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June 7: Today on the Conference channel, it’s an Interview in Action live from HIMSS 2023 with Jared Antczak, CDO at Sanford Health. How can healthcare providers redefine the healthcare experience to meet the expectations and needs of consumers, patients, and caregivers in a profound way? What are the main barriers and challenges in creating a great digital experience? In what ways can technology and home-based healthcare solutions be leveraged to create more touch points with individuals in the community, allowing for better monitoring of health and proactive care?

Join us on June 8 at 1PM ET for our webinar: 'The Future of Care Spaces' This webinar will focus on the latest healthcare technologies and solutions transforming care spaces in America. Care spaces can include hospitals, clinics, and at-home treatments where advanced technologies can enable better workflows, treatments, and patient outcomes. Register Here:

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interview in action from the:

Special thanks to our cDW, Rubrik, Sectra and Trellix for choosing to invest in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.

You can check them out on our website this week,, now onto this interview.

right, here we are from Hymns:

You know, it's overwhelming. I think I had read somewhere that there were. Over 11,000, you know, healthcare vendors in in our, our industry.

And I think all of them showed up.

All of, yeah. Yeah. I, the first one I ever came to as a cio, there's two things that I said to somebody, Hey, should I go to this HEMS thing? And they said, oh yeah, you should go. It's no big deal. Just, yeah, just go. And it was in Vegas, so I, it was a quick flight for me. I went over and there was 50,000 plus people.

I walk into the thing, I call up the person who told me it was no big deal. I'm like, are you insane? This is, this is the most overwhelming thing I've ever seen. The other thing is they put CIO on my badge, right? And it was like, I don't know. It was a feeding friendship is what it was. I learned over the years this is a, a great place.

To catch up with all of your existing vendors and to explore potentially some new solutions that are going on.

Yeah, absolutely. You know what, the Uber driver couldn't get me within a mile of the place, so I had to walk for the last probably 15 minutes just to



But what, so what would Chief Digital Officer for Stanford Health, what would you be looking at right now?

You know, the thing that really excites me about healthcare, the thing that gets me out of bed every morning is the opportunity that exists to just really redefine the healthcare experience for both our consumers, our patients, our members, our residents, as well as our caregivers, you know, including providers, nurses, clinicians.

I think, you know, it's very easy to recognize, you know, if you were to ask anybody, maybe not here, there might be a little bit of bias in the, in the conference center, but go out on the street of Chicago and ask anybody to name a. Great digital experience. Oh, in, in healthcare, Netflix and Amazon and Uber and all of these other things, very few people would like me to name their healthcare provider system as a great digital experience.

And so I think that opportunity to really just, you know, meet our consumers, our patients expectations and needs in a profound way, still exists.

What's it gonna take for us to, to break that barrier? I mean, is it, the complexity behind the scenes that we need to tackle as an operation? Or is there a certain technology that we're still waiting for to, to really evolve?

Yeah, that's a really great question. I think if, if we could figure out the, the, you know, golden arrow to that question, everybody , would be out of business here, right? Every health system is unique. Every health system serves a different population, serves a different sort of market presence. There's different needs and expectations based on the region.

And so, you know, unfortunately I don't think there's a silver bullet that just a one size fits all kind of answer. But I think going back to your question, About complexity. We are very complex, right? And as if I think about great digital experiences, great digital experiences make complex things easy.

They make difficult things simple, right? And there's nothing more complex than healthcare. In many instances. We deal with some of the most vulnerable moments that we as human beings ever experienced in life, right? If I think of my own personal example here, just to get a little vulnerable in the last.

Two years, I lost both of my parents. My wife delivered twins six weeks early, so we stayed in the NICU for a month. And we've had healthcare experiences, right? So I've seen death, I've seen birth, I've seen sickness. And in those moments when we as human beings are in those, you know, vulnerable experiences.

There's a lot of friction, there's a lot of complexity. And so I think the opportunity, and you know, healthcare, I know healthcare, right, but I'm also a consumer of healthcare, right? I'm a patient too, just like all of us are. So I think, I think we can all recognize the opportunity that exists to simplify things.

It's interesting I was talking to someone yesterday about human-centered design. And I was talking to some somebody this morning about patients being a part of our advi advisory councils helping us to, to make it better. Have you engaged the, the patients in identifying the, the areas that could improve across, or is it just obvious this, these are the areas that could improve?

No, I think we have to include patients, we have to include physicians. We can't make assumptions on what their needs or expectations are. Even though, you know, going back to what I just said a moment ago, we're all patients. I think it's very arrogant to assume that we can

assume. Yeah. In the health system, you hear that all the time.

It's like, do we really need to bring these people in because you know, we're all. We're all basically patients. The problem is we have a different lens. Once we start working for the health system, we have a different lens, which we're looking at things. Whereas somebody who doesn't understand can come in and say, I don't understand why you keep asking me the same question over and over again.

You know, and there's just. Some things that when you do that, when you ask 'em the same question over and over again, it chips away at the confidence. It's like, you didn't know what they just asked me over there, and now I'm here and then I go to the clinic over here and they didn't know.

It's like, are you looking at my whole medical record or do you have all the information? And it just, it, and that bleeds over into the. Experience with the clinician where they go, why are you asking me that question again? It creates sort of a, a bad situation for those clinicians as well.

Absolutely. No, we bring a lot of bias and a lot of jargon to the table when we try to put ourselves in patient's shoes and. There's no better way to understand what our patients need than to talk to our patients, to bring them into that human-centered design process and really understand what are their jobs to be done, what are their underserved needs?

What are the points of friction that they're experiencing? And then once we've identified those problems, to really orient our solutions around that, I, we call that outside in inspiration rather than inside out inspiration, right? Go to the outside of our walls, our ivory tower, and actually talk to the people that we're serving.

What's the top one or two things that the clinicians are, saying, look, you've gotta make this better.

You know, I,:

Right. So again, I think from the provider side, how do we. Use technology in a way that actually allows them to provide better care and to connect with their patients in a human way. Right. Humanize healthcare. I think the other thing that, you know, a, a big opportunity for us is we talk about healthcare, but really we're in the business of sick care.

We only think about our patients when they're ill, right? We think pre-visit, during visit, post visit, and then we lose sight of people until they're sick again. And I think if we really want to make that transition to healthcare, where we make those in between visit moments relevant for people, and we enable people to, to be empowered to take charge of their care there's a really profound opportunity there.

📍    We'll get back to our show in just a minute. I am excited about our webinars this year. They have been going very well. What I've done is I've gone out and talked to people in the community and said, what works in webinars?

And they came back and said, look, this is what we want. We want a webinar that is not product centric. It's really focused in on the problems of health care. And we want people on there that are actually solving those problems. And so we have done that. And the response has been fantastic this year. We have another webinar coming up.

It is the future of care spaces. Where care is being delivered is changing rapidly. Even the care spaces within the hospital themselves are changing. Technology is being added in different types of technology. A. I obviously computer vision and whatnot is changing that modality as well as what's going on in the home and whatnot.

So we're gonna have that webinar June 8th at one p. m. Easter time. We usually have it on the first Thursday. Happens to be a little too close to my anniversary. So we're going to do June 8th at 1 p. m. Eastern time future of care spaces. We would love to have you be a part of it. If you are interested in being there, go ahead and hit our website.

Top right hand corner. We have a card. You can click on that card and go ahead and fill out the form and get registered today. We would love to have you join us we look forward to seeing you there. Now back to our show.


tive that I was using back in:

And I care more, a lot more about my health than I do my car. And by the way, my car can tell me, Hey, I need service. I need this, I need this. Here's the, when they take it in, they just. They literally plug it in and it tells 'em, Hey, here's what's wrong with the car. Are we starting to, I mean, I'm, I'm seeing some more of these, age tech companies, these home based companies come out with interesting things like monitoring falls at home Passive collection of critical health information, that kind stuff is, is that what we're talking about?

Like getting more touch points to, know if our people in our community are healthy?

You know, that's, that's a really great question. I don't think we do a great job of even managing the information that we do have about people. Right, right. I'm slightly embarrassed. To admit that I think crumble cookies probably knows more about me than my doctor does.

Right. They know. They know what car I drive, they know what my preferred payment method is. They probably know which day of the week is cheat day for me. Right, right. Because of when I show up my doctor, the only time I get prompts and nudges. Or typically when a bill is due, right? A

bill or, or if you did set an appointment, we're good at appointment reminders now, right?

How do we personalize healthcare to the individual, right? And make it relevant to them? And then how do we take advantage of some of these other technologies where we bring healthcare into

their homes? I, I think that is going to be the next, the next step is because we have this brand and the brand for Stanford in your community as trusted, partnered for my, I mean, we say sick care, but very few people outside the industry will say sick care.

They'll say healthcare. Mm-hmm. This is my trusted, if I have a problem, I'm going to Stanford. But more and more we're seeing like telehealth providers come in and that kind of stuff, but there's an opportunity there with that brand to say, look, we can do more than just sick care. We can be your partner for your aging parent who happens to live in our community.

We can be your partner for health. For, for wellness, for losing weight, for monitoring and those kind of things. I don't know. I'm, I'm sort of playing off you and saying that that's sort of my, my hope is what we're seeing is a, we're seeing a lot of technology progress there, but I'd like to see health systems sort of progress to that mindset of now we're, we're your trusted partner.

We're your partner throughout your life, the continuum of all of your needs, right?

Yep. We see you when you're born. And we'll probably be there when you, when you die, especially a community like, like Sanford serves. I mean, that it's not a very transient population, I wouldn't imagine.

Right, right. We have a very static population in the upper rural Midwest.

Yes, sir. It's fantastic. Jared, I want to thank you for your, for giving us a signal All right. Behind the camera. So

thank you very much. Thank you, bill. Appreciate it.

   Another great interview. I wanna thank everybody who spent time with us at the conference. I love hearing from people on the front lines and it's phenomenal that they've taken the time to share their wisdom and experience with the community. It is greatly appreciated.

We wanna thank our partners, CDW, Rubrik, Sectra and Trellix, who invest in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.


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