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December 20, 2022: A special episode today. Interviews with cutting edge innovation leaders direct from the floor of HLTH ‘22:

  • Lisa Ash, Senior VP and Chief of Innovation Strategy for NTT Data
  • Josh Rubel, Chief Commercial Officer at MDClone
  • Vivienne Raab, Healthcare Strategy and Operations, Lyft Healthcare
  • Sarah Rosen, Head of Product Marketing, Notable

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the exhibit floor at the HLTH:

I'm Lisa Ash, Senior Vice President and Chief of Innovation Strategy and offerings for NTT Data. So who's NTT Data? NTT Data provides advisory services and technology services to healthcare organizations across the ecosystem. And what is the problem you're trying to solve in. So we actually have the opportunity to work in very different parts of the healthcare ecosystem. So when we focus on provider, we're talking to them and helping them solve for the big challenges of all things digital, digital, front door. How do you deploy acute hospital and home integration challenges, interoperability, data analytics.

How do you deploy bots, ai, ia in the, in the system. So we really cross the gamut of who we're working. In the organization, well outside of it and really in the business. who at the health system would you like to talk to and what do you wanna have a conversation with them about? Yeah, so I think that, you know, we are really focused on the business.

So we use technology to solve business problems, but we can help with you know, excess cost transformation conversations in the business. What are you trying to do? We help. Sepsis with organizations a different way. We have clinical use cases, technology use cases, interoperability, putting the patient first.

All those things. We've got experts that can help you tackle that problem. And then we use technology to solve it. Are there any specific use cases you'd like to share? Well, we're really excited about something that we launched here, which is our cyber resiliency and our ransomware readiness capability. We've got the framework for acute hospital and home, we're, we're helping to take on the challenges of interoperability. How do you connect the disconnected ecosystem? Put the patient first. You know, how do you use data analytics and how do you have a monetization strategy around your data as an 📍 asset.

I'm Josh Rubel. I'm the Chief Commercial Officer at MDClone. And MDClone is a digital technology. Focused on making healthcare data more usable across the ecosystem. so tell us what problem is MDClone trying to solve?

So the biggest problem in healthcare data is associated with the complexity of the data sources that are out there, the frameworks and formats, the data stored in. That challenge makes it almost impossible for lay people, people like you and me to actively interrogate that data to get insights. That's really the first challenge. The second. Just associated with patient privacy. No matter what you do with patient data and healthcare, you've gotta maintain that sacrosanct private relationship between that provider and the patient. And you want utilization. So you gotta figure out a way to navigate through that complexity and that privacy poll.

Do you want to have a conversation with in the health system and you want to have the conversation about? You know, I want to talk with people in healthcare who want to do more, taking data today to solve a problem today that's gonna impact patient care tomorrow.

Organizations that have that innovative bend where they're really trying to change something not five years from now, not leverage research from some. That actually make a difference tomorrow from their own organization are the ideal candidate for us to talk to. The orgs that have that sort of reputation. Places like Geisinger Health, places like Stanford, places like Mercy, those are the kinds of organizations we wanna work with, and they fit with our existing customers. Today we work with Intermountain, we work with the va, we work with Washoe Vjc. We want to find more like them.

Tell us about what you're doing at Intermountain. Intermountain is truly an amazing organization to work with. You know, they are mission driven and their, their vision aligned to that mission. So it's amazing to engage with a customer who's really focused on quality and they want to use data to make quality reality for their patients.

A great example of a use case that marries that mission and vision is what we're doing within our mountain related to hyperlipidemia. So mission driven Looking at how to predict if a patient's gonna develop hyperlipidemia based on a history or family history, excuse me, of hypercholesterolemia.

Understanding all the data elements that lead to a prediction model. Finding those patients they can make a difference with using MD CL to generate that patient list and then activating their clinical teams to go work, whether it's with the pharmaceutical or other interventions to better care for that population. So hyperlipidemia. Come about for those at risk 📍 populations.

So we are Lyft Healthcare. We specialize in patient travel and work with health systems and providers. And working on getting patients and employees from point A to point B. And what is the problem that you solve in healthcare?

We offer solutions to improve medical adherence and get patients to their appointments and also reduce at no-show rates that hospitals and providers often experience. And who at a healthcare system would you like to talk to and what is the conversation you wanna have with them? Yeah, so we would love to speak to transportation directors care coordinators, different care facilitators in different.

Who are working on improving those no-show rates and getting patients to their appointments or appointments that they have typically missed in the past, just to improve the overall patient experience and ensure that their patients get to their appointments on time. And last thing is, do you have any use cases you'd like to share?

I will give a little spiel on Lift assisted. Lift Assisted is our door to door offering where drivers complete a tutorial where they're able to offer an extra helping hand to. Who might want a little extra assistance getting to and from their appointments. And just improving the overall patient experience through door to door rides.

And just an update on some stats for Lift Healthcare. We experience a 27% reduction in no-shows on average. A 32% reduction in potential ride costs and three to five minute average wait times for our curb to curb rides across our lift healthcare 📍 locations.

Notable is an intelligent automation platform, and essentially the problem that we solve in healthcare is that we continue being an industry that is plagued with manual workflows. Lots of people manually collecting data, entering that. Into the ehr, and that creates a lot of friction and unnecessary hassles for our patients, but it also creates a tremendous burden for caregivers and staff as well. so who at a health system would you like to talk to and what is the conversation you wanna have?

So we tend to talk to a pretty broad range of executives at healthcare organizations, health systems, hospitals who are trying to maintain their independence in the market. Couple groups who are all trying to solve this problem of manual work and take their organizations down this journey of both digitization and automation, but in doing so in a way that doesn't add more staff.

So we tend to talk to chief Operating Officers, folks who are heading up ambulatory operations on the acute side. We talk with a lot of heads of revenue cycle, and of course we see the CFO and the CEO. And take a personal step in moving these deals cuz of the importance of these issues. are there any use cases you'd like to share with us?

So we recommend that organization start with intake. So that includes pre-registration, registration, all of the things that essentially set a foundation for a patient's clinical experience, but also ensuring that the health system is paid appropriately. And this is an area where a lot of solutions have been in place 📍 in.

What a great group of healthcare partners. We wanna thank them for spending some time with us on the floor and sharing their aspirations, their solutions for healthcare IT. I wanna thank them for talking to me and talking to Holly and talking to our team on the floor. We also wanna thank our conference sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders. They are Sirius Healthcare, a CDW company, VMware, 📍 Transcarent. Press Ganey, Semperis and Veritas. Thanks for listening. That's all for now


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