May 9: Walk the floor with This Week Health. Check out the booths you may have missed at the spring health IT conferences. In this episode we feature:
Donate: Alexβs Lemonade Stand: Foundation for Childhood Cancer
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Hello and welcome to From the Floor on our conference channel. Last year as my team and I walked the exhibit floor at one of the fall conferences, I realized two things, many health IT professionals could not make it to the conference because of travel restrictions or busy schedules, which is also true right now.
And there are many excellent healthcare solutions who were at the conference and they were ready and willing to share their. About how they plan to help propel healthcare forward. We have short conversations with the vendors in their booths and we ask them to tell us what problem they are trying to solve in healthcare and how they're going about doing that, and hopefully give you a taste of what it's like to walk from booth to booth.
We'll try to capture as many of these as we can and share them with you. So we hope that you enjoy the new series. Special thanks to our sponsors on the, conference channel, which are sure Test, c d w, healthcare, Artis site and rubric for making this content possible and for investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.
And now from the floor.
Up first, we have an analytic solution that can bring valuable information out of disparate systems.
Hello. Hi. Hi. Tell me who you are and what is your role.
Okay. I'm George Deley. I'm the Vice President of healthcare applications dimensional Insight analytics software provider.
Perfect and dimensional insight. Tell me what is the solution you provide for healthcare?
Right. So we provide analytics, technology, and we use that technology to create applications that are specific to healthcare. And the biggest problems that we solve are integrating data from disparate systems across the constellation of healthcare information system. We bring that data together to create the key performance indicators that are important to our customers organizations, and then we provide.
Access to that information via self-service model where the people who need information do their jobs, have immediate, very flexible access to the information that they, they choose to work
with. Wow. That's very important. So who, at a health system, what role would you like to have a conversation with and what do you wanna talk to them about?
Right. What we focus on are the, the leaders who really need information to achieve the goals of their organization. And, Lead their teams. So, our goal and the vision of our customers typically is to take really important information and get it all the way out to the, the front lines down through the various lawful social management so that everybody who can benefit from good information can do their jobs better.
Awesome. So everyone? Yeah. For everyone. I love it. Are there any use cases or success stories you'd like to share with our audience?
Yeah, we, we did a particularly interesting project with one of our partners from the. University of the Connecticut health system where they've been doing research into suicide prevention and they've created machine learning models that take information that's typically found in electronic health record systems and use that data through these models to predict the likelihood of suicide attempts.
And through their research, they found out to be effective. Now that's being deployed out through health systems throughout Connecticut. So that's that, that's one, that's one. Very exciting one where you can actually see the direct impact of data on, on health. Another one would be many of our large customers have transformed the way that they operate their health systems by access to information that lines up with their strategic goals.
So they literally kind of recreate the way that they, they do business and provide care.
That's amazing. And thank you so much for taking the time. I look forward to talking to you again.
Same here. Nice to meet you.
Beautiful. π π
βSecond, we have an employee-centric platform that supports onboarding.
To retirement. π π
βSo who are you and what is your role?
Yes, Holly. I'm Dan Finnis and I'm the Chief Nurse Executive at U kg.
Wonderful. So U kg tell me what is the solution that you guys offer for healthcare? Yeah, so
we, we offer a solution that is essentially a platform and it an employee-centric platform. So the way we describe it is it's workforce management and human capital management all in one.
So essentially anything that touches an. Employee from onboarding through to retirement, we touch. So, an integrated platform that is really, I, I mean I could share much more with you, but it's Oh, sure. It's, we are, and also the largest private software company in workforce management in the world.
Oh, wow. Wonderful. So who do you wanna have a conversation with at the health system and what do you want to talk to them about?
So, as you know, , labor is so. So challenging today. I'm a nurse obviously, but labor across healthcare in general is challenging and it will only become much more challenging.
So what we are here at, at HS to talk about is how to really help your workforce, engage them schedule them appropriately so that we're caring for them and that you're using your resources, which are really the most. Precious commodity you have to their utmost efficiency. So in other words every senior executive in healthcare should be and is concerned about labor.
We are 60% of the expenses in these, larger hospitals for any hospital for that matter, and particularly in systems. And so we see in those larger organizations and in those most visionary organizations, that more and more senior executives have workforce strategy. As a priority. And so those leaders that are embarking on workforce strategy are Chief nurses, chief human resource officers, CIOs and, and Chief operating Officers.
So, it's really a combination of those senior executives that are concerned about workforce and we are, talking with, with many of them here.
Awesome. So last, is there any success stories or case studies you'd like to share with our audience?
Just a couple of things that we're seeing that I think are very innovative is, and, and we've all been reading about the gig workforce.
I don't really like, calling our workforce different names to be perfectly frank, but we're trying to really understand for the future how do you support organizations as they are implementing more dynamic workforce. More dynamic workforce. So what that means is flexible. Workforce, fluid workforce staff that are coming in and out and perhaps working in many organizations at the same time or across state lines.
Or they have family situations that only allow them to work a certain numbers of hours a day, certain shifts, or they're working virtually. So our goal is to really help leaders in these organizations think about using those resources in very scalable dynamic ways. Providing them visibility to their workforce, visibility to their demand so that organizations can use those resources, as I said, more efficiently.
But also the workers and employees have access to their own schedule, their own requests. They can bid for shifts, they can bid for vacations, right on their mobile platform or their mobile device. So, those are some of the, things that we're seeing the. Most innovative organizations are doing that dynamic staffing and it is proving to be very effective.
So that ideally as a nurse, we want the right people to be caring for the right patient at the right time. And we are, as you probably know, EKG is all about people, our purpose as people. So we are really helping organizations to think about their own people as we do at U Kg and really help to engage them.
Support them in their life, work journey , and really be using them to their fullest potential.
That's wonderful. Well, thank you so much, Nan. I look forward to talking to you again.
Thank you. It's been nice to meet you. Beautiful. π
βAlex's lemonade Stand was started by my daughter Alex, in her front yard. It By the time she was four, she knew there was more that could be done. And she told us she was gonna have a lemonade stand and she wanted to give the money to her doctor so they could help kids like her.
It was cute. Right? She's gonna cure cancer with a lemonade stand like only a four year old would.
But from day one, it just exceeded anything we could have imagined because people responded so generously to her.
We are working to give back and are excited to partner with Alex's Lemonade stand this year. Having a child with cancer is one of the most painful and difficult situations a family can face at Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, they understand the personal side of the diagnosis, the resources needed, and the impact that funded research can have for better treatments and more cures.
You can get more information about them at alex's
We are asking you to join us. You can hit our website. There's a banner at the top and it says, Alex's lemonade stand there. You can click on that. And give money directly to the lemonade stand itself
now, back to the show. π
βNext, we have a digital health platform that can help clinicians perform at the top of their license. π π
ght, we're back here at hymns:Yeah. No. I'm Jennifer Smith and I'm head of brand Strategy here at Amal.
Awesome. So talk to me about the solution that you guys offer to the healthcare
system. Yeah, no, Amwell is a, it's been around for 16 years and it really started as a, a company focused on using digital technology to bring healthcare into people and where they needed it best.
And today, we're actually taking what used to be a telehealth solution and building into so much more, so we're this digital health platform. On. That's enabling healthcare providers, healthcare payers, all sorts of different areas of the world and what they're trying to do to bring healthcare to you into your home, into your hospital, into your
daily life.
I love that. So talk to me about who is it at the healthcare system that you want to chat with, and then what's the conversation that you want to have? Absolutely.
So again, we're an enabler of digital healthcare. So our whole premise is to help hospital systems, the CNOs, the CMOs, the CIOs, leverage what they do best in the.
World that help bring that digital footprint to them. So if we can be that platform that they can provide either care extensions, whether it's through virtual care, consults in their ed, whether it's helping them do remote patient monitoring or even, ed discharge from the patient's room.
know, That's something that we do for in person. We also go then, to the virtual side. So when, you know on demand or urgent care when they need that and having that, if the patient is, if their helmet wants to talk to their pc, They can use AML or they can even use the AM Animal Medical Group Services if they need to do at 3:00 AM and their physician saying, Hey, we really want you to be able to have that on demand solution when you need it.
But I think what the coolest thing about AML is honestly, is that there's this between visits opportunity through our automated care programs, but also through our comprehensive behavioral health. So if you're in that ED or if you're in that virtual visit we can actually help you have that care in between.
So whether it. It's a chronic condition that you want to manage, whether it's having some therapy and access. Cuz if you don't have that in your rural communities,
it's, it's really important for us. Mm-hmm. And that's what we're trying to do for any of those systems.
That's beautiful. All right. So, so brag on the company a little bit.
What's some, success stories or some case studies that's going on right now that you're proud of? Yeah,
no, absolutely. So I just kind of talked about the ED consult. There's one client who has done a phenomenal job of putting in for their rural hospital system a solution that when they need to have a consult, Say for neurology or also psychiatry, which I don't know if you realize, only six, like 60% of the counties in the US do not even have a psychiatrist.
Wow. Much less if you look at a health system, right. To have that psychiatrist. And so there's that need for those consults because it's a 24-hour wait sometimes when you're getting into the ED to get a consult. And that's a lot of times wait if you're having a mental health crisis. For sure. So one of our clients implemented our solution for that in the ed, and they were able to have virtual consults with a psychiatrist and get it down to 30 minutes.
Wow. So we've gone from 25. Hours to 30 minutes. And, and that's phenomenal. And, and we've seen that across the board in on demand and, and different opportunities where we'll be able to cut that time using enabling digital care for what the providers are trying to do to extend their staff.
Yeah, that's such a beautiful solution.
Thank you so much for all you do, and thanks for spending a little bit of time with us today.
Oh, thanks for having us. We really appreciate it. You got it. π π
Up last, we have a solution for legacy applications. π π
βAlright. Hello go ahead and let me know who you are and what is your role and who are you with?
My name is Max Swenson. I'm the Vice President of Strategy at Ola Healthcare Technology.
Awesome. And what solution do you provide for
healthcare? Ola helps organizations remove old legacy applications from their environment.
Those applications have important data in it but the application itself is providing no more value.
Awesome. So who at the health system do you wanna have a conversation with and what do you want to talk to them about?
We would love to talk with anybody in IT that is responsible for applications.
Those who are trying to focus on newer applications, but they have the old legacy applications that are draining the operating. Budget, , you know, putting risk in the environment. So vice president applications security chief Security officer, cio, and then we'd love talking with health Information management.
I feel like Im sometimes has forgotten, but they're the biggest users. Of legacy data because they have to provide that to people who need it for compliance reasons or Yeah, for patients to get access to their records. Yeah.
Wonderful. So are there any success stories you have, use cases you'd like to share with our audience?
Yeah. Ola has been very successful. We, we signed up with class for the first time this year and our results are staggering. You know, You find out whether your customers really love you. When you have class, go talk to them. And that's what I love about class. So we have a lot of success stories in regards to how our customers feel about us as a company and our solution.
, the one customer that I would reference is, The customer that I go, , back with a long time ago, before I was at ola, , they don't support salespeople or vendors to support vendors. They're trying to solve a problem. And,, , this woman who I know very well said that that should be dead by the time all the legacy applications were removed from her organization.
So she invested in two other archive solutions, one after the other. , after the running operational cost and , the expense to try to archive all these systems, , was failing. She ran into Ola and Ola finished the job of all the applications within a couple years, and, , is now in the process of archiving those archives.
, of which has a couple hundred other systems. So that's a wonderful story because it's people that, , had a problem, tried to fix a problem, and, , know, struggled, which is common in this industry, and then invested in us and, able to succeed.
Wonderful. Well, thank you so much. , we look forward to talking to you again.
Yeah, thanks.
What a great group of healthier partners. We want to thank them for spending time with us from the floor. And sharing their solutions and their aspirations for supporting healthcare it. I wanna thank them for talking with me, with Holly and our team from the floor. We also want to thank our sponsors who make this content possible and our investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health leaders.
They are Shore Test cdw, healthcare, Artis site, and rubric. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.