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No CIO Forum by CHIME at the HIMSS event this year. Three events from CHIME instead of two. Virtual / In Person / Live oh my. I have a few questions.

 What do you think this means for HIMSS or CHIME? 

More importantly, What does this mean for us, the members?

Are you going to HIMSS in person this year if they are able to have it?

These are interesting times for sure. I'm curious where you think this is going.


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 Today in Health it, this story is HIMSS Chime and the Future of Health IT Events. My name is Bill Russell. I'm a former CIO for a 16 hospital system and creator of this week in Health IT a channel dedicated to keeping health IT staff current and engaged. I wanna thank our sponsor for today's series Healthcare.

They reached out to me about a year ago and said, we love what you're doing and really appreciate your mission to develop the next generation of health IT leaders. And they partnered up with us, and the rest is history. If you also believe in our mission and wanna support the show, please shoot me a note at partner at this week in health

Today's story is really from a set of emails that I got because of my participation with Chime and hys and plus press releases and other things that I get on a daily basis. Uh, this the first . Part of this I'm gonna share is from John Kravis. John is the acting chair for the Chime Board of Trustees.

ams. Since chimes founding in:

Chime as an association must continue to evolve to best serve its customers. Just like the rest of healthcare this year and going forward, chime and HIMSS will no longer partner in a formal capacity. Chime will not host the CIO forum with himss. And we will not be hosting activities in Las Vegas this August.

Chime leadership is proud of the many achievements these two organizations accomplished. Together we look forward to future beneficial collaborations, but we are also invigorated to pave new roads for our membership with new, different relationships and innovative shared efforts Moving forward, chime and its membership will now benefit.

From the flexibility to collaborate in new and diverse ways with creative and rewarding partners and affiliates, all with a focus on you and what you want. John Kravitz. Alright, so what does that mean? So, um, I actually, I don't wanna go to the so what yet? Let me, uh, uh, Russ Brandel present of Chime. Our CEO of Chime, uh, followed that up with, uh, what they are going to be doing this year.

And actually there's some good stuff here, some exciting stuff. So chime Spring virtual forum. April 14th and 15th will be, uh, that forum. It will be virtual, but it'll be live. So there's gonna be live content as well. So April 14th and 15th, uh, they're gonna follow that up with a new thing. So we're excited to launch our new and innovative Chime 21 Summer Executive Forum out of respect for the state and travel restrictions.

All right, so this is gonna be . Uh, broadcast live from three headquarters DC Salt Lake and Atlanta. Headquarters. I'm not sure for what, but that'll be interesting. Facilitated a uniquely delivered virtual program June 16th and 17th. For that. I have a feeling that's only open to CIOs. We'll, we'll have to take a look at that a little closer.

And then Chime 21, fall Forum is scheduled for October 27th through 30th in sunny San Diego. Our current current plans are to host an in-person forum, uh, bursting with all chime people, as they say. Alright, so what. As you know, we like to ask that question at the end of each one of these stories. So what, try to figure out what this means.

Well, you know, I'm sure there's gonna be some TMZ type reporting on this. What does this mean? Is this a big breakup? Are they ever gonna get back together? And those kind of things. And from where I sit, I. This is business as usual. Uh, organizations come together. They break apart, they come back together.

There's partnerships that are formed based on mutual benefits to their memberships, mutual benefits to the organizations, uh, and that's gonna continue. I. I don't think this is the end. I don't think this is like the breakup. They're never coming back together. I think there will be instances where they partner and they do things together.

Uh, you know, you're talking about, uh, you know, two very strong organizations. I. And I think what you're gonna see is this means that HIMSS is going to have events and programs for their members, and Chime is going to have events and programs for their members. These organizations ebb and flow depending on the leadership and the focus and what's going on in the market.

This is just normal business. I, you know, one commentary I will say is the more focused they are on Money . The less they will serve their constituents and the more disenfranchised people become. There is a balancing act for sure. You have to serve the core while expanding your core and also funding that core in some way without it feeling like a NASCAR event.

You know what I'm talking about? This water fountain brought to you by. Fill in the blank. You know how Wolf and Russ Brandell have challenging jobs in a normal year, and this is no normal year. My hope is that whatever happens, this will continue to pull both of these organizations back to what made them strong, and that is a commitment to delivering value for their members.

That's all for today. If you know of someone that might benefit from our channel, please forward them a note. They can subscribe on our website this week,, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Apple, Google Overcast, Spotify, Stitcher, you get the picture. We're everywhere. We wanna thank our channel sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop the next generation of health IT leaders.

VMware Hillrom, Starburst Advisors, McAfee and Aruba Networks. Thanks for listening. That's all for now.

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