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Drex highlights three critical updates for the healthcare and security community: the FBI's alert on holiday-season email scams, the NIH's new AI tool for clinical trial matching, and a data breach affecting over 2,000 veterans at the VHA. Learn actionable tips to safeguard your organization during this season and stay informed on emerging AI healthcare innovations.

Remember, Stay a Little Paranoid 

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  Hey everyone, I'm Drex and this is the Two Minute Drill, where I talk about three hot stories twice a week, all part of the 229 Cyber and Risk Community here at This Week Health. The Two Minute Drill is a mostly plain English, mostly non technical look at security and risk, so it's good for the whole team.

Make sure to share and tag the folks you think might need to see it. Today's Two Minute Drill is brought to you by ORDR, the Asset Inventory and Intelligence Platform. Did you know that you can know everything about everything on your network? Every vulnerability, every risk, every user, everything in real time?

You can. Find out more at ORDR. net slash healthcare. Thanks for joining me today. Here's some stuff you might want to know about. Since then, the FBI are warning all businesses, including health care organizations, to pay special attention to possible business email compromise during the next few weeks of the holiday season.

In particular, it's a good time to remind folks to double check any requests they get from vendors asking to change bank account numbers or routing IDs. While this is the time of the year that a lot of vendors and other partners reconcile their books and they may legitimately be trying to reconcile outstanding payments, just be very leery of account change requests and make sure that you've built in the extra steps needed to feel certain you're not being taken to the cleaners.

This isn't specifically a cybersecurity story, at least not yet, but the National Institutes of Health have created an AI tool designed to streamline the clinical trial matching process, more quickly linking potential volunteers to clinical trials listed on clinicaltrials. gov. Finding the right trial for the right patient has always been resource and time consuming, and the new AI called TrialGPT.

It creates a list of eligible trials using information from the patient. In early stages, pilot clinician users spent about 40 percent less time screening patients with the same level of accuracy using trial GPT. EHR company Epic has a similar capability built into their platform and Microsoft is testing new AI tools that can help healthcare organizations with clinical trial matching too.

And finally today, the Veterans Health Administration announced that more than 2, 000 veterans are being notified that they may have had protected health information stolen by cyber thugs via a contracted medical transcription vendor called DBP Incorporated. If you're a vet and you were caught up in all this, you'll be notified by the VA over the next several days.

By the way, You can read all these stories and a bunch of others at thisweekhealth. com slash news. And if you want to see all the previous Two Minute Drill episodes, those are all available at thisweekhealth. com. slash unhack. Today's two minute drill was brought to you by ORDR. Do you really know who all your devices are talking to?

You can bring some ORDR to your enterprise. Find out more at ORDR. net slash healthcare. That's O R D R dot net slash healthcare. That's today's two minute drill. Thanks for being here. Stay a little paranoid and I'll see you around campus.

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