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First, a behind-the-scenes look at how AI security testing is pushing boundaries in Silicon Valley. Next, an Atlanta-based medical device company faces operational disruption from a cyberattack. Finally, Krispy Kreme battles an unexpected cybersecurity incident, reminding us that no industry is immune.

Remember, Stay a Little Paranoid

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Hey everyone, I'm Drexen. This is the Two Minute Drill, where I cover three hot security stories twice a week, all part of the RISC community here at This Week Health. I try to make this mostly plain English and mostly non technical, a look at security and risk. It's good for the whole team, so share it as you see fit.

Today's Two Minute Drill is brought to you by ORDR, ORR. Want to know everything about everything connected to your network, but don't have the resources to manage what you're seeing? Bring Order to the Chaos with Order Managed Services. Find out more at order. net slash healthcare. Thanks for joining me today.

Here's some stuff you might want to know about. In a glass walled conference room in Silicon Valley, a guy named Newton Chang launched a thousand copies of an AI intelligence program with a bunch of specific set of instructions. Go hack into these specific websites and servers and try to steal data.

Cheng is one of the guys who works in security at AI startup Anthropic, one of the most well known AI companies in the industry. His job is to test Anthropic's creations and see how dangerous they really are. Today's attack is on a simulated target. So far, these kinds of tests on AI systems are voluntary.

The U. S. has mostly been hands off, as AI has raced ahead over the last couple of years. But safety concerns are absolutely real. Chinks says two years ago, AIs were like friendly, weird high schoolers, and today, they're more like grad students. If you want to read more about the kinds of testing that is happening or not on AI capabilities, make sure you read the story.

At this week, Health. com slash news. Atlanta based medical device company Ardivon, they make products used in heart surgeries, have announced that their delivery systems have been disrupted in a cyber attack. In an eight case SEC filing, the company says they've brought in outside help to restore systems.

No ransomware gang has so far taken credit for the attack. And if you've had problems getting your Krispy Kreme doughnuts this week, it might be because of a cyber incident. The company says it's taken steps to investigate, contain, and remediate the problem. And there's been no comment about the type of incident or if any data was stolen.

So listen, you punks. skanks, layoff at donut shops. Today's 2 Minute Drill is brought to you by ORDER. You know you can depend on ORDER to give you visibility into everything on your network, but now you can also depend on ORDER Managed Services to help you stay on top of all those things, in real time, all the time.

Check out order. net slash healthcare for details. That's 2 Minute Drill. Thanks for being here. Stay a little paranoid. I'll see you around campus.

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