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Drex dives into three critical cybersecurity topics: record-breaking cyberattacks in 2024 that impacted over 182 million individuals, the heightened risks during holiday weekends, and the newly proposed changes to the HIPAA Security Rule.

Remember, Stay a Little Paranoid 

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Hey everyone, I'm Drex and . This is the Two Minute Drill, where I cover three hot security stories twice a week, all part of the 229 Cyber and Risk Community here at This Week Health. The Two Minute Drill is brought to you by ORDR. You want to know everything about everything connected to your network, but you don't have the resources to manage what you're seeing?

yber attacks broke records in:And I say so far because:

So keep an eye out for it on LinkedIn. Or message me if you miss it. I'll send it to you directly. I'm Drex at ThisWeekHealth. com. And I heard from some of you over the past few days, Cyberthugs love the long weekend and the holidays, and I hate that at least some of you were on site fighting the good fight.

Thank you for reaching out. Thank you for keeping us safe. I've posted another good story on thisweekhealth. com slash news about managing security threats when most of the team is out of the office. And the final story today, the HIPAA Security Rules Notice of Proposed Rule Making, the NPRM, has been released by HHS.

There's a lot of changes. Just one example, a requirement for greater specificity in conducting a risk analysis, including a written assessment that includes. a review of your full asset inventory and a network map. And seriously, that's just the tip of the iceberg. You can and should review the NPRM and make comments.

You have less than 60 days to do that now. So one more thing for your new year's resolution list, the two minute drills brought to you by ORDR. You know you can depend on ORDR to give you visibility into everything on your network, but now you can also depend on ORDR managed services to help you stay on top of all those things in real time, all the time.

Check out ORDR. net slash healthcare for details. That's it for today's two minute drill. Thanks for being here. Stay a little paranoid. I'll see you around campus.

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