April 18: Walk the floor with This Week Health. Check out the booths you may have missed at the spring health IT conferences. In this episode we feature:
Join us on May 4 at 1PM ET for our webinar: 'Leader Series: Modern Data Strategies in Healthcare.' This webinar will focus on exploring data governance and analytics strategies that have the potential to revolutionize healthcare in the modern era. With a data-driven approach, we can improve patient care outcomes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs in the healthcare industry. Register Here: https://thisweekhealth.com/modern-data-strategies/
Donate: Alex’s Lemonade Stand: Foundation for Childhood Cancer
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Hello and welcome to From the Floor on our conference channel. Last year as my team and I walked the exhibit floor at one of the fall conferences, I realized two things, many health IT professionals could not make it to the conference because of travel restrictions or busy schedules, which is also true right now.
And there are many excellent healthcare solutions who were at the conference and they were ready and willing to share their. About how they plan to help propel healthcare forward. We have short conversations with the vendors in their booths and we ask them to tell us what problem they are trying to solve in healthcare and how they're going about doing that, and hopefully give you a taste of what it's like to walk from booth to booth.
We'll try to capture as many of these as we can and share them with you. So we hope that you enjoy the new series. Special thanks to our sponsors on the, conference channel, which are sure Test, c d w, healthcare, Artis site and rubric for making this content possible and for investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.
And now from the floor.
Up first, we have an intelligent information exchange solution that could save coordinations two hours a day.
All right. Tell me who are you and what is your role?
Hi Holly. My name is John Zimmerman. I'm the CEO of Hold On Solutions.
Beautiful. And what is Hold on, solutions and what solutions do they provide for healthcare?
Great question. Hold on. Solutions is an intelligent work. Integration solution that fits across all stakeholders in healthcare.
It sits on what we call the community platform that enables all those stakeholders to exchange information and . Connect their workflows to each other.
What our solution does is it intelligently understands what the user is doing, so we watch the user, we know what other information they need to do their job that is not in their system of record. We go and retrieve it for them and bring it into their field division.
That makes their job easier. They don't have to search for anything. They don't have to remember where to go, and it prevents rework and saves them time and allows them to meet all of their measures.
Beautiful. So who at the health system would you like to talk to and what is the conversation you want to have with them?
In a health system and in also in risk-bearing entities, it's typically. Who works with quality and quality measures. It's also the groups who work with the provider network and clinically integrated networks because they have such a difficult time getting this information into their workflows. So as we do bring it in and enable them to do what they need to do with less time and more effectiveness and better quality.
They're able to meet their objectives much smoother and much faster than they have before. We increase their revenue, decrease their cost, and give time back to the providers themselves.
Beautiful. And last, are there any success stories or examples you'd like to share with our audience?
Yeah, there are so many, but there's one that just struck me from two weeks ago.
We had one of our team at a health system in Western Pennsylvania, and one of their folks came up and grabbed our colleague and said, do you know that you saved me two hours a day? Two hours? That's a quarter of her. And her job is a chart prepper who helps with ensuring that the providers have the right information that they need.
So not only do we help that person save all that time, but the care provider's, time and quality of that encounter goes way up because there's. Better information for them to do their jobs.
That is wonderful and so needed. Thank you so much, John. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.
Thank you, Holly.
I look forward to working with you.
Second, we have a process automation solution.
Holly 2
hi, who are you and what is your role?
Good morning. My name is Jason Larman. I'm the VP of Global Healthcare here at UiPath.
Awesome. So UiPath, tell me what is the solution you provide for healthcare?
So UiPath is in a category that we call process automation. We're actually a global company. We're publicly traded.
We are actually the healthcare division of the business and we. The top healthcare systems, payers and technology companies globally, actually here in the United States as well as abroad and European unions, as well as AsiaPac and countries like Australia and Ireland.
Oh, wow. Awesome. So what role at a health system do you wanna have a conversation with and what do you wanna talk to them about?
So we actually are an enterprise wide company, so we. With Chief Technology Officer cuz we reduce technical debt, especially around technologies around SAP and applications like Epic because we improve the cost of care through things like EMR regression testing and just general IT applications where a lot of audits and applications need to be enhanced and revised.
We talk a lot. With the CIO, cuz we actually solve interoperability. Humans are the greatest interoperability engine healthcare has today, and that's where all your abrasion is. So I have to swivel technologies back and forth. We put automation in the middle because that's not the work we want our clinicians doing.
That's not the work. We want our back office doing and it's agnostic so it works on every application in an extremely risk free governed way. We also talk a lot to the CFO cuz they're normally the ones that wanna buy us, cuz at the end they have an SGNA cost that wanna reduce. No one has ever lost their job with automation.
It's all the jobs that don't exist today or the roles that actually you cannot hire for. Cuz there's never been thought of on an average. There's normally 800 and 900 jobs required in the health system today that they just don't have staff for. The CFO is trying to figure this out, how to keep costs low.
So we work very closely with a cfo. Also, they're tied to the finance and the revenue cycle. So revenue cycle is very transactional in nature. This just wears UiPath and really automation has most of its applicable abilities today.
That's wonderful. Are there any case studies, success stories you'd like to share with our audience?
Sure. There's a lot of them and a lot of them we've been hearing at the show here. Today. A really good example very large health system that we work with very locally. They're actually on this massive journey to automate all their document. The average organization has several hundred million documents, paper documents.
ally it's more advanced. It's:It normally sits in a workflow for someone to do. Robots take action on that data immediately. We also have another organization on the West coast that's actually optimizing their inbasket, inbasket, 1.2, 1.3 million in basket items For clinicians right now, they really don't have that time like, Hey, Bobby needs a vaccination report.
I need to renew my drugs. These are very binary click processes. So can I look at the in basket, have a robot understand what the reason is, go into the emr, aggregate the response, let the clinician say, release human in the loop and then take care of that. So a 15 to 20 minute activity that they don't have time for now turns into a two second activity to validate and push out the door.
So millions of items today.
That is wonderful. Well, thank you so much, Jason. I look forward to talking to you again. Thank you. It was a pleasure.
All right, we'll get back to the show in just a minute. If you've been with us for any period of time this year, we've partnered with Alex's Lemonade Stand to raise money for Cures for Childhood Cancer, and we are so excited. We set a goal to raise $50,000 and we're already up over 27,000, our 26,700 for the year.
So we're close to 27,000. I'm rounding up. We went to the Vibe Conference and with your. And the help of just an amazing community, generous community. And our partners as well. We were able to raise $16,500. So thank you all for your generosity. We're gonna do it again. As you know, we did Captains Cures for Childhood Cancer, at the Vibe Conference and anyone who got their picture taken with Captain who was facing the camera we gave $1 to Alex's Lemonade.
We're heading to hymns and bringing Captain again, and we're gonna do the same thing. As you know, captain is my producer service dog. He'll be roaming the floor. If you see Captain, stop us. We would love to have your picture taken and we would love to have you participate in this campaign.
We really appreciate our partners who helped to make this possible. For this one, so far we have rubrics, so we still have a couple of spots If you want to participate, if you want your company to participate, let 'em. That they can participate in this and we will give you the details. You can shoot us a note at partner at this week, health.com.
It's real simple. If you're on the floor, you see Captain, get your picture taken. Anyone facing the camera, go ahead and post it to social media Twitter or LinkedIn. Tag this week. Health, that's how we do the county. And again, 16,505. I think we can do it. At the HYMNS conference and really make a dent in our goal to get to $50,000 for childhood cancer.
It's gonna be exciting. We appreciate our partners who stepped up during the Vibe Conference, and obviously we appreciate rubric being our first partner to step up for the hymns event. So look forward to seeing you at hymns now, back to the show. 📍
Holly 3
📍 Up next, we have a remote patient monitoring program that focuses on the clinician and empowering the patient. 📍 📍
So tell me who you are and what is your role.
Sure. John George. I'm the Chief Commercial Officer at Etic. Perfect. And we're here at the show today because we're really talking about how remote care management. Can really empower not only the clinician, but also the patient at home. And so we're always come to shows like Vibe and Health and another show we come to, but Vibe has been very successful for us and really getting the audience that helps us really expand the product.
We get really good input here. We meet with the top decision makers at hospitals. We attend the hosted buyer session here and really a good feedback that really helps us drive what the market needs. And so, yeah, we love this show and it just gets us sort of, our whole team is here and gets us engaged with other vendors, what they're doing, and as well as the healthcare market and how they're moving remote care forward.
It's beautiful. Awesome. So who at the health system are you looking to have a conversation with and what is the conversation you're wanting to have with them?
That's a great question because there's still a lot of questions in the market about what kind of remote programs, we're gonna run.
And so really chief Digital officers are really driving the digital strategy across health systems. We love talking to them. They have a wide vision of sort of the different solutions they wanna put in the process to improve care. Chief population health officers, the head of telehealth.
Those are the folks that we talk to. But whenever we get engaged, they really bring in a wide group of folks to really talk about it. you know, Our platform's unique. We're not a platform that sits outside of a clinical workflow. The whole design of the etic RPM solution, which we call impact, really takes the power of our Health IoT platform, which is probably one of the largest in the world, and it powers the chronic management side.
With all of those devices that we collect data from. And so you could really have a bring your own device type strategy where a patient can be at home, already have a glucometer blood pressure, cuff weight scale and just connect the device. And then we're receiving the data and all of that gets fully embedded into the clinical or so epic.
We embed with Epic with App Orchard Cerner. Cerner Code Program, NextGen's a partner of ours. So we fully embedded. So the doctor or a nurse never leave their clinical workflow. It's a very simple and easy process for them.
That's wonderful. And so important for them. Yes. So are there any use cases or success stories that you'd like to share with our audience?
Yeah, we have a pretty major success story and, you know, probably our fault, we don't get it out enough, but Kaiser Permanente is a pretty large client of. And really helped us develop the platform. And they were a great development partner. And today we're running, I probably think, the nation's largest provider based RPM program with Kaiser.
They've enrolled over 350,000 patients in diabetes, hypertension, and CHF programs. And they've got about a hundred thousand active every day on our platform. We're live in, I think, seven out of their eight region. Integrated in about 20 different instances of Epic And there are 6,000 clinicians that use that every day.
And it really helps the patients. They did a study, they got amazing scores. It said it saves them time. The patients stayed engaged cuz they love that the clinicians were actually seeing the data and looking at the data and the system can communicate to the patient without the clinician even getting involved.
We can encourage them to keep, doing their program and keeping their readings coming through, stepping on scales, taking their blood glucose levels. And so it really engages them. We give them a lot of motivation to keep the program going and we get really good health outcomes from.
That's beautiful. Thank you so much, Sean. It is wonderful to meet you and I look forward to talking to you guys. Thank you.
Holly 4
Up last, we have a solution that provides the trifecta, EMR consulting, data organization, and cloud transformation.
Hello. Hi, who are you and what is your role?
My name is Anan Kumar and I'm the Senior Vice President and head of the Cloud Solutions at Healthcare Triangle Inc.
Beautiful. So who is Healthcare Triangle and what solution do you provide for healthcare?
we have primarily three pillars within the organization.
First of all, let me tell you what Healthcare Triangle is. Healthcare Triangle, the triangle. The three industry vertical that we are focusing on, and that is healthcare provider, healthcare payer, and pharmaceutical life sciences. From an offering perspective we, again, have three pillars internally.
One is EHR consulting. Specifically with Meditech and Epic. And the second pillar is cloud transformation for healthcare providers, healthcare peers, and also for formal life sciences. And the third pillar is our data organization. We also have platforms, which is hydro certified, where we can take care of shared responsibility model for the cloud, and also from a data organization perspective with the ability and capability to ingest PHI and PII data.
On the platform and provide instant visualization or insight on the data that you ingest on the platform from disparate sources, and also helping customers solve some of the challenges around data interoperability.
Wonderful. Yeah. So at a healthcare system, what role do you wanna have a conversation with and what would you like to talk to them about?
Yeah. So at the healthcare systems, the ideal profile for us would be the cio head of architecture, head of innovation. And we would like to talk to them about, and especially in today's days in world, where a lot of challenges around cybersecurity, ransomware, security overall. We would like to talk to them about infrastructure modernization, data modernization, and application modernization.
Wonderful. Are there any success stories or case studies you'd like to share?
Of course, of course we are already working with multiple healthcare providers and healthcare systems where we are engaged in modernizing their entire infrastructure and data infrastructure as well. As well as we are enabling them to take baby steps for cloud transformation by , starting their cloud transformation journey through backup India on the cloud, building their secured and compliant.
Landing zone on the cloud, which is providing them extra layer of security and providing them a lot of peace of mind from a cybersecurity perspective.
Yes. Well, thank you so much. I look forward to talking to you again. Thank you.
What a great group of healthier partners. We want to thank them for spending time with us from the floor. And sharing their solutions and their aspirations for supporting healthcare it. I wanna thank them for talking with me, with Holly and our team from the floor. We also want to thank our sponsors who make this content possible and our investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.
They are Shore Test cdw, healthcare, Artis site, and rubric. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.