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The opening reception is in the books. Today I discuss what I've found to be top of mind issues for CIOs from across healthcare. Hope you enjoy.

Bill Russell:

Good morning.

Bill Russell:

It's day one at the chime conference, actually it's day one and a half,

Bill Russell:

I guess, because last night we got together at the reception, got to hang

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out with people for the first time in a long time and just get a pulse

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of what's going on in the industry.

Bill Russell:

And that's what I wanted to do today is just share what I am

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hearing from initial conversation.

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And set up what we're going to be doing over the next couple of days.

Bill Russell:

So today is Thursday and I'm going to be doing a bunch of interviews today.

Bill Russell:

There's five to 10 minute interviews that you've gotten used to, and

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I'm just going to grab people, probably just hit on one topic.

Bill Russell:

So these aren't going to be deep dives, but I'm going to take people

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that, you know, from the industry, ask them specific questions about

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the topics that are top of mind.

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And just get some sound bites for you to get a feel for what's going on in

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the conference and in the industry.

Bill Russell:

Let me give you, so my initial reactions I've talked to, I would

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say a good half dozen to two, maybe even two dozen CEOs at this time.

Bill Russell:

We did the news day recording yesterday afternoon and that

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will air on Monday and directs.

Bill Russell:

And I sat down and then a couple of CIO's dropped in on us.

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Erin, Mary Lee, Milligan William Waldo, stopped in Dr.

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Colin Banas from Dr.

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First stopped in as well.

Bill Russell:

That is, I think, going to be a must listen to it was, I loved it.

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And Aaron pushed back on me a little bit on some of the things I was saying, and

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that is always great for the industry.

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And you could hear some of that back and forth on.

Bill Russell:

I think the biggest issue going on, and this is kind of surprising to me,

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but as I thought about it is not as surprising as I might have thought

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if I had really spent some time thinking about it, cybersecurity,

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I think is taking the number two position in people's minds right now.

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And it's not because it's not important.

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It's because we've made a bunch of progress in this area.

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We've been thinking and doing things on it for the better part of.

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You know, nine months, maybe even a year, in some cases, maybe even a little

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longer for the forward-thinking health systems so that the plans are moving,

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the money has been freed up around cybersecurity boards are aware of it.

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And so that work is underway.

Bill Russell:

So not , as top of mind, as you would think it would be the, , issue, which

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is top of mind is labor and staffing.

Bill Russell:

And so we have a couple of things that are going on right now.

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One the vaccine mandates.

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And so they, those are slowly rolling out across health systems across the country.

Bill Russell:

Some health systems, United Methodist and others, uh, got well ahead of this

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and were some of the early organizations do this, and then others just waited

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for their states or for the federal mandate to kick in, to have backing,

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to do it in states that may not have been as open to the, uh, to having.

Bill Russell:

So regardless either way, cause we're not going to talk about vaccine mandates.

Bill Russell:

Do they make sense or not?

Bill Russell:

They are going in pretty much across the board in health systems.

Bill Russell:

And what we're seeing is that that's impacting health, it staff, right?

Bill Russell:

I talked to one CIO, they lost 19 people talk to another CIO there

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they're facing losing about 30 people.

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And it's not necessarily those numbers.

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Aren't staggering.

Bill Russell:

They're not huge numbers, but it was already a challenging

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market to find staff.

Bill Russell:

And now it's becoming even more challenging, especially when you, you

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know, it's not, Hey, I lost 19 people.

Bill Russell:

It's Hey.

Bill Russell:

Yeah, two or three very strategic people.

Bill Russell:

My head of network operations PR potentially could be somebody you

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might lose that you're sitting there going, this is the person

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who understood our routing tables.

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Bill Russell:

, how our network was set up, how our disaster recovery was set up.

Bill Russell:

That's a significant loss.

Bill Russell:

I'm not saying that, you know, I'm not valuing people, but in terms

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of the skills that are brought and the difficulty in replacing it,

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replacing some of these positions that we're losing is , very challenging.

Bill Russell:

And I think this is top of mind for almost.

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So the conversation about labor, what we're doing around it, how we

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are preparing to backfill some of those positions, how we are getting

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creative with where we're hiring people and how we're thinking about

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work environments, how we're managing people through the pandemic, how

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we're communicating with people.

Bill Russell:

These, these are the topics that are, interestingly, at least for the leaders

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of the organization, really top of.

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Kinds of, conversations.

Bill Russell:

And so those were, I guess again, I, if I really thought about it, that would make

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sense to me that that would be bubbling up because it's the, , the issue of the day.

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If you will, it's the issue.

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That's hitting them right now.

Bill Russell:

And that's the nature of being a CIO.

Bill Russell:

You're going along.

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You have a strategic plan, you're doing a lot of different things and you are

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moving all those, all those balls down the field to use a football analogy.

Bill Russell:

The, uh, the unexpected just continues to hit us, you know, it's the pandemic.

Bill Russell:

And then it's, , everybody worked from home then it's, , figure out

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how to do remote care, figuring out how to do telehealth overnight.

Bill Russell:

Uh, that's been the nature of the job for roughly the last two years.

Bill Russell:

And it doesn't look like that is going to change anytime soon.

Bill Russell:

I will say this digital.

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One of the, obviously the top five things going on.

Bill Russell:

And when I say digital, it's kind of pretty broad in terms of the definition,

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but it's applying technology to clinical workflows to administrative processes.

Bill Russell:

, and data obviously I think is in that top five as well, figuring

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out how to do things with the data.

Bill Russell:

We are collecting how to collect new types of data, how to, , visualize that.

Bill Russell:

, also seems to be top of mine.

Bill Russell:

So that'll give you some idea of where the interviews are going to

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be going over the next week and just give you another little heads up.

Bill Russell:

So I go from this conference to another conference, I'm going to

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have interviews on this channel probably for the next two weeks.

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, the five to 10 minute interviews with people who are in positions of

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influence within their health systems.

Bill Russell:

So hopefully you're enjoying.

Bill Russell:

These short snippets, we will get back to my commentary on the news,

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probably in about two week timeframe.

Bill Russell:

After I get back from traveling, get back in my studio where I can actually sit

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down and breathe a little bit and read some articles and catch up on things.

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We are back to traveling and getting used to that and all the things

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that it entails is kind of fun.

Bill Russell:

So, , if you have anything or anyone that you would like for me to interview, shoot

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me a note

Bill Russell:

I'm going to interview as many people here at chime, as I possibly can.

Bill Russell:

Five to 10 minutes, try to get you a flavor for what's going on.

Bill Russell:

That's all for today.

Bill Russell:

If you know someone that might benefit from our channel,

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please forward them a note.

Bill Russell:

They can subscribe on our website this week or wherever you listen

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to podcasts, apple, Google, overcast, Spotify, Stitcher, you get the picture.

Bill Russell:

We are everywhere.

Bill Russell:

We want to thank our sponsors who are investing in our mission to develop

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the next generation of health leaders.

Bill Russell:

VMware Hill-Rom Starbridge advisors, McAfee and Aruba networks.

Bill Russell:

Thanks for listening.

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