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Drex DeFord dives into the top cybersecurity reports for 2024. From CrowdStrike’s threat reports to IBM’s classic cost of a data breach analysis, Drex highlights essential insights and trends shaping the healthcare security landscape. Plus, discover the latest healthcare-specific insights from Fortified Health Security’s Mid-Year Horizon Report.


Remember, Stay a little paranoid.




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  Hey everyone, I'm Drex, and this is the Two Minute Drill, where we do three quick stories twice a week, all part of one great community, the 229 Cyber and Risk Community here at This Week Health. Today's drill is brought to you by Fortified Health Security. No matter where you're at in your cybersecurity journey, Fortified can help you improve your security posture through their 24 7 threat defense services, or advisory solutions delivered through Central Command, a first of its kind platform that simplifies cybersecurity management and provides the visibility you need to mature your program.

Learn more at FortifiedHealthSecurity. com. Thanks for joining me today. Here's some reports you might want to know about. I spend a lot of time reading blogs and news sites and other open source material to get a better sense of what's happening in our security and risk world, especially when it comes to the healthcare space.

All the best stories I push to ThisWeekHealth. com slash news. And by the way, I appreciate it when you send links to stories or other intel my way, because by doing so, You're actually doing the job. And when you give me a heads up on breaking stories that turn into big issues later, everyone benefits.

The more info we can share, the better off we all are. And I'm happy to be the router in that kind of a situation. One of the things I've built up over time is an ongoing set of reminders to download some reports from vendors and partners who have access to resources that most of us don't. All of those reports are pretty great.

Some really good analysis, interesting insights, some graphics and nuggets of info that's definitely worth knowing. It's the kind of stuff that can help you think about how you should maybe build a better security program, educate your team, and sometimes it's great material for discussion with your team.

execs, and even your board. So today I'm going to tell you about some of my favorites from the past few months. I'll put the download links in the comment section in the LinkedIn post. And by the way, these are in no particular order. Most of you know I have a history with CrowdStrike as their former healthcare executive strategist.

your time. One of them is the:

There's been a 75 percent increase in adversary cloud intrusions. over a year ago. IBM's cost of a data breach report is one of the OG classic reports. It's filled with cost numbers and they break out specific numbers for healthcare. And by the way, we lead the pack with the costliest data breaches at 10 million per episode.

And honestly, I think that's probably a way low number for many hospitals and most health systems, but it's an average. This is one of my favorite data dense reports and it's a must read for security leaders. Just a couple of more real quickly. Cscaler has the Threat Lab's ransomware report. Ransomware attacks broken out by region, by industry, by threat actor.

rly. The latest is called the:

The Fortified crew analyze breach trends based on data reported to the Office of Civil Rights. They dig into government policy, ending legislation, Cyber performance goals and proposed federal government budgets and their likely impact on healthcare cyber. And there's a whole lot more in there. Check it out at fortifiedhealthsecurity.

com. Again, I'll post the direct links to download all these reports in the comment section below. Enjoy the reading and tell me if you have a favorite report that I didn't talk about that everyone should know about. And that's it for the two minute drill. Thanks for being here. Stay a little paranoid.

I'll see you around campus.

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