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Drex covers three critical cybersecurity stories. First, a hacking campaign called Salt Typhoon, linked to the Chinese government, has compromised several internet service providers, with concerns about potential router vulnerabilities. Second, a nationwide Verizon outage raises questions about a possible electrical grid shutdown targeting cell towers. Finally, Drex dives into the growing need for robust AI security frameworks, with organizations like NIST and ISO leading the charge.

Remember, Stay a Little Paranoid 

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  Hey everyone, I'm Drex, and this is the Two Minute Drill, where I do three quick stories twice a week, all part of one great community, the 229 Cyber and Risk Community here at This Week Health. Today's drill is brought to you by ORDR, the asset intelligence company trusted by leading healthcare organizations to reduce their attack surface.

ORDR shows you everything on your network, from medical devices to HVAC systems to smart TVs. For more information, With this kind of intel, you can prioritize what matters most, like fixing vulnerabilities or segmenting critical assets. ORDER allows you to focus on what really matters, your patients and their families.

Find out more at order. net slash healthcare. Thanks for joining me today. Here's some stuff you might want to know about. Cyber adversaries linked to the Chinese government have broken into several internet service providers over the past months as part of a hacking campaign called Salt Typhoon. It appears the goal of the attack is to create a foothold in broadband networks that would let the Chinese launch future attacks or steal valuable data that crosses those networks.

Investigators are concerned that Core network routers from Cisco may have been compromised, but Cisco says, quote, at this time, there's no indication that Cisco routers are involved. You can read more about Salt Typhoon and the hack at thisweekhealth. com slash news. Yesterday, Verizon had a major outage that brought mobile services down across the country with several major cities and hundreds of thousands of customers affected.

For the most part, Verizon seems to be back up and running normally today. And I'm not one to rumor monger here, but I have received some messages telling me that the outage may have been part of a systematic unauthorized shutdown of the electrical grid specifically targeting Verizon cell phone towers across the country.

And at first I didn't think much of it, but now I'm seeing reports that the company has deployed more than 20 mobile satellite assets to provide temporary connections to cell towers while techs work to get them back online. Ultimately, I hope this is just a rumor, but we'll need transparency from Verizon to give us the rest of the story once their recovery process is complete.

I'll let you know if I hear other updates. And every event that I've been to over the past six months has included a discussion about AI and security. There's the question about how to secure your own AI projects. And then there's usually another lane of discussion about how to find and secure AI projects that are coming into the organization, sometimes without.

leadership's knowledge or approval. So clearly we still have a lot of work to do. One of the articles I posted on the new site is called AI security frameworks, securing the future of AI. And it talks about the AI security frameworks from NIST and ISO and other organizations, all of them attempting to create some guidelines for managing AI security in your health system.

So take it as some homework. Like I said, there's no easy answers. There's lots of folks doing a lot of work right now on AI security. Thanks again to our two minute drill sponsor, ORDR. As a healthcare organization, tracking every asset on your network is crucial to minimizing risk. ORDR has analyzed over a hundred million asset types, so they've seen it all.

ORDR automatically identifies and assesses everything on your network, providing you with the intelligence to prioritize What matters most and to take decisive action. Learn how order can help minimize your asset exposure today by visiting order. net slash healthcare. That's it for today's two minute drill.

Thanks for being here. Stay a little paranoid. I'll see you around campus.

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