April 13: Today on the Conference channel, it’s an Interview in Action live from ViVe 2023 with Daniel Freedman, Co-Founder & Co-CEO of Burnalong. What does Burnalong do and who is the market for them? How does the target audience benefit from it and stay motivated by it? Where does their content come from and how do they tailor it to each individual user? What is the incentive for content creators?
Join us on May 4 at 1PM ET for our webinar: 'Leader Series: Modern Data Strategies in Healthcare.' This webinar will focus on exploring data governance and analytics strategies that have the potential to revolutionize healthcare in the modern era. With a data-driven approach, we can improve patient care outcomes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs in the healthcare industry. Register Here: https://thisweekhealth.com/modern-data-strategies/
Donate: Alex’s Lemonade Stand: Foundation for Childhood Cancer
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Welcome to this week, health my name is Bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week Health. A set of channels dedicated to keeping health IT staff current and engaged. Today we have an interview in action from the 2023 Spring conferences, vibe in Nashville and hymns in Chicago.
Special thanks to our cDW, Rubrik, Sectra and Trellix for choosing to invest in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.
You can check them out on our website this week, health.com, now onto this interview.
All right. Here we are from VI and we're doing another interview in action. We're here with Daniel Friedman with Burn Along, which is now a tivity company. That's right. Fantastic. This is the first time we're meeting.
This is the first time the great thing. So excited to chat you.
Well, I'm looking forward to it.
So give me an idea of what Be Along does and how it's related to Tivity.
Sure. So what Budk does is we help everyone, whatever age, stage in life, geography, Achieve their health and wellness goals. And so that's within Tim's mission and that's like we are part of Tivity now.
So what is Betal and what do you actually do?
So the way that we do that is, so we're a digital platform that offers more than 35,000 live and on demand classes. Across more than 60 different categories. So everything from cardio classes to classes for stroke MS arthritis, Parkinson's disease.
So you do disease states and you do, so if I come to you and say, or if I go through Tivity and essentially say I mean they're, they have their silver sneakers, programs and other things, but if I wanted to be.
This platform is going to provide the tools, training, education that I need.
That's right it's for an entire family and for people through life's journey. So rather than 60, 70, 80 different point solutions and sending Great, if you're young and active, you're here. If you've got a chronic condition, you're over here.
Everything is within one platform, and you can be live with others. So in some cases, we've even got four generations of a family all doing programming within our platform.
Wow, that's exceptional. So who, who's the market for that? I mean am I the market as an individual is a health system of the market is a payer of the market.
Who is it?
So, some of the largest employers in the country use us for their populations as well as like the US government and local government across the country. And then payers use us for their population as well.
Wow. All right. What's the benefits of them? Healthy employees,
healthy employees, happier employees, family members are looked after and beyond that is we're not just getting your typical people engaged, we're broadening the spectrum of who gets engaged.
And so they're seeing us moving the needle, whether it comes to sick days, business goals, turnover as as well.
Can they get those kinds of metrics from you guys if they're using the platform?
So we also work with hospital systems for patients as well. And so we've got, when we look at data right across the board, what we see is that, Not only do we increase the number of people who are engaged beyond where they were beforehand, what we're seeing is we're also engaging the at-risk condition people with at-risk conditions and people who are generally more at risk, more conditions, more needs than the rest of the population.
And so is it mostly training and education or is there some aspect of collecting data?
So the classes are everything from information on sleeping correctly in nutrition. Then there's cardio classes for someone with a stroke and retraining eyesight. So anything that a doctor or therapist would tell you to do, we deliver that.
But then we're able to see what people are doing, what their goals are, and then we take them. Along the journey, so someone can come to us and say, I am just battling cancer. They start taking recommended cardio classes. Then they may be, they're dealing with insomnia as well. They're recommended sleep classes and then nutrition.
It takes 'em along their journey.
So help me understand with training and education, there's a whole science Yeah. Around. People watching that, consuming it, finishing it. Yep. And also engaging with it and following through on it. Yeah. Right. So how is your content created? Where does your content come from and how do you get us to do it?
Yeah. So this is to break your questions to two pieces. So our content comes from thousands and thousands of instructors and teachers from across the. So everything from experts who teach our hospital systems, they bring their programming onto our platform through to a local gym and studio. So we have some of the top experts in treating patients with ms.
They'll use us as an online extension tool for their patients. They also make all that content available on our platform. And so what that means is we don't just tick a box and say, okay, we got programming for someone with Parkinson's disease or programming for someone who just had a baby. We're able to tailor it, understanding their diversity, their geography.
Two people could have the same need, but it's something different. It's gonna motivate them. So,
so how do you tailor it? How do you customize it?
So we understand who they are, where they are in the country, and then they answer a whole series of questions and then they take actions and then it gets tailored to them.
And so to answer the other half of your question, bill, you said, how do you get people to do it? So one is, Tailoring the programming to the people. Like we might be the same level in cardio classes, but you want Northern Accent. I want start an accent. You want an instructor with a sense of humor.
I want someone's quicken to the point. So that's number one is we're able to tailor it to you rather than treating everyone as a one size fits all. But number two is there's a social component. So with Be Along, you can be live with others when you take classes. So maybe what's gonna motivate you to do something is not that you know you need to exercise or you know that you need to get a better night's sleep or learn about nutrition, but if you have others live on the screen with you, and these can be coworkers, it can be friends, it can be family members, or others with similar conditions, that social component is gonna motivate you to do it.
So there's a, like a Peloton or an apple. What is Apples thing called? Apple health? Apple. Yeah.
So we go above that where you actually sing and hearing others. So to, just to give an example is we're speaking to a specialist at Johns Hopkins and he said a lady with Parkinson's disease, a patient of his, he'd made progress and the disease hadn't progressed as he thought it would've for her.
And he asked her like why have you been doing banner along when I told you for a decade before that to do programming and you hadn't been doing. And she said to him, two reasons. One is I'm seeing people on the screen who are shaking worse than I am, and if they can do it, I can do it. And that comes to the relatability of the content.
Oh, that's fantastic. The second thing is she said is I've got my grandchildren from across the country live on the screen with me. And no matter how tough my day in Parkinson's disease is a really tough disease, I'm showing up to see my grandchildren. So with us, the social component, it's not just seeing a leaderboard, you're actually seeing and hearing other people.
If you want that social c.
📍 All right, we'll get back to the show in just a minute. If you've been with us for any period of time this year, we've partnered with Alex's Lemonade Stand to raise money for Cures for Childhood Cancer, and we are so excited. We set a goal to raise $50,000 and we're already up over 27,000, our 26,700 for the year.
So we're close to 27,000. I'm rounding up. We went to the Vibe Conference and with your. And the help of just an amazing community, generous community. And our partners as well. We were able to raise $16,500. So thank you all for your generosity. We're gonna do it again. As you know, we did Captains Cures for Childhood Cancer, at the Vibe Conference and anyone who got their picture taken with Captain who was facing the camera we gave $1 to Alex's Lemonade.
We're heading to hymns and bringing Captain again, and we're gonna do the same thing. As you know, captain is my producer service dog. He'll be roaming the floor. If you see Captain, stop us. We would love to have your picture taken and we would love to have you participate in this campaign.
We really appreciate our partners who helped to make this possible. For this one, so far we have rubrics, so we still have a couple of spots If you want to participate, if you want your company to participate, let 'em. That they can participate in this and we will give you the details. You can shoot us a note at partner at this week, health.com.
It's real simple. If you're on the floor, you see Captain, get your picture taken. Anyone facing the camera, go ahead and post it to social media Twitter or LinkedIn. Tag this week. Health, that's how we do the county. And again, 16,505. I think we can do it. At the HYMNS conference and really make a dent in our goal to get to $50,000 for childhood cancer.
It's gonna be exciting. We appreciate our partners who stepped up during the Vibe Conference, and obviously we appreciate rubric being our first partner to step up for the hymns event. So look forward to seeing you at hymns now, back to the show. 📍 📍
You're, You're creating a care circle
almost, if you will.
Exactly. Exactly.
It's interesting cuz about eight to 10 years ago I wanted to create those care circles and what it's complex to do, there's a lot of consent, there's a lot of technology components in terms of tying all that stuff together and whatnot.
Are you utilizing platforms that are already out there or have you built a platform from Sarepta?
So, so we, we've built it and a core piece, if you think about the traditional approach to online, it's been let's replace what's happening in person and brick and mortar, whether it's a hospital, whether it's a local gym.
We do the opposite. So we partner with them so they can use us as an online extension. But in that content, that's how, whether you're in the middle of St. Louis, Missouri, or you're in the middle of New York City, or you're in Alabama, you're in Denver, wherever you. We can find local relatable programming for you, and then we can bring in those care circles or others to help support you to do it.
What's the incentive for me as an instructor or somebody who, who's developed the program to, come to you and put my content on your platform?
A host of things. So one is you are using it as an online extension tool for your own members, your own patients, right?
Right. Rather than your members, your patients do something online that's trying to put you out of business. , you're partnering. They're actually more people are discovering them. So it becomes a lead gen tool. So if you discover a great expert in postpartum depression and then you want to go see someone in person, you are gonna see that person in person you discovered online.
So there's multiple benefits to it. That's why we've got now fast approaching 10,000 instructors teaching on the platform now.
If I'm in, in Cleveland, Cleveland Clinic could partner with you, put their content out there Yeah. And do all that stuff.
Exactly. Some of the leading hospitals in the country. Do that with us. And the doctors are giving their patients access to our platform as well.
And then when it is time for them to go seek care, it's a natural flow right into them.
Right. And the same for the care management team, for example, at a hospital is rather than having to call every single patient to find out what they're doing at home with us, you know what patients are doing, then you can focus your time and your efforts on the people who aren't doing what they need to be doing.
And it's just a better use of your time as.
Absolutely. Daniel, I wanna thank you for your time. Thank you, bill. Appreciate it. Best, best of luck. And you know, we've been preaching this for a long time, which is we've gotta do something about wellness. And so until as a health system, they can engage me with more touchpoints, more, you know, talk to me while I'm in the grocery store, engage me in my fitness and wellness program and that kind of stuff.
I'm still gonna keep showing up in the acute care center at some point. You know, it's, We are a amalgamation of all those health decisions we're making along the way. It's
so, it's so true. And just, it comes back to if you, rather than it being an abstract, it's a doctor, it's someone who's telling you what to do.
If you're bringing that parcel, social circles, the people they love, the people they care about, show me a grandparent who's not gonna show up to see their grandchildren. Okay. Oh yeah, absolutely. And that's, that's what we do.
Powerful stuff. Thank you again. Thank you Bell. Appreciate it.
Another great interview. I wanna thank everybody who spent time with us at the conference. I love hearing from people on the front lines and it's phenomenal that they've taken the time to share their wisdom and experience with the community. It is greatly appreciated.
We wanna thank our partners, CDW, Rubrik, Sectra and Trellix, who invest in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.