Drex continues his coverage on the risks of genetic data at 23andMe and how to delete your data, insights from Amazon's Security Chief on combating cyberattacks, and how CISA’s Pre-Ransomware Notification Initiative is protecting organizations from potential breaches.
Remember, Stay a Little Paranoid
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Hey everyone, I'm Drex, and this is The Two Minute Drill, where I cover three hot security stories twice a week, all part of the 229 Cyber and Risk community here at This Week Health. I try to make this mostly plain English, mostly non technical, a look at security and risk, so it's great to share with your entire team.
The Two Minute Drill is brought to you by ORDR. You want to know everything about everything connected to your network, but you don't have the resources to manage what you're seeing? It's okay. Bring ORDR to the Chaos with ORDR Managed Services. Find out more at ORDR. net slash healthcare. Thanks for joining me today.
Here's some stuff you might want to know about. A couple of weeks ago on the Two Minute Drill, I talked about some of the financial struggles with a company called 23andMe, and some of the worries I had personally about my private data that's stored with the company. That generated some questions from others who also participated in 23andMe, and those questions were mostly about how to delete their data.
So if you decide to delete, I've posted an article on how to do that with all the gritty details about what is and what isn't completely deleted, along with advice about downloading your data before you delete it. That story is at ThisWeekHealth. com slash news. There's also a really cool story on the new site that includes an interview with Amazon Security Chief C.
J. Moses and the work his team's done to beat back nearly 3 trillion cyber attacks over the past year. He talks about the importance of cybersecurity culture at Amazon, the innovative use of honeypots, where they intentionally place vulnerable systems online to learn how cyber thugs attack those systems, and there's a whole lot more.
Pick up that article on the news site. In today's last story, CISA says they've sent over 2, 000 pre ransomware notifications this year. The program The Pre Ransomware Notification Initiative, or PRNI for short, uses tips and reports from the private sector to detect early ransomware activity that they see on the internet, and then CISA notifies potential victims before their data is stolen or encrypted.
If you've not reached out to CISA for cybersecurity help, you should. It's always best to make connections before you need them, and you can just visit cisa. gov. You'll see how to connect with your regional CISA representative. and they can tell you all about all the programs that they offer health care organizations.
The 2 Minute Drill is brought to you by ORDR. You know you can depend on ORDR to give you visibility into everything on your network, but now you can also depend on ORDR managed services to help you stay on top of all those things in real time, all the time. Check out ORDR. net slash healthcare for details.
That's it for today's 2 Minute Drill. Thanks for being here. Take care. Stay a little paranoid. I'll see you around campus.