This Week Health

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Drex dives into the latest cybersecurity acquisitions as CrowdStrike expands its SaaS security capabilities by acquiring Adaptive Shield and Health Catalyst gains new strength through the acquisition of Enterprise Health. We also explore an unexpected story about Brazil’s newly launched digital currency, "DREX," and the potential cybersecurity concerns it brings.

Remember, Stay a Little Paranoid 

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Hey everyone, I'm Drex and this is the Two Minute Drill, where I do three quick stories twice a week, all part of one great community, the 229 Cyber and Risk community here at This Week Health. Today's Two Minute Drill is brought to you by ORDR, the Asset Inventory and Intelligence Company. Did you know that you can know everything about everything on your network?

Every vulnerability, every risk, every user, everything in real time? You can. Find out more at order. net slash healthcare. Thanks for joining me today. Here's some stuff you might want to know about. There's a lot of acquiring going on this week, so let's talk about a couple of this week health partners involved in that buying and selling activity.

First, CrowdStrike has acquired a company called Adaptive Shield. The software as a service company focuses on security posture management for SaaS apps. Giving customers visibility into misconfigurations and human and non human identities and data exposure. They currently have about 150 SaaS apps covered, but I can only imagine how quickly that will grow with CrowdStrike as the new boss.

This acquisition fits great with the current CrowdStrike identity protection capability and gives them coverage for both Active Directory identities and now SaaS apps too. Another This Week Health Partner, Enterprise Health, has just been acquired by Health Catalyst. We did a webinar just a month ago talking about Enterprise's risk management and services platform, and you'll often hear George Pappas and I talking about security on one of my other podcasts on Hack the News.

Early indications are that from the customer side, not much will change. You'll continue to see them operate as Enterprise, and I will keep you updated if I hear And in an odd personal twist, I got into an Uber yesterday with a Brazilian American named Rodrigo, and early in the ride he kept asking me whether my real name was actually Drex.

It turns out his home country of Brazil has created a new national digital currency using distributed ledger technology, and the rest of the ride was him talking about how he thinks it's going to be a big security problem because of all the hackers in Brazil. Oh, the name of the new Brazilian digital currency, DREX, all capital letters.

And if at some point you're in Brazil and you want to send me a couple of Drexys, I won't stop you. There's more on all these stories and a bunch of others at thisweekhealth. com slash news. Today's Two Minute Drill was brought to you by ORDR. Do you really know who all your devices are talking to? You can.

Bring some ORDR to your enterprise. Find out more at ORDR. net, O R D R dot net slash healthcare. That's it for today's Two Minute Drill. Thanks for being here. Stay a little paranoid. I'll see you around campus.

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