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Drex covers the latest ransomware attack on Planned Parenthood Montana, the growing threat from Russian state actors targeting healthcare infrastructure, and why rural hospitals are struggling to adopt free cybersecurity solutions from major tech companies. He also dives into a new twist on sextortion scams and the importance of staying vigilant.

Remember, Stay a little paranoid.




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  Hey everyone, I'm Drex, and this is the 2 Minute Drill where I do three quick stories twice a week, all part of one great community, the 229 Cyber and Risk Community here at This Week Health. Today's drill is brought to you by Fortified Health Security. No matter where you're at in your security journey, Fortified can help you improve your security posture through their 24 7 threat defense services or advisory solutions.

Delivered through Central Command, the first of its kind platform that simplifies cybersecurity management and provides the visibility you need to mature your program. Learn more at FortifiedHealthSecurity. com. Thanks for joining me today. Here's some stuff you might want to know about. Planned Parenthood of Montana has reported a cyber incident with 93 gigabytes of data stolen and credit for the hack has been claimed by the ransomware gang Ransomhub.

Ransomhub thugs have been scooping up members of organizations like LockBit and Alpha V as law enforcement has disrupted some of those operations and Ransomhub has hit 200 plus victims since February, many of those being healthcare organizations. When Microsoft and Google announced they were giving away free stuff back in June as part of a cyber assistance program they'd been working on with the government, I know a lot of us were skeptical.

Turns out, as of today, less than a quarter of all rural hospitals have taken advantage of the program. Those programs continue to be open. I've not heard of an end date. This kind of stuff is always worth exploring, but I think at least part of the challenge is that those small hospitals don't have the staff with enough hours in the day to evaluate those free programs, let alone implement and run the products that are being offered.

It's not a stuff problem I think we need to solve for. It's a human resource shortage problem that's actually holding up the show for many of these small hospitals. So, My advice to the partners involved, offer a bunch of free services permanently, and I think you'll get some very thankful takers. On Wednesday's Two Minute Drill, I talked about the multi agency cyber advisory focused on Iranian state sponsored adversaries working with ransomware gangs to attack health care organizations.

Well, yesterday, A giant list of U. S. and other international agencies came together to issue another cyber advisory. This one warns about Russian military actors attacking U. S. and global critical infrastructure, and that includes hospitals and healthcare organizations. You're probably already signed up for these CISA notifications.

They're loaded with technical details. Your teams can stay on top of those notifications. by signing up for the alerts at sysa. gov. And one more story before I wrap up for the week. There's a scam that's been going on for a long time now called sextortion, where the bad guys send you an email or a message saying that they've captured pictures of you on your webcam.

While you were looking at, you know, porn sites and asking you for some Bitcoin in exchange for not releasing the pictures they actually don't have of you. Well, the scammers have now turned it up a notch. By also including a picture of your home as part of the thread. I'm not going to give you a lot of advice on this one, except to cover your webcam when it's not in use, and to talk to others about this scam.

It's pretty common that scammers are likely using stolen data with some automation to pull an image of your home from Google and integrate it into the message, and then they're spamming it to hundreds of thousands of email addresses that have also been stolen. So even if they get just a few people who decide to pay up, it adds up to a lot of money.

All the details on that story, and all the other stories, are are at thisweekhealth. com slash news. Thanks again to our Two Minute Drill sponsor, healthcare's cyber partner, Fortified Health Security. With a 98 percent retention rate and three consecutive best in class awards, Fortified's exclusive focus on healthcare cybersecurity makes them the go to partner for healthcare organizations wanting to strengthen their cybersecurity posture.

Find out more at fortifiedhealthsecurity. com. That's it for today's Two Minute Drill. Have a good weekend. Thanks for being here. Stay a little paranoid. I'll see you around campus.

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