIs are finally there. The SDKs are finally there. You're able to tap into these things. I know. Um, what, what we were at St. Joe's, we, I, we tasked a team. We said, look, we wanna be able to look at appointments through voice. And we thought, well, what's this gonna be a, you know, 10,000 project, 15,000 project?
And the engineers came back. After the weekend and said, okay, it's ready to go. And I was like, what do you, they had integrated it with, uh, one of our data repositories and they essentially had to bring on Google Home. Not Alexa, not Amazon Echo, but uh, Google Home. They said, you know, okay, Google, tell me about my appointment.
And it came back and said, your next appointment is on this date. Would you like a reminder in your phone or a reminder in just climate play? It's amazing. So, and I think to the, goes to your point, right? The things that I've seen, I've seen here him this year is really. Around data, right? Data's a new oil for sure.
That's where everything stem from. We can get clean, open data that we can begin to interoperate with. That's the key to everything. So it's just more clear that I think that it's, that it's ever been finally our understanding. Free my data. I, yeah, free. Free the data. The data. Apply the data. That's we, so that was our mantra.
You, uh, is the data heavy better in Dell, or is it, is it equally? You have a big project in front, so I believe we've got the biggest. Uh, repository of, uh, dental data in the us which is it just fun. It, it's unpacked, right? I mean, we've got internally we're utilizing it. We're heavy, uh, metrics. K p I driven organization.
We, we see that data every day. We do better business through that data, but, um, debt in general, extremely fragment. You're never gonna go in, in current state, right? And say, Hey, let just take one patient information for this visit with you. In fact, you'll go to a dental office, right? One corner of the block.
Go to a different one and go through all your x-rays, you go through all the paperwork. It's, it's really disconnect. Well, that's the, you say it's the new oil, but we, we've gotta refine it, right? We've gotta get the data to the point where you can partner with a research institution that says, Hey, let's, let's go through your data and come back with some insights.
So, you know, we can help people live healthier lives through general, uh, by doing this analysis, finding the patterns and saying, okay, these people maybe have a different pattern for health. In something else. It's kind, you hit nail on the head, right? Think about the value of that data from, for us, from an oral, systemic health, uh, standpoint, right?
Where there are, um, key correlations between, it's amazing how you've made the jump from one industry to the other oral systemic health. Like you learn the new, you know, I mean now, you know, US brands, we're all about the team, right? So . But yeah, that's, it's a, it's a great place for you. But yeah, no, that's, that makes a lot of sense.
Uh, Um, let me ask you this question, and this is off topic here. Okay. How hard is it to go from one industry to the other? Obviously it's, it's still healthcare, but is it, is it hard for a c i o to make that jump from one industry to another? Uh, no. It was handy having the healthcare grounding only got that in this, in this country and, you know, I can only get by on my accent for so long, so I had to pick up some slack at some point.
That's why we have you on the podcast. Know the number of listeners just doubled. They'll find out that I don't know that much about dental. Um, no, I think it's been huge in this day and age as a C I O bill, you need, you need to see the business table. It's kind of cliche to say, right? I've heard other folks say on your podcast, but it is, I don't want become a data center, c i o I think that it's almost becoming industry agnostic.
So the health space is the health space. Take part. Their health space, you know, optics are that health space now. So it's how do we go into such traditional businesses and inject our digital experience to improve those workflows? Give minutes back every day. To those caregivers. It's, it's the same, it's the same story ultimately.
Um, but the, the, the biggest piece of this next generation of healthcare is, is making sure as interop, or you can take it with you, it's portable, then you can begin to learn about your personal health ways, . And so that's the thing I've always appreciated about you is you like the technology, but it was never about the technology for you, it was always about the experience.
How do we, and it doesn't matter if it's dental, if it's retail, if it's medical, in fact, it's harder in the medical side. We almost, there was a time where we used to say the word consumer and they would look at us like, who are you talking? Right. And uh, but now we're, we're finally getting there and we're talking about consumer experiences.
What, uh, what are some of the themes you got? I'm sort of hogging this show here. What are some of the themes you got from this? This is great and, you know, I'm passionate. We'll touch more about, you know, consumer experience. I, I'd like to treat everybody as a customer and, and, and look at it through the eyes of the customer.
And that essentially where we, where I've been at healthcare and dental, the patient journey. Is everything right? It's just, it's so right for, uh, some low hanging fruit. And disrupting, again, is another overused word, but disruption is this, this legacy industry. So things here, like I said, data, um, and analytics, right?
Self, self-serve, right? It's ways. We've been talking about it for a while, but everything's been very stagnant. Self-service and you doing your own data mining now is, is becoming easier and easier. It should be. You shouldn't have to have a whole data science team to, you know, be behind trying to pick out certain correlations.
It's fine, I mean, That, but I wanna serve up data to, to my folks that, you know, are hungry for it, that wanna make their own easy drop correlations. Well, I'm curious. You're new c e o. And so our, the c e o we both served under, um, I remember her, she, she kept coming to me going, when am I going to just be able to Google our data?
Right. I just want, I just wanna ask it a question like, how many people in Orange County had this? Or how do we, you know, just, she just wanted to ask it questions and her experience was, I like that . Interface, which is just one little box. I type in my question and it comes back with a bunch of different answers and I look at it and go, it's that one.
Yeah. It doesn't have to be perfect. It just, I, I want that one. Get somewhere off. Right? It's there, we're there now, but once again, it's about, yeah, that base route. So for input management right now, for example, um, we've utilized a company called Tanium and their, their natural language in terms of, Hey, how many Windows XP machines?
If like, oh, I better have done, by the way, , at least it'll pop back up. It'll pop back up with your top queries. And I think, like you say, it'll be a. Alexa, I'll, I'll ask Alexa if she can be all the, I want how many windows? How many windows? 95 machines do I have? Oh man, we're in trouble. That's fun. The other big thing here, I I O C, we've talking about that for a while, right?
So I, I feel like blockchain is the new, I'm in the cloud, right? What's, I think we've gone past that cloud for sure. We get it. Blockchain's really interesting. But it's at the, it's, it's just at the onset, right? Of progressive IoT, I think, which we embarked upon. Remember when I was trying to do the tracking through Bluetooth, uh, meshes?
Oh, yeah. Two years ago, around, around the entire hospital. Yeah, that's hot now. I mean, people are tracking as easier than ever. You don't need all this crazy hardware you have to install. You can, you know, through the beacons or through some of the more hyper location services through some of the network providers, uh, it it's much easier.
So I like seeing the way that the devices are coming into the environment. They're becoming part of our IT ecosystem or most where we're gonna track where it is, we're gonna track its health. It's got some health healing going on there. So, so many, um, applications you could apply to these. These, these little devices that now have a life in their arm.
So IoT is interesting. So IoT has matured. It's starting to get there. So you talk about wayfinding, uh, as an example, but not only wayfinding, but finding devices within, uh, within the organization as well. I'm looking over there to making sure we're, we're still recording ? No, but, uh, um, so finding devices we were doing, 'cause we were losing devices, literally they were walking out the door somehow.
Yep. Outta the hospital. So we. Way. Um, but there's, there's just a, I mean, uh, pill boxes, uh, devices in people's loans, uh, uh, IOT's everywhere. We don't, we don't even, it's, it's ubiquitous now and it's actually how, it's what the cloud is enabled. It's in the background. You don't see it, but it's working for you.
It's like, uh, we used to have Fitbits to track our steps and everybody had a Fitbit on. Now almost no one does, but if you ask them how many steps they have, they pull out their phone and they go, I've had 12,000 steps. And it, it's just that whole concept of it's on my watch, it's in my, it's on something that's already there we don't need.
Yeah. Um, what are some areas where you think you're gonna use IoT? So, as you know, we'll talk about this, I guess, the art of some of these deployments. It's, it's great coming in, get all that, you know, juice about what's emerging. But the big question is one, how am my ops, am I running human trays running?
Right? And then two, how am I building planes on the side? Right? But let me go another turn. I trademark it now. So you over time. Well, it's, it's, uh, there, there's an article on the Health s website on this. It's, uh, sorry. Yeah. Yeah. It's, uh, the role of c I o, uh, keep the trains running on time. Play new track, right?
Yep. So everyone's saying, Hey, can you make this a little better? And then it's spill airplanes, which is, this is the, the mood shots, right. On some of the stuff. It's like, what's coming in? I love that article. By the way, you should go. Anyone's not read that one. That's a key, especially you're coming up with the ranks as a technology leader.
Phenomenal article, because I believe heavily in s being operationally. Right. We just, every day we're churning like a well old machine. 'cause you can lose your job if that the, you can build the best airplane in the world. But if your data center keeps going down exactly, all of a sudden you're, you're on the street.
Keep that stuff running. But also to truly be at the business table, you need to align with the business plan those growth plans and see how you are being that digital partner in, in enabling and, and x ying some, some of that. And that's what they want you to be the expert. They want you. So you're at this conference, you're walking around, they want you to come back and say, okay, here's where healthcare is or here's where
Where digital's going, here's some of the things that are gonna be possible. And then you make decisions with them. You're educating them at some point, and then you're saying, okay, here are the, here's the 55 things we can do. Here's the 20, I think makes sense. And they're saying, okay, for next year's strategy, I think we should do these things.
Is that the, I mean, how do you guys set strategies? Is it sort of like that or? Absolutely. So the thing that I'm most impressed with, you know, around, so again, always just their, uh, they're transparent and very clear. Uh, strategy and plan over the next, uh, 10 years would, you know, hyper focus on the next one or two.
We know exactly what we're aiming for this year and I tie in with that mostly and get my plans for 12 months, which will really lower down. There's some 42 projects, which we are lined up and, and we are crashing through and if something takes a higher priority, we can, we can go at that. I think the benefit, um, and Buyin that I got early days was we can't miss a trick with some of the really cool emerging tech.
I think. Benefit is what I'd like to do is spin up the emerging technologies group, which I was able to do now that, that just gives me immense leverage where we can just fail fast on so many products. So you said, what are you doing with IoT? I'm, I'm sprinting hard on a project right now. When you pull into our, into our car park, you'll be notified right through the People Technology.
Hey, bill, know if we are on time. We'll see you two minutes. You've got this form to sign off on. But yeah, we are good to go. And then in more of a concierge style, we'll be able to pop up on screen the . Hey, in comes Bill, here's his photo. Here's some information that we already have on Bill for a great conversation we have, and creating that experience, right?
Because that's really what we're looking for. We're really trying to create that one-on-one experience. Yeah. Well, alright, so that's a bunch of stuff on him. To be honest on this show, I've a lot this come out on next week. I'm gonna talk about him two weeks from now. It's East Chopper. We're gonna talk about him.
I want you, so, we'll, we'll, we'll move on. One of the things I, so in our second segment we do a leadership or tech talk. And with you it's, it's not leadership or tech. I wanna talk about. Consumer experience. I, I think it is top of mind. It's, it's definitely top of mind at hands. I think it's top of mind, uh, for most CIOs.
So why, why are we finally talking, or why is it important to talk about the consumer? Is, is this gonna be the, is this gonna be a point of differentiation within, within healthcare, or is it, are we just, you leave with this, this is a changing thing. You leave with experience, right? You almost put up, people design an app these days.
They go out and they build the complete app, they build the ui. Everything is already, you know, upfront. Run. You run through it and then reverse engineer it. You do the code backend process is what I'm seeing. So lead with the experience first. People expect more than ever the, the days of, you know, home business, it, computer, digital experience being separate.
They're one now. And you know more than, you know, anyone that shadow IT is real. And people in the business, I've had this problem, you know, this problem recently are going out and they want file share service, right? Because V P N. They want, they want at least video conference system, right? So they'll just go and download their their own widgets.
So it's important as IT leaders to go and bring folks and tools to do better business together. What's amazing to me is, there's this tangent here, but every healthcare system, every company I've ever gone into, I've rarely come across a good video conferencing system. It's amazing. You go into these conference rooms like, yeah, it's old.
It might work. It might not work. Okay, I'm gonna plug in with D V I. It's like, well now you need V G A. It's like, You know, it's like, because it's, it's a hard budget to get to. Yeah. It works, right? But the experience sucks for almost everyone, including the executives. So, so we No, you are totally right. And that's always a laughing, uh, you know, situation.
And it was a Pacific game, so it's funny not to go, um, it's nothing revolution, it's just video, right. I'm like, well, it should just, it shouldn't be this huge, like pulling of cables. And so I, I just rolled out, uh, a ring solution, uh, to, from a unified communication standpoint. Telephone. Yeah. We'll, we'll, We'll have to get the, I'll have to do the, uh, the, uh, translation par uh, car park is the parking lot.
Yes, that's true. The British translation here. Keep, keep, keep translating. So we just rolled that out and it really is, I think finally just a, a, a great amalgamation of communications products and just work that people do better video course. So that's a, that's a good use case. You, you, you approach everything internal and external through the, the lens of the consumer.
So you have internal consumers, you have external consumers. What are some other. Cases where you've, um, actually I'm gonna take you back, force you back here. So I think one of the most impressive projects I, I, uh, I, I actually take some credit for, I really shouldn't take any credit. It was really you was this, uh, uh, 60 back.
Okay. You remember you ever 60 back. Absolutely remember it Well, so, so talk about 60 back because I think every healthcare c i o should initiate a 60 back project part. So talk a little bit. So it started really back in the day when we were . How many minutes can we get, uh, clinicians back right on their day?
'cause they were like manually logging on. Suck experience. So number one, go and spend time out at the ivory tower and make sure you're in there on the shop floor with a customer. Right? Know that we've all spent many a night in the ED and seeing where we can improve, improve lives and, and workflows. So we demonstrated to every one of our commissions, we were able to give 15 minutes back, back on their day every day through some of the single sign on and bad technologies.
And, and you know, and that was way back. Apply that to every situation To this day, I go in first and foremost, let me look for a problem first. Rather than shoot people up, speak to people, interview people, spend a long time in the office just looking at this stuff. And, and that was the same, I think this one, the difference was while we were looking for problems still out in the hospital floor, you set the challenge of if you did 15, you should be able to double that.
I'm like, maybe you're like, why don't we 60 back and then 60 back was full. So the, the challenge was how do we get 60 minutes back a day, every day to. And, and so it spawned from there. So that's the role of the c I O by the way. Somebody comes in and gives you a great gift of 15 minutes and you go, yeah, make that 60.
Or they go, Hey, I saved you a million dollars on your budget, and you're like, all right, make it five. I mean, that's, that's sort of what we do. It's constantly reinventing, I guess. Right? Oh, but that, that is such a great project, especially since we've done the E M R projects and we've added to all the clinician state, we're seeing this burnout happen.
Um, it would be great to, to continue to make those efforts. Wasn't huge, it wasn't a huge project. I remember one of the things you guys came back and said is, Hey, what we identified in the ED is, uh, when we re redid the ed, we didn't put the printers in the right place. So all we did is we bought like two additional printers, repositioned 'em all, and we saved, you know, five to 10 minutes Yeah.
Of these people trying to find things. Some of you have green belt training here. Is is good to have some of six equip folks coming in and just looking at the digital workflows. Right? And, and so it was as simple as that. So we could save a couple of minutes a day here, a couple of, and it adds up quickly.
One of the big. Things, especially medical is, you know, the vaginal go print is very helpful, right? As well as some of the prescription, uh, printing. It's, there's, there's some complexities around that. And it usually involves a foreign end user scrolling through some horrid list and it printed, I mean, nightmare.
So we implemented systems, whereas, whereas the process going now, I just ly book how comes to mind, my Job and I'm ready for it. Yeah, that was, that was great. Thank, uh, give me, give me some examples of what are you doing, what, what are you doing at, uh, Pacific Dental in that area. And, and how do you measure success?
The success for me is always, I say that in a couple of key areas, right? And once again, it comes back to that, um, patient and, um, and, and, and the dental experience. Um, how can we get business back on every day? So two things have happening. One, you've gotta spend more time just gauging that patient. Or two, you can get more patience into your schedule, right?
Uh, revenue is obviously the driver. It does a little right in the private sector. Got it. So, so yeah, we, we are really focused. I always lead out with those, the experience and those minutes back, how we become more, more efficient so that the end user is presented with the right information at the right time to make the correct decision.
So if I, if so, if I saw, uh, measurement, you, you would actually talk in terms of minutes or, or hours or minutes. Satisfaction revenue. Now satisfaction's a big one. A lot of people miss, so, you know, when I go in, I always pitch a project, project up front, say I would like. Cash for this. It might not have been by 10, but here's, here's, here's why.
I think your always, you did that a lot, Sally. 'cause I get these, I'm like, we couldn't do this. This is so good. But I'll usually say, the reason I want to do it is because we are gonna save here or we're gonna enjoy the time optimization down the road. You know, so the biggest thing for me is once that, you know, once the funding's in and, and, and you are out there and you on the project, it doesn't always work.
And I would say fail fast is the other piece of advice around make sure you get out fast or refined as you go. Um, it's coming back round. You know, to your sponsors, your board, whoever it may be, saying, you know what, bill, thanks. You invested a billion bucks in this. Here is an idea to do some video work.
It doesn't have to, and it wasn't cheap, wasn't, I mean, it wasn't expensive, it wasn't Hollywood production. Let's just come back in. Right. Everything's there these days and say, look, it's interviewed with the dos, like it, it's changed the way that they work. It's give me time back. Right? Yeah. That project closure thing is something we forget to do.
And going back, going back to the people that gave you the money or going back to the, uh, the clinicians that, that gave you their time. And saying, Hey, here's what we, here, here's the result. I mean, they may experience anyway. I think the assumption we make is, oh, they're living it so that they know what, but now you need to keep telling the story over and over again outside of leading with experience and then making sure you don't have from other heads, delivering stuff to the, to the end users, which we can touch on.
The final important thing is going back to those stakeholders and demonstrating your successful tracking. We have satisfaction scores, obviously we have uptime scores, and the product employee, we have a series. KPIs that says, Hey, we've, we've done a good job. Yeah. So Propeller Head is British for really smart people who know their, know their technology craft and you know that I've always exactly, I've always maintained, right?
You can't have really, really geeky IT folks without personality. You're not saying everyone right, but out there trying to ram a product down a customer's throat key to delivering great IT product is to make sure it's intuitive and it's sticky and people will pull on it rather than you push it so you know that we.
Great deliveries with letting a product organically grow just to prove out that product. Yeah. And I, that's one of the things that you taught me was you start hiring these people with more customer service backgrounds than technology backgrounds. And, and I've pushed you a little bit on it and you said, no, no.
Watch, watch how, how good this is. And, and actually since then I've hired Rachel. She's phenomenal, um, at Health Lyrics. And she, she heads up a lot of our consumer engagement, uh, kind of thing because that's, It's how she's wired. It's how she thinks. And the technology, you know, it just comes along. You pick it up and you go, could your mother use it?
I always say, right. When's the last time that you called Google for support? When's the last time you called Facebook for support? Or Apple or anybody? Yeah. Yeah. But you don't Why? Because you self-serve first and foremost, and then you, you know, you don't need instruction for these things. Yeah, absolutely.
Well, I, I think we're at the Yep. We are, we're at the, I know it goes so fast. Sounds good. But I try to do a half hour only because, um, you know, when I was a C I O. I didn't have time for an hour, five minutes, so that's great. About half hour. So we usually close, that's the second segment, third segment we usually close with our favorite social media posts.
Um, do you want to go first or you want me to go first? Uh, I'll go first because people might cut off these day, two minutes. So it's important that my voice . Um, so my favorite this week was really, and you know, , we used to do this reflections bag of Joe's and you always used to tick the mix in English term, right?
You, why are you always giving? Like a Richard Branson quote, right? So I'm gonna end Richard Branson and, uh, and Tony Robbins, two favorites. He's also, I couldn't find Tony Robbins tweet much, but Richard Branson's all over it. So, in honor you Bill, um, yeah, Richard Branson put out, uh, and just a tweet around how he's trying to reinvigorate, reinvent his economy fast, clear, right on his place.
He builds the, um, travel experience. It's starting to suck again, and it's all about, you know, the online genius ticket, but you kind of all shoved onto playing like cattle. So he's trying to. Make economy a better experience. And, and, and the correlation I draw is, is from that is folks like him, Elon Musk, right?
Those just constantly reinvent, constantly go, yeah, it's good. Yes, I've become, you know, the company's great here, but what's next? Someone's gonna come and eat my lunch. What's next? He's already, he's just thinking about what's next, what's it? And I, I love that we need to do more of that, help them. And that's a, that's a great challenge.
It's, it's to try to project out ahead and say, you know, what, can we do that, make this experience a. All the, um, all the people involved. Um, so my, I'm gonna cheat a little bit. We, uh, I thought it was very creative. So you walk into the Walk the Heads this week and, uh, they hand you the newspaper, which I can't believe they still hand you a newspaper.
I mean, I have to 'em in the bag, but, um, they hand you a newspaper and there's people walking around with them, and then there's a whole bunch screwed all over the place. But, uh, I don't know if you saw this, but there, there was somebody handing out a, uh, sort of a. Off-brand thing called fake news. Right?
It was fake news for the hidden floor. And it was just funny stories. It was uh, like made up stories about what was going on. His, I couldn't find a copy. I wanted to bring a coffee 'cause it was really funny. That's cool. It was really well done. Um, so I, I just, I just wanted to share people with people that concept of, uh, uh, the fake news at HIMSS for the conference.
I'll, I'll try to track it down because I think it's funny. It's like the onion that I think fake news. Pretty fun. Well, thank you very much. For being on the show. That's, uh, that's really all we have time for. Let me find the close here on this, uh, thing. So that's all for now. Thanks. We're we follow you?
Alright, you can follow me. I'm on Techie exec, so it is my, uh, at tech, my brand? Yeah. At Techie Exec. That's a T E C H Y E X. Okay. And that's on Twitter. You can follow me at, uh, the patient c i o. Uh, don't forget to follow show on Twitter as well this week in h i t. And check out our new website this week at Health.
It. Know how long I can say new. It's been out there for about nine weeks now. Um, uh, if you like the show, please take a few seconds and give us a review on iTunes and Google Play. Uh, and please come back every Friday for more news commentary, uh, from industry influencers. That's who you are, an industry influencer.
Awesome. I never thought I'd make it. Thank you very much. That's all for now.