November 18: Today on the Conference channel, it’s a double Interview in Action live from the 2023 CHIME Fall Forum. First, Karla Arzola, Chief Information Officer at Rocky Mountain Human Services speaks with Marshall Pearson, Division Director of Application Services at HCA Healthcare. How do established healthcare systems balance innovation with startup partnerships? Pearson speaks on ongoing projects to streamline processes like physician note-taking through AI, and gives us a glimpse into the promising future of 2024; a journey painted with the hues of process automation and an aspiration to simplify and compact repetitive tasks. Next, Reid Stephan, VP and CIO at St. Lukes speaks with Caitlin Ursini, Strategic Partnerships lead at Notable. Caitlin explains how Notable enhances the capabilities within Electronic Health Records for better optimization. One might wonder, how the rapid advancement in generative AI influenced Notable's strategy? More intriguing is the idea of transforming unstructured data for decision-making - how has this been realized practically? Real-world use cases shed light on the application of this concept, particularly in population health work.
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Welcome to This Week Health Conference. My name is Bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of This Week Health, a set of channels and events dedicated to leveraging the power of community to propel healthcare forward. Today we have an interview in action from the Fall Conferences on the West Coast.
Here we go.
we are at Chime Fall Forum:So, Marshall Pearson, I'm the Director of Application Services for HA Healthcare in the Continental Division, which represents HA. Hospitals and surgery centers and ambulatory services in the state of Colorado and Wichita, Kansas, Central Kansas. Thank you, Marshall.
Marshall and I used to work together, so I know this guy pretty well.
He's awesome. He's a super smart guy. So, Marshall, what is on top of mind for the organization
right now? Staffing shortages, labor constraints, AI, the advancing technologies, how to implement and leverage those things. Technologies and um,
yeah. So you have been in the imaging side for a while.
Mm-Hmm. And AI is not even in imaging, right? Correct. So we've been doing AI for a while, quite a bit for a long time. Is there anything else that the organization is looking to for this year or next year specifically? Any other business cases, any technology that you guys are looking into?
Yeah. Most currently we're exploring strategic partnerships with. Startup companies and established companies to leverage AI, for example, natural language processing to read all of our clinical notes, physician notes, lab results, and use that to help surface to our hospitalists the most relevant information to make their processes easier and smoother for clinical note taking processing of patients.
you managing And I know the complexity of vetting vendors, right? That's exhausting, and it's a ton. And so, you mentioned startups. How do you decide to go with a startup versus a company that's already established? And then, how do you choose your partners, I guess?
Sure. Well, usually the startups we're partnering with are backed by well known investors. And so, there's confidence. and integrity in those startups. And they're looking for organizations to pilot with to test their product and to give them feedback. And of course our environment is unique in the system that we're part of a large integrated delivery system.
So while another site might be a great pilot site for a very focused narrow niche kind of approach, our environment with scale and multi hospital, multi service brings a different aspect to the startups that is very beneficial to both parties. Yeah,
that's exciting. I can't wait to hear about it. So, let's talk about some of the current initiatives.
We talk about shortages. I know it's not only with clinicians, it's also on the technical side. Correct. So, what are some of the things that you're doing to solve those problems? Is there any specific things that you're working on or some tactics? Or, what are you working on? What are you guys doing in regards to that?
Staffing development for sure is one. And working with strategic partners and bringing in consultants to help is another.
ve we're almost at the end of:We can plan for things and things are not going to end up the way that we think are. But what is it something that you were able to accomplish? some of the projects that you
worked throughout the year. So partnering with one vendor for helping us leveraging artificial intelligence to help us reduce length of stay.
Partnering with another vendor that we're working with to help increase the physician note taking process through AI.
s. That's great. Anything for:Continuation. Yeah. Continuation. Another big focus is automation to reduce complexities and repetitive tasks to make our staffing shortages more bearable by automating and streamlining those processes.
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for your time.
I appreciate the insight. Good luck with all the projects. I know you're going to be super successful. We always make it work. I mean, by the way, when I talk, I always say we because I feel like we. Family. We're like family. Thank you so much for the time. You're welcome. I appreciate it. 📍 📍 Thank you so
Hi there. We're at the Chimefall Forum. here with another interview in action. My name is Reid Steffen, VP and CIO at St. Luke's Health System, and I'm joined today by Kaitlin Orsini, who is the head of Epic Accounts at Notable. Kaitlin, how are you? I'm good.
I'm glad to be here.
Bill's talked about Notable in past shows, but maybe for listeners who are new to it, just take 30 seconds, high level overview, who is Notable? What do you do? Yeah, so
Notable is an intelligent automation platform, so we're working And to enhance the capabilities that already exist within your EHR to better optimize your digital front door and eliminate all the manual work that staff members are doing across the organization.
So, I'm curious, in the last year with the rapid velocity of generative AI, how has that shaped Notable's roadmap, your strategy, how have you chosen to take advantage of this with the products you already
have? It's made it a lot more fun. It's allowed us to go a lot faster. So when we think about, and for those of you who don't know, where Notable, one of the We work with structured and unstructured data, so when we think about the fact that anywhere between 80 and 99 percent of all data within healthcare is unstructured, our ability to use AI and large language models to actually better parse through that data, pull that into a structured format, and then be able to automate and take action on that, it expands the amount of work that we can do, it actually provides better outcomes to our partners, and it allows us to look at areas that before people said, well, you need five or six people to get to that information.
And then five or six people to act on it, we're able to kind of pull that all into one experience and really make an impact really quickly in a matter of weeks with some of our organizations versus having to take months and building out algorithms, building all these learnings. We can do it a lot
So this idea of taking unstructured data and having it be an enabler to make the decisions sounds amazing. Can you share some real world use cases of how customers have taken that capability and the benefit of the outcomes that they've realized from
it? Yeah, so So we're doing that a lot with our population health work, so we're helping organizations, if organizations are taking on more risk or moving more into value based care, we're actually using some of our technology scrub through patient charts.
So we're looking at records that might live in OnBase and other document management systems as well as scan in documents that may be in a patient's chart to actually use the technology, scan through those documents, extract that information, turn it into a discrete detail, and then prompt the provider.
Prior to a visit, letting them know, right at the top of their record, that this patient has three or four open gaps in care. Or if they're not coming in for a visit, we're taking that information, we're outreaching directly to a patient, allowing them to schedule a visit and actually come in to receive that care.
That honestly may have been missed, because unless you've got an army of nurses that are able to scrub charts, or an army of MAs, which I don't think very many people have anymore you're not having the opportunity to actually get through all of those charts and providers are just doing. The best that they possibly can to get as much information, but they all say, we want more, we want to be able to get more, and this is an opportunity for them to do that.
They can see more patients can have better outcomes, and patients can feel known by their health system that my provider knows when I need something and I can come in and get care.
Yeah. So what you're describing sounds great. You make it sound really easy. I know it's not. What's the kind of path of time to value?
Like how long does it take to, with your solution, to then bring it in and start to actually
Yeah, so we've got one organization that actually just went live from when we got access to their EHR. It was about 12 to 16 weeks when we were able to deploy and roll out their first sort of, I won't call it a pilot, but their first kind of their showcase site start.
So we can do it as quick as three or four months, which is really quick in health care. Yeah. But we think about that longer impact. I mean, I think it's usually within four or five months our organizations are seeing and they're able to report back, they're able to see where do we need to continue to expand, where do we need to add additional gaps in care for the example that I used before.
So, it happens relatively quickly.
Great. So, Caitlin, this is your second QIIME event, so you're a veteran. What are you most interested in experiencing and learning and
understanding? Well, to your question earlier on, generative AI, six months ago at the Spring Forum, that was still kind of a far fetched idea.
So, I'm interested to hear from folks like yourself and others that are here of how are you doing? What are they thinking about applying it? What are they excited about? Where are there still some hesitancies or where you may be a little bit nervous? Because I think at the end of the day, we have to work all together as partners, as health systems, as vendors, to be able to actually take this technology and put it into action.
And so it's important for me to be able to listen and hear how we can actually have that impact. Great.
Well, Caitlin, appreciate your time. Have a great conference. And just thanks for sharing with us.
Another great interview. I want to thank everybody who spent time with us at the conference. I love hearing from people on the front lines. It is phenomenal that you shared your wisdom and experience with the community and we greatly appreciate it. We also want to thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.
They are CDW, Rubrik, 📍 Sectra, and Trellix. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.